Download Formulate the construction and working principle of Acoustical strain

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1) Formulate the construction and working principle of Acoustical strain gauge and
identify its magnification factor.
2) Describe in detail the principle of working, uses and limitations of a linear variable
differential transformer.
3) Explain the different types of Electrical resistance strain gauge and discuss its
advantages and disadvantages
4) Outline the potentiometer circuit with neat sketches.
5) What is the necessity of temperature compensation and how this can be achieved?
6) What are the various types of Mechanical Strain gauges? Explain the Huggenberger
extensometer in detail.
7) Assemble the advantages and disadvantages of an optical strain gauge? How do
you define the magnification of an optical gauge?
8) Derive an expression for the output voltage of an unbalanced Wheatstone bridge.
Show how this expression can be used for measuring strain?
9) A delta rosette yields the following strain indications εa=-550µm/m; εb=840µm/m;
εc=650 µm/m; Calculate the maximum principle stress direction, the principle strain
direction and the maximum shear stress. E=200GPa,ᵞ = 0.285
The strain readings are measured by a T delta rosette at a point in a stressed
body are given by εa=350µm/m; εb=445µm/m; εc=-920 µm/m; εd=-65 µm/m;
Determine the principle stresses, maximum principle stress direction and maximum
shear stress. E=200GPa,ᵞ = 0.30
Brief the applications of Weldable strain gauge with neat diagram.
Summarize the basic characteristics of a strain gauge. Which are the factors to
be considered before selecting a strain gauge?
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