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-Skin is only about as thick as a paper towel
-When damaged, nearly every body system reacts, though
BURN: Tissue damage and cell death caused by intense heat, electricity, UV radiation
(sunburn), or certain chemicals (acids)
-When skin is burned and cells are destroyed, two life threatening problems results
1. Body loses its precious supply of fluids containing proteins and electrolytes as these
seep from burned surfaces
-This can lead down to shutdown of kidneys and circulatory shock – inadequate
circulation of blood caused by low blood volume (Fluids must be replaced immediately)
To determine how much body surface is burned, use RULE OF NINES
RULE OF NINES: Divides body into 11 areas, each accounting for 9% of total body
surface area, plus an additional area surrounding genitals representing 1%.
2. Infections becomes most important threat and is leading cause of death in burn victims
(Burned skin is sterile for about 24 hours so this time frame is important)
PARTIAL-THICKNESS BURNS – Regeneration possible
1ST DEGREE: Only the epidermis is damaged; area becomes red and swollen; normally
heal in 2-3 days
2nd DEGREE: Involve injury to epidermis and upper region of dermis; skin is red &
painful and blisters appear
FULL-THICKNESS BURNS – Regeneration not possible
3RD DEGREE BURNS: Destroy entire thickness of skin; burned area is red and
blanched; not painful (WHY?)
1. Over 25% of body has 2nd degree burns
2. Over 10% has 3rd degree burns
3. Third degree burns of face, hands, and feet (WHY?)
-Most common type of cancer in humans
-Most are benign and do not metastasize but overexposure to UV light could cause
cancerous tumors
BASAL CELL CARCINOMA: Least malignant and most common skin
cancer (Face)
-Appear as shiny, dome-shaped nodules that later develop a central ulcer
-Cells of stratum germanitivum are altered so can no longer produce keratin – this
affects dermis and subcutaneous layer
SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA: Arise from Strat. Germ. but not those
cells in contact with basement membrane
-Lesion appears as scaly reddened papule (small, rounded elevation)
-Scalp, ears, lower lip
MALIGNANT MELANOMA: Cancer of melanocytes
-Appears as spreading brown or black patch
-American Cancer Society suggests examining skin often and use ABCD RULE
Assymetry: Two sides of pigmented mole don’t match
Border Irregularity: Borders of lesion aren’t smooth; have indentations
Color: Spot has diff. colors
Diameter: Spot larger than 6mm in diameter