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Quarterly Assessment Study Guide—2nd Quarter
1. _______________________________--naturally occurring inorganic solid with a definite crystal shape and chemical
2. _____________________________--study of Earth’s rocks and minerals.
3. The two ways a mineral can break. 1._________________________________2.___________________________
4. _______________________--the way a mineral reflects light.
5. Using Mohs Scale can help you find the mineral’s ________________________________.
6. _________________________--minerals that contain silicon and oxygen.
7. _________________________--color of mineral in the powdered form.
8. __________________________--rocks formed from cooled and hardened magma or lava.
9. __________________________--rocks formed from layers of sediment compacted and cemented together
10. _________________________--the breaking down of rock into smaller pieces from wind, water, or ice
11. _________________________--rocks formed from changes in heat and pressure
12. What is humus?_____________________________________________________________________________
13. What are the organisms that feed on and break down dead plant and animal matter called? _______________
14. What is soil? _________________________________________________________________________________
15. Why is soil a valuable natural resource?____________________________________________________________
16. What is soil conservation? ______________________________________________________________________
17. What is permeability?___________________________________________________________________________
18. What are the 4 soil types? _______________________________________________________________________
19. Which soil type is the most permeable? ___________________________ Least permeable?_________________
20. Label the soil horizons on the soil profile below.
Soil profile
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