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E – Charakteristika studijního předmětu
Název studijního předmětu
Typ předmětu
Rozsah studijního předmětu
Sensors, actuators and electric energy conversion (CEE)
dopor. ročník / semestr I.
Jiný způsob vyjádření rozsahu
Způsob zakončení
assessment, examination
Další požadavky na studenta
Fundamental knowledge of physics and mathematics. Basic electric and magnetic quantities (electric
charge and electric current, vectors of electromagnetic field, integral quantities - electric voltage,
magnetic voltage, electric induction flux, magnetic induction flux). Fundamentals of
electromegnetics (Coulomb’s law, Biot-Savart’s law, Faraday’s law, Amper’s law). Electric and
magnetic properties of matters.
Ing. Pierre-Alain GILLES, PhD.
Stručná anotace předmětu
The subject consists from three fundamental parts - sensors and electric instrumentation, electric
energy networks and electric energy conversion. Student is trained to principles of correct
measurement and data assessment. The learning makes students familiar with the problems of the
conversion of different forms of energy from natural sources and the technological processes of the
conversion in thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants.
Osnova předmětu
Sensors and electric instrumentation:
Classification measurement instruments for electrical quantities. Analogue measurement devices.
Voltage, current, frequency, phase, power, modulation, resistance, capacitance and resonant
frequency measurement. Testers. Generators. Measurement and data processing. Magnetic and nonelectrical measurements. Introduction, motivation, continues time signals. Fourier transform,
frequency spectrum. Linear, time continuous systems, differential equation, Laplace transform.
Transfer function, zeros and poles, frequency response.
Frequency characteristics of the linear system.
Electric energy networks:
Essential problems of power distribution. Methods of solution of the stable states of distribution
networks. Identification of characteristic values of short circuits for both symmetrical failure.
Electric energy conversion:
The basic laws of electromagnetism applied in the theory of electrical machines. Magnetic circuits of
electrical machines. The basic voltage equations, equivalent circuit diagrams, phase diagrams, the
basic electrical connections of electrical machines. Energy and power flow diagrams, losses and
efficiency. Torque equation. Electrical machines' performance. Nonsymmetrical loading. Influence
of higher harmonics. Basic characteristics of electrical machines. Basic technical application
electrical heating principles in industrial area. It's resistant heating, electric arc application, inductive
and microwave heating, electron heating.
Studijní literatura a studijní pomůcky
Literatura - základní:
1. Fitzgerald,Kingsley,Kusko: Electric Machinery,McGraw-Hill
2. O'Kelly: Performance and Control of Electrical Machines,McGraw-Hill
Literatura - doporučená:
1. ALONSO, M., FINN, E. J.: Fundamental University Physics, Vol. II. Addison-Wesley, Reading 1967
2. SLATER, J. C., FRANK, N. H.: Electromagnetism. Dover, New York 1969.
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