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1. Saba, W. S. (in preparation), Foundations of Computing Science and Software
Engineering, An introductory text book to computer science covering: I
Theory/Foundations; II Programming Fundamentals; and III Applications (200 out of
approx. 400 pages written).
1. Saba, W. S. (in preparation), A Fuzzy Concept Algebra for Intelligent Information
Retrieval, To be submitted to Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Kluwer.
2. Saba, W. S. (submitted), Linguistic Analysis in Ontological Design, Submitted to
Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier (under review since June 2001).
3. Saba, W. S. (submitted), Prospects of a Digital Agora: a Linguistic and Knowledge
Engineering Perspective, Submitted to JECR – Journal of Electronic Commerce
Research (under review).
4. Saba, W. S. (2002), Agents with an Attitude in a Virtual Marketplace, Computational
Intelligence, Blackwell, (under revision for a re-submission as per the request of the
5. Saba, W. S. and Corriveau, J.-P. (2001), Plausible Reasoning and the Resolution of
Quantifier Scope Ambiguities, Studia Logica - International Journal of Symbolic
Logic (Special Issue on Commonsense Reasoning), 67:271-289, Kluwer.
6. Frost, R. A. and Saba, W. S. (1990), A Database Interface Based on Montague's
Approach to the Interpretation of Natural Language, IJMMS: Int. Journal of ManMachine Studies, 33: 149-176.
1. Saba, W. S., Poulis, D. and Morrisey, J. (2002), An Experiment in Word Sense
Disambiguation, Submitted to IASTED International Conference on Artificial and
Computational Intelligence (ACI-2002). Under Review.
2. Saba, W. S. (2002), Ontological Categories and the Semantics of Compound
Nominals, Submitted to IASTED International Conference on Information and
Knowledge Management (IKM-2002). Under Review.
3. Saba, W. S. (2002), On the Relationship Between Word Meaning and World
Knowledge, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Mental
Lexicon, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
4. Saba, W. S. (2002), Mental States of Autonomous Agents in Cooperative and
Competitive Environments, In Hendtlass, T. and Ali, M. (Eds.), Developments in
Applied Artificial Intelligence (Proc. of the 15th Int. Conference on Industrial &
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems - IEA/AIE2002), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2358, pp. 373-382, Springer.
5. Saba, W. S. (2001), Language and Commonsense Knowledge, In Brooks, M.,
Corbett, D., Stumptner, M., (Eds.), AI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence
(Proceedings of the 14th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence),
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2256, pp. 426-437, Springer.
6. Saba, W. S. (2001), Towards Linguistically-Competent Intelligent Information
Agents, In 2nd International Conference on Advances for Infrastructure for
Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet, (SSGRR-2001),
L'Aquila/Rome, Italy, August, 2001. pp. 138-147, ISBN 88-85280-61-7 (also online
7. Saba, W. S. and Sathi, P. (2001), Agent Negotiation in a Virtual Marketplace, In N.
Zhong, J. Liu, S. Ohsuga and J. Bradshaw (Eds.), Intelligent Agent Technology Research and Development, pp. 444-453, World Scientific Publishers.
8. Saba, W. S. (2001), Ontology of Commonsense Knowledge, In G. Stumme, A.
Maedche, S. Staab (Eds.), ONTO-2001: Proceedings of Workshop on Ontologies held
at the Joint German/Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2001), pp. 6680, Published as a CEUR Workshop Proceeding, Vol. 48. (
9. Saba, W. S. (2001), Modeling Mental States in Agent Negotiation, In Working Notes
of the 2001 AAAI Fall Symposium on Negotiation Methods for Autonomous
Cooperative Systems, November 2001, Falmouth, MA, pp. 142-148, AAAI Press.
10. Saba, W. S. (2000), Resolution of Quantifier Scope Ambiguities, In J. Griffith & C.
O’Riordan (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence
& Cognitive Science (AICS-2000), Galway, Ireland. pp. ???-???, World Scientific.
11. Saba, W. S. and Corriveau, J.-P. (1999), Plausible Reasoning in NLP without
Massive Amount of Background Knowledge, In Mary-Anne Williams (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Workshop on Commonsense Reasoning,
University of Newcastle, Australia, pp. 144-159.
12. Saba, W. S. and Corriveau, J.-P. (1997), A Pragmatic Treatment of Quantification in
Natural Language, In Proceedings of the 14th National Conference of the American
Assoc. for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97), RI, USA. pp. 610-615. AAAI Press.
13. Saba, W. S. (1995), Towards a Cognitively Plausible Model for Quantification, In
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (ACL-95), Cambridge: MA. pp. 223-225.
14. Saba, W. S. and Corriveau, J.-P. (1995), Quantification and Cognitive Constraints in
Natural Language Understanding, In J. Wainer and A. Carvalho (eds.), Advances in
Artificial Intelligence (XII Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence: SBIA'95),
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 991, pp. 331-342, Springer.
15. Saba, W. S. (1995), An Extensible Class Library for an Object-Oriented Lexicon, In
Workshop on Linguistic Databases (Extended Abstract), Groningen, Netherlands.
16. Saba, W. S. and Corriveau, J.-P. (1995), Context, Quantification, and Cognitive
Plausibility, In Proc. of IJCAI-95 Workshop on Context in Natural Language,
Montreal, pp. 121-128.
17. Mishra, A., Saba, W. S., Singhal, A., Crawford, J., Dvorak, D., Litman, D., and PatelSchnieder, P. (1995), A Model-Based Approach to Network Monitoring, In
Proceedings of the 1995 AT&T Workshop on Network Management, Homedel, NJ.
USA. (Poster and Talk)
18. Saba, W. S. and Corriveau, J.-P. (1995), Commonsense Reasoning and
Quantification in Natural Language, In Proc. of the VIII National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (CNIASE’95), Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela.
19. Frost, R. A. and Saba, W. S. (1991), Executable Attribute Grammars and Knowledge
Base Systems, In Proceedings of the 4th UNB Artificial Intelligence Symposium,
New Brunswick, Canada, pp. 471-482.
20. Frost, R. A. and Saba, W. S. (1990), Towards a Calculus of Lazy Interpreters, In
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Lucid and Intensional
Programming (ISLIP-90), Kingston, Canada, pp. 1-14.
1. Saba, W. S. (2001), Book Review of "The Logic of Knowledge Bases", MIT Press,
by Hector Levesque and Gerhard Lakemeyer, ACM Intelligence, 12(4), pp. 42-43.
2. Saba, W. S. (1995), Book Review of “The Phenomenon of Commonsense
Reasoning" by Dimitrios Thanassa, ACM SIGART Bulletin, 6(4), pp. 21-22.
1. Saba, W. S. (2001), Commentary on “Hitchcock, D., McBurney, P. and Parsons, S.
(2001), A Framework for Deliberation Dialogues”, In H. V. Hansen, C. W. Tindale,
J. A. Blair and R. H. Johnson (Eds.): Argumentation and its Applications,
Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of
Argumentation (OSSA 2001)
2. Saba, W. S. (1999), An Inferencing Procedure for Resolving Quantifier Scope
Ambiguities, Ph.D. Thesis, School of Computer Science, Carleton University,
Available at the UMI index (, ISBN 0-612-42806-0
3. Saba, W. S. and Corriveau, J.-P. (1997), Quantification and Commonsense
Reasoning, In Proceedings of the 14th National Conference of the American
Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97), (Student Poster), RI, USA, pp.
844, AAAI Press
4. Saba, W. S. (1996), Quantification and Cognitive Plausibility, Carleton University
Computer Science Journal.
5. Saba, W. S. (1995), Cognitive Quantification, Canadian Artificial Intelligence,
Volume 38, 5 pp.
6. Saba, W. S. (1996), Hardware Apples, Software Apples, Letter in IEEE Computer.
7. Saba, W. S. (1991), The Use of World Knowledge in Resolving Semantic Ambiguities,
MSc Thesis, School of Computer Science, University of Windsor, Canada.
1. Linguistically-Competent Intelligent Information Agents: Towards a Digital Agora,
2nd International Conference on Advances for Infrastructure for Electronic Business,
Science, and Education on the Internet, (SSGRR-2001), L'Aquila/Rome, Italy, 2001.
2. Intensionality in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, SAINT 2001,
Seminars on Artificial Intelligence, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 2001.
3. Connectionism vs. Symbolic AI: Why Fodor and Pylyshyn are Right, SAINT 2000,
Seminars on Artificial Intelligence, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 2000.
4. Inductive Data Types, Recursion and Complexity Analysis Made Easy (2-hour
Tutorial/Lecture), Minnesota State University at Mankato, Minnesota, USA, 1999.
5. Lexical Disambiguation, Institute of Information Technology (IIT), National
Research Council (NRC), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1997.
6. digitalAGORA: Taming the Information Jungle, Ottawa-Carleton Economic
Development Corporation (OCEDCO), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1997.
7. Semantics of Structured Documents, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center,
Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, 1996.
8. Topic-Based Information Retrieval, Rome Research Laboratory (US Department of
Defence), Rome, NY, USA, 1996.
9. A Cognitive Approach to Quantification in Natural Language, General Electric R&D
Center, Schenectady, NY, USA, 1995.
10. Pure Functional Programming, Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental
Medicine (DCIEM), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1989.