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Vol. 139, Supplement
The AmericanNaturalist
March 1992
Departmentof Biological Sciences, Universityof California,Santa Barbara, California93106
Abstract.-There is a bewilderingdiversityof signals,sensorysystems,and signalingbehavior.
A considerationof how these traitsaffecteach other'sevolutionexplains some of thisdiversity.
Natural selection favors signals, receptors,and signalingbehavior thatmaximize the received
signals relative to background noise and minimizesignal degradation. Propertiesof sensory
systemsbias the directionof evolution of the signals thattheyreceive. For example, females
may prefermales whose signals theycan perceive more easily, and thiswill lead to the spread
of more easily perceived male traits.Environmentalconditionsduringsignal transmissionand
detectionalso affectsignalperception.Specificenvironmental
conditionswillbias theevolutionary directionof behavior, whichaffectsthe timeand place of signalingas well as microhabitat
preferences.Increased specializationof microhabitatsand signalingbehaviormay lead to biased
evolution of the sensory systems to work more efficiently.
Thus, sensory systems, signals,
signalingbehavior, and habitatchoice are evolutionarilycoupled. These suites of traitsshould
coevolve in predictabledirections,determinedby environmental
the genetics of the suites of traits-hence the term"sensory drive." Because conditionsvary
in space and time,diversitywill be generated.
At least some of this variation
The immensediversityof species is intriguing.
in physical appearance is the result of the diversityof visual and other signals
used in various formsof communication,includingattractingand courtingpotentialmates, maintainingterritories,
holdinggroupstogether,and minimizing
predation. The diversityin appearance is rivaled by variationin the times and places
and in the designsof thedevices used to receive
wherethe signalsare transmitted
them. Can any of this variationbe explained or even predicted?
Natural selection favors signals, receptors,and signalingbehavior that maximize the received signalrelativeto backgroundnoise and minimizesignaldegradation. Conditionsduringsignaltransmissionand detectioncan affectthe quality
and effectivenessof received signalsbecause bothcan alterthe signal's perceived
form.Therefore,a signal's effectivenesswilldepend on the signal'sform,receiver
design, and behavior thatdeterminesthe environmentalconditionsduringtransmission. As a result,signals,receptors,and behaviorare not suites of evolutionarilyindependenttraits;theyare functionallyrelatedand are thereforelikelyto
influencethe evolutionof one another.The directionof the resultingjoint evolution of signals, receptors, and signalingbehavior is affectedby environmental
physics, biophysics,and neurobiology.The processes leading to these biases in
the directionof evolutioncan be loosely called "sensory drive," which suggests
that sensory systemsand sensoryconditions"drive" evolutionin particulardiAm. Nat. 1992. Vol. 139, pp. S125-S153.
? 1992 by The Universityof Chicago. 0003-0147/92/3907-0007$02.00.
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S 126
Signaling behavlor:
FIG. 1.-The essential
to Ryan's
effects."Theshadedportionis equivalent
exceptfortheone labeled"immediate
rections(Endlerand McLellan 1988;Endler1989).The purposeofthisarticleis
and to
to exploresome aspects of sensorydrive,to makea few predictions,
theprocessof sensory
workon thesubject.I willsummarize
drive,givean exampleforvisualcommunication,
forall sensorymodes.
systems,and thendiscusssomegeneralimplications
Figure1 summarizes
underwhichtheyare sentand illustrates
tems,signals,and theconditions
interacwiththeexampleof sexuallyselected
and otherkindsof signals.
how maletraitsare perthe
The characteristics
because theyenwill
well. If only
sometypes components signals
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predisposed to evolve in the directionsfavored by sensory characteristics.In
some cases, thispredispositionmay even lead to preferencesformale traitsthat
have not yet evolved (Basolo 1990). Mate-choice criteriadetermine,or at least
stronglybias, thedirectionof evolutionof male traits;preferredmale traitsspread
traits.In a sense, the signal characteristicsof the
at the expense of unpreferred
male traitsevolve to "exploit" the signal-receptioncharacteristicsof females;
signals that stimulatethe sensory systemmost stronglyhave an advantage over
those that result in less stimulation.Ryan (1990) termedthis process (shaded
in fig. 1) "sensory exploitation" and has providedmuch evidence for it in the
auditorysignals of frogsand other animals (Ryan 1990; Ryan and Rand 1990;
Ryan and Keddy-Hector 1992). However, additionalprocesses are also operating (fig. 1).
The signal's evolutionis also affectedby predation,a factwell-knownforboth
visual and auditorysignals(Endler 1978, 1983;Tuttleand Ryan 1982). In general,
the signal evolves as a local balance between the relative strengthsof sexual
selection and predation(Endler 1978, 1980, 1983). For example, if predationis
relativelystrongerthansexual selection,thencolor patternswill be morecryptic.
If predationis relativelyweaker, color patternswill be more conspicuous and
elecloser to those predictedfromthe sensory exploitationmodel. If different
then theywill reach different
balmentsof the signal are perceived differently,
ances between the two selective factors.For example, ifthe predatoris particularly sensitive to yellow and not very sensitiveto red, then, even thoughboth
yellow and red may be equally brightto females, the balance between sexual
selectionand predationescape will favormale color patternsthatemphasize red
(Endler 1978, 1991).
The environmentis spatiallyand temporallyheterogeneous,and the physical
propertiesof the environmentaffectthe rates of attenuationand degradationof
the signal (Lythgoe 1979; Wiley and Richards 1982; Halliday and Slater 1983;
Ryan 1985, 1988a; Endler 1986, 1990). Most animals do not signal continuously
but,rather,transmitat particularseasons, times,and in particularmicrohabitats;
thishas the immediateeffectof ensuringa specificand predictableset of environmental conditions duringtransmission(fig. 1). For a species with a particular
only at certaintimesand in
male signal,the signal can be transmitted
certain places. Males that transmitat these times and in these places obtain
more mates than males thattransmitat timesand in places where attenuationor
degradationis greater.This is likelyto favorincreasingspecializationof signaling
behavior,which leads to better(less attenuationand degradation)and more predictable signalingconditions (fig. 1). This argumentapplies to the colors and
scents of fruitsand flowersas well as to animal signals; here, sensorydrive will
involve both the plant and its dispersers or pollinators.Specialized signaling
behaviormay also affectthe generalmicrohabitatchoice of the species, particularlyin animals.
If a species spends much of its time in a particularmicrohabitatand signals
only undercertainconditions,thenthe sensorysystemcan evolve to best match
theconditions.In fact,thereis muchevidence thatsensorysystemshave evolved
to be "tuned" to match the average characteristicsof the environment.For
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example, the spectral sensitivityof manyunrelatedfisheshas convergedto patclasses of water color and ambientlightconditionsin
terns specificto different
which they live (Levine and MacNichol 1979; Lythgoe 1979; Lythgoe and Partridge1991). Fish livingin clear water (tropicalmarineand shallow freshwater)
tendto be moreblue sensitivethanfishlivingin colored (green,brown,or reddish
["black"]) waters, and fishlivingin deep water(but stillin the photiczone) tend
to be less sensitive to reds than shallow-waterspecies (Levine and MacNichol
1979). It is likelythatthe conditionsunderwhichsensorysystemsare used affect
the evolution of those systems. Sensory conditionsalso affectthe evolution of
signals because they directlyaffectthe formof received signals (Endler 1990,
themthroughtheevolutionof sensorysystems
1991)as well as indirectlyaffecting
(fig. 1).
The sensorysystem's characteristicsalso affecthow food is detectedand perceived. Food items may be most easily detected at particulartimes and places,
which will affectthe evolution of microhabitatchoice, timing,and season of
activityof predatorsand prey. These changes will in turnaffectthe evolutionof
the sensorysystem(fig.1). The detectionof predatorsmay depend on microhabitat choice, and this may also affectthe evolutionof sensorysystems.
Figure 1 summarizes the major evolutionaryinteractionsof sensory drive.
There are a few intimatelyrelated processes that are also important,and these
specializationis likelyto lead
are shown in figure2. First, microenvironmental
to changes in the visibilityor detectabilityof food (v). Food detectabilitycan
processes: (1) directeffectson conspicuousness
change as a resultof two different
and the sensorysystem
caused by the interactionbetweenthe microenvironment
and (2) natural selection on the food organismto minimizeits visibility.These
processes can result in food specialization and furtherhabitat specialization,
whichin turncan affectsensorysystemevolution.Feeding success (fs) mediated
by food visibilitycan also have directeffectson theevolutionof sensorysystems.
specializationaffectthe visibilityor detectability
Changes in microenvironment
(p) of the signals to predators,which also affectsthe signal design. As forfood
visibility,thereare two processes arisingfrompredation:(1) directeffectscaused
by interactionsbetweenthe environmentalconditionsand the predator'ssensory
systemand (2) naturalselection actingon the predatorto increase efficiencyin
Both predatorsand food will affectthejoint evolutionof
behavior, sensory systems,and signals.
Mating success and sexual selection also affectthe process of sensory drive
(fig.2). Mating success (ms) can affectthe evolutionof sensorysystemsdirectly
ifmates are hard to detector courtshipritualsare verycomplex. Individualswith
bettersenses may be more successful in findingmates than those with poorer
senses, whichwould favorthe evolutionof sensorysystems.In addition,sensory
power may be able to assess
(and cognitive)systemswithmore signal-processing
mates more rapidly,which would reduce risk of predationduringcourtshipor
allow more matingsper lifetime.
Sexual selection (ss) by female choice directlyaffectsthe evolution of matechoice criteria(fig.2), in additionto sensorydrive. The directionof the Fisher
process of sexual selection is unbiased withrespectto the directionof evolution
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Sensory system
of food
Mate choice
Male trait
timingand season
of courtship, etc.
to predators
FIG. 2.-Sensory drive and otherintimatelyrelatedprocesses. Thickarrowsare as in fig.
on the
1; thinarrowsindicateancillaryprocesses. v, Immediateeffectof microenvironment
visibilityof prey, also natural selection acting on prey; fs, feeding success that directly
affectstheevolutionof sensorysystems;ms, matingsuccess thatmightaffecttheevolutionof
sensorysystemsdirectly;ss, sexual selection(good genes or Fisher processes) thatdirectly
influencesthe evolutionof mate-choicecriteria;p, immediateeffectof microenvironment
visibilityto predators,and also naturalselection caused by microenvironmental
actingon predatorsenses and behavior.
and requires some externalfactorto set its initialdirection(Fisher 1930; Lande
1981; Kirkpatrick1982). Sensory drive can easily set the initialdirectionof the
Fisher process and thus can profoundlyaffectthe directionof sexual selection.
Various "adaptive," "good genes," or "handicap" systemsof sexual selection
favorkinds of traitsthatare good predictorsof offspring
1988; Grafen1990), but the exact traitsused may be determinedby otherfactors,
such as sensorydrive. For example, carotenoid-basedyellow and red colors may
both indicatefeedingsuccess, but visual conditionsand spectralsensitivitymay
favorthe use of red. Sexual selectionby intermalecompetitionshould also operate simultaneouslywithsensorydrive; signalsthatmales use to assess each other
are subject to the same biophysicaland neurobiologicalrules as other signals.
for sexual selection to operate withoutsensorydrive, and
It would be difficult
vice versa.
The major point of sensorydrive, and of figures1 and 2, is thatthe evolution
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S 130
of sensory systems, signals, and behavior is coupled; changes in one suite of
traitscause evolutionarychanges in the others. These suites of traitsmust not
be expected to evolve independently;theywill coevolve. The evolutionof these
traitsshould not be random, but it should, in principle,be predictablefroma
knowledgeof environmentalphysicsand the biophysicsand neurobiologyof signal transmissionand reception.Particularenvironmental
conditionsfavorparticular sensorycharacteristics.These characteristicsfavorspecificmate-choicecriteria, which in turnfavorcertainsexual signals. These signalsare best sent under
unique environmentalconditions;thus, cycles of specializationof each suite of
traitsare established. A similarargumentcan be made forthe traitsinvolved in
otherkinds of signals.
Natural selection does not favoronly signalsthatare efficient
in transmission
and reception. Guilfordand Dawkins (1991) make an importantdistinctionbetween the strategicand tactical "design" of signals. A signal's tactical design
refersto its structureand efficacy:naturalselectionfavorssignalsthatare easily
transmitted,received, detected, and discriminatedfromothers,and those that
are rememberedmost easily. For example, a particularsound patternmay be
mosteasily heard underbackgroundnoise conditionsdeficientin thatfrequency,
and it may be easy to distinguishfromothersignalsin the same frequencyband
if its temporalpatternis complex and unique. In contrast,a signal's strategic
designrefersto its purpose: naturalselectionfavorssignalsthatelicita response
in thereceiverthatincreases or maintainsthefitnessofthesender.Thus, strategic
design concerns signal contentmore than signal structure.Signals may contain
true or false informationabout distance among neighbors(Morton 1982), social
status,mate quality,and even the intentionsof the signaler(Sebeok 1977; Halliday and Slater 1983; Pomiankowski 1988; Grafen 1990; Guilfordand Dawkins
1991). Natural selection obviously affectsboth contentand structure,but these
processes. Sensory drive is primarilyconcernedwith
the structureor tactical design of signals; it does not address the content or
strategicdesign of signals, althoughit may provide constraintsas to what kinds
of information
can be sent.
Most of the theoreticaland empiricalliteratureon sexual selection is more
concernedwithsignalcontentthanstructure.This is particularlytrueof the good
genes, adaptive, or handicap approaches, in which females use signal content
as a predictorof offspringquality (Pomiankowski1988; Grafen 1990). In these
approaches, the design constraintsinduced by sensorydrive may limitor bias
the kind of informationthat can be sent; for example, less informationcan be
sent per unit of time under noisy conditions.Design constraints,however, can
also be used to convey information.For example, if all territoryholders send
signals with the same sets of characteristics,and different
parts of the signal
degrade at differentrates with distance, then the configuration
of the received
signal, in comparison with the "expected" signal, contains informationabout
distance (Morton 1982) and also, perhaps, rate of movement.Such information
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could help the receiverdecide whetherto approach, especially iftravelcosts are
high. If higher-qualitymale territoryholders are found at greaterdensity,the
same informationmightalso be used to assess mate quality.
The Fisher models of sexual selectionsimplyassume thatfemaleschoose mates
on the basis of the male trait(the received signal). If the Fisher process works
by itself,the directionof sexual selection is not inherentlybiased relative to
content,and sensory drive sets the directionof evolution of the traits. Sexual
selection under the Fisher process is most likely to affectthe structureof the
signals ratherthan their content because it favors greaterefficiencyof signal
receptionand processing(whichcan also be favoreddirectlyby naturalselection).
Sexual selection under one of the good genes processes affectsboth structure
and content.In the lattercase, sensorydrive affectsthe signalefficacyand constrainsand biases the directionof the evolutionof signalcontent.
AlthoughI concentrateon signal structurein the rest of my article, I do not
mean to imply that contentis unimportant;in fact, both strategicand tactical
factorsshould always affectthe evolution of signals (fig.2). In addition,signal
structurewill also evolve to be more efficientrelativeto events occurringin the
brain. However, because littleis actuallyknownabout the psychologicalaspects
of communicationand these aspects have alreadybeen exploredby Guilfordand
Dawkins (1991), I consider only the processes occurringbetween transmission
and reception. Genetic, phylogenetic,and physiologicalconstraintsalso affect
the evolutionof signals,receptors,and behavior(i.e., in vision; Goldsmith1990);
however, except forthe biases theymay induce in the directionof evolution,I
do not discuss constraintsin this article. Again, this does not implythat these
processes are unimportant,
only thatthe purpose of thisarticleis to explore the
effectsof signal design, reception,and associated behavior on the directionof
evolutionin these suites of traits.
The System
The color patternsof guppies (Poecilia reticulata)illustratea possible example
of the results of sensorydrive for vision, visual signals, and behavior. Guppies
are small poeciliidfishesof smallmountainstreamsfoundin thetropicalforestsof
northeasternSouth America. They are geneticallypolymorphicforcolor-pattern
elementsthat vary in color (hue), brightness(total reflectance),size, and shape.
The color patternsin a given populationrepresenta compromisebetween sexual
selection for conspicuousness and naturalselection for crypsis (inconspicuousness), and the compromisevaries geographicallywithpredationintensity.A male
guppy cannot be too conspicuous, or it will be eaten beforeit has a chance to
mate, but it cannot be too cryptic,or it will not be attractiveto females. Female preferencesvary geneticallyamong populations(Houde 1988b; Stoner and
Breden 1988; Houde and Endler 1990), but, in general,femalesprefermales that
are more conspicuous (Endler 1980, 1983; Kodric-Brown 1985; Houde 1987,
1988a, 1988b; Long and Houde 1989). Guppies vary withregardto the spectral
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sensitivityof theirlong-wavelength-sensitive
cones (Archer et al. 1987), which
suggests a mechanism for variationin female preferences.If this variation is
heritable,then directnaturalselectionof the visual systemis possible. Guppies
live in the company of a varietyof combinationsof diurnalvisuallyhuntingfish
and invertebratepredators,and thisgeographicallyvaryingcommunitystructure
resultsin predation-intensity
gradientswithinstreams.As diurnalvisuallyhunting
predationincreases in space or time,those fishwithgreateraverage crypsisare
favored (Endler 1978, 1980, 1983). There are differencesin the timingof courtship relative to predation(Endler 1987), differencesin visual conditionsduring
courtshipand predation,and differencesin vision among guppies and some of
their predators (Endler 1991). These factors reduce the compromisebetween
sexual selection and crypsis, because they cause the same color patternto be
relativelyconspicuous undersome conditionsand relativelycrypticunderothers
(Endler 1991).
AmbientLight and Its Effectson Visual Signals
In order to describe sensorydrive in guppies, it is firstnecessary to describe
the environmentalconditionsduringsignalingand the effectof the ambientlight
on the appearance of the signal. These conditionsand effectswill also be used
forthe generalpredictionsabout visual signals.
Guppies live in streams that flow throughtropical forests,which exhibit a
mosaic of light environments(fig. 3). There are five differentlight environments-forest shade, woodland shade, small gaps, large gaps, and early/lateand these are determinedby forestgeometry,sun angle, and weather (J. A.
Endler, unpublishedmanuscript).Forest shade results when most of the light
reachingthe surfaceof an animal or backgroundhas been transmitted
reflectedfromvegetation;very littlecomes fromthe sky throughcanopy holes,
and none comes directlyfromthe sun (fig.3). Forest shade is green or yellowreflectedand transmitgreenbecause intermediatewavelengthsare differentially
ted by vegetation. Woodland shade results when a significantfractionof light
comes fromthe open cloudless sky, the rest comes fromvegetation,and none
comes directlyfromthe sun. Woodlands are forestswithlargelydiscontinuous
canopy. Woodland shade is bluish or blue-gray,because the blue sky lightoverwhelmsthe lightreflectedfromthe vegetation.This lighthabitatis not limitedto
forestsand occurs anywherethereis shade but where most of the sky is unobstructedby vegetationor clouds; thisincludes the shade of canopy emergentsin
a forestcanopy and even the shade of boulders in the desert. Small gaps are
patches of lightwitha diameterless thanabout 1 m (resultingfroma canopy gap
subtendingless thanabout 1?solid angle). Small gaps tendto be relativelyyellowish or reddishcompared to fullsunlightbecause virtuallyall of the ambientlight
comes directlyfromthe sun; the sun is muchricherin long wavelengthsthanthe
sky or vegetation.Large gaps yield "white" lightand have essentiallythe same
color as open areas because virtuallyall of the ambientlightcomes fromthe sun
and open skyand littlefromthe vegetation.Clouds are whiterthandirectsunlight
because theyare simplediffusersof the blue sky and sun above them.When the
sun is blocked by clouds and a large fractionof the sky is cloudy, then forest
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400 500 600 700
400 500 600 700
Forest Shade
400 500 600 700
Small Gaps
400 500 600 700
Woodland Shade
400 500 600 700
Large Gaps
400 500 600 700
FIG. 3.-The major lightenvironmentsof forestanimals. The spectra shown are plots of
the intensityof lightas a functionof wavelength(Endler 1990). Forest Shade is rich in
middlewavelengths(green and yellow); Small Gaps are richin longer(redder)wavelengths;
Woodland Shade is richin shorter(blue) wavelengths;Large Gaps exhibitessentiallywhite
light.When the sun is obscured by clouds (Cloudy), the spectra of these fourhabitatsconverge on that of large gaps or nonforestedareas. In twilightconditions(Earlv/Late), the
spectra of these habitatsconverge on a purplishlight,deficientin middlewavelengths.If a
forestcanopy has taller emergenttrees, then both woodland shade and large-gapenvironmentswill be foundin the canopy.
shade, woodland shade, small gaps, and large gaps convergein color and are all
"6white,"as long as thereare some holes in thecanopy (fig.3, inset).This convergence occurs fortwo reasons: clouds are brighterthanblue sky and the radiance
fromvegetation,so they overwhelmthese effects;and clouds are diffusers,so
they increase the lightcoming throughall canopy holes in all directions.As a
result,heterogeneityin ambientlightcolor disappears as soon as the sun is obstructedby a cloud. For thisreason I referto the white-coloredhabitatas "large
gaps/open/cloudy,"or simply,"open/cloudy." A fifthlighthabitat,early/late,
appears when the sun is risingor setting,regardlessof the weather.It is purplish
(fig.3, inset) because at those times intermediatewavelengthsare differentially
absorbed by ozone over the long light-pathlengths.If thereare clouds at those
times,theremay be a briefperiodof stronglyreddishlightcaused by thereflection
of long wavelengthsoffthe clouds. In summary,dependingon location, clouds,
and time of day, a guppy (or any otherforestanimal) can be seen in greenish,
bluish, reddish,whitish,or purplishlight(forestshade, woodland shade, small
gaps, open/cloudy,and early/late,respectively;fig.3).
The color (spectral shape) of lightreachingthe viewer's eye depends on the
ambientlightstrikingthe color pattern,the reflectancespectrumof the colorpatternelement(colored patch), and the spectraltransmissionpropertiesof the
wateror air (Endler 1990). For example, a color patternconsistingof gray,blue,
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yellow-green,and red patches shows highcolor and brightnesscontrastin white
light(open or cloudy conditions;fig.3), but underthe yellow-greenlightof forest
shade the yellow-greenis very bright,whereas the blue and red patches are
the greatest
darkerand duller. In woodland shade the blue is brightest(reflecting
proportionof ambientlight),whereas the othercolors are duller. In small gaps
thered patches are brightest,and theblues are thedullest.In general,thepatches
whose reflectancespectra match the ambientlightspectrumare the brightest,
and those patches that mismatchare the dullest, for a given total reflectance
(Endler 1986, 1990, 1991). This affectsboth the brightnessand color contrastof
adjacent patches, thus affectingthe overall conspicuousness of the color pattern
absorp(Endler 1991). The overall contrastis also affectedby wavelength-specific
tion and scatteringof lightbetween the animal and the viewer. For example, in
greenish water, blue and red patches attenuatemore rapidlythan yellow and
betweenthe radiance specgreenpatches. Therefore,dependingon the similarity
tra of each patch and the water (or air) transmissionspectra, the contrastcan
change markedlywithdistance (Lythgoe 1979; Endler 1986, 1990, 1991). Hence,
even ifthe animal's pigmentpatternremainsconstant,ifit moves amongdifferent
distances, its appearance can
lightenvironments,and if it is seen at different
change dramatically(Lythgoe 1979; Endler 1986, 1990, 1991). By choosing when
visual signals
and whereto court,a guppyor otheranimalcan send verydifferent
environments(Endler 1991).
in different
SensoryDrive in Guppies
The followingsituationis hypotheticalbut consistentwithall our knowledgeof
guppies. Consider an ancestralguppypopulationwithall color-patternelements
equally frequent(i.e., yellow is as commonas blue and orange). A middaypeak
in predationfavorsmost courtshipearly and late in the day and less courtshipat
lightmidday(Endler 1987). Consequently,courtshiptakes place underdifferent
ing conditions than those of maximumpredationtimes (figs. 2, 3). There can
diurnalhabitats(fig. 3) affectcolor
also be a spatial shiftbecause the different
conspicuousness in various ways (Endler 1991). Courtshipand sexual selection
favorcolor patches thatreflecta greaterfractionof the incidentlightduringthe
times and places of maximumcourtshipactivityand select against colors that
reflectless lightat those times and places. In general, the more lightreflected,
the greater the potential visual contrast. Because maximumcourtshipoccurs
under purplishlight (rich in blue and red light; fig. 3), blues and oranges are
favored,while yellows are at a disadvantageat thistimeof day. Predationselects
againstcolors thatreflectrelativelymore thanothercolors duringtimesof maximum predation risk, and this makes yellow particularlydisadvantageous. The
conflictingeffectsof visibilityto both mates and predatorsfavor patches with
maximumreflectanceand contrast duringcourtshiptimes and relativelylittle
reflectanceand contrast duringpredation. These differencesare enhanced by
differencesin vision and viewingdistances between guppies and theirpredators
(Endler 1991). Visual differencesfavorcolors thatsignalto otherguppies at "private wavelengths," or at least those wavelengthsto whichpredatorssuch as the
pike cichlid Crenicichla alta or the prawn Macrobrachiumcrenulatumare not
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verysensitive(Endler 1978, 1991). As the color patternsbecome more and more
forcourtshipand less visible to predatorsat particulartimesand places,
thereis selectionformicrohabitatchoice, because courtship,feeding,and other
activitiesat other times and places result in lower matingsuccess and greater
predationrisk.At timesofpredationrisk,guppiesbecome less visibleto potential
mates and more visible to predators(Endler 1991). All of these factorsinduce
at particular
naturalselectionactingon the visual systemforincreasedefficiency
timesand places. The neteffectis thatthe sensorysystemand sensoryconditions
can affectthe visibilityof male traitsand, hence, mate-choicecriteria(through
visibilityeffects),color-patterndesign, and microhabitatchoice and timingof
courtship;these factors,in turn,can affectthe evolutionof the sensorysystems.
This leads to a cycle of evolutionaryinteractions,as shown in figure2.
The example of sensory drive in guppies and the general scheme shown in
to demonstratedirectly.Yet it is possible to predict
figure2 would-be difficult
how suites of sensory, signal, and behavioral traitsshould jointly evolve and,
hence, be distributedin nature. The predictionsin the next section apply to
conspecificvisual signals and aposematic signals but not to crypsis. Note that
these predictionsare tentativeand qualitative; specificand quantitativepredictions would require a detailed knowledge of the vision, signals, environmental
physics,and behavior of the animals concerned.
In a particularlightenvironment,a color patternis most conspicuous if its
adjacent color-patternelementsvary greatlyin brightness(total reflectance)and
chroma (saturationor color purity),and it is less conspicuous if it varies less in
these parameters(Endler 1990, 1991). Spectra with high saturationhave rapid
transitionsin intensityas a functionof wavelength,whereas those withlow saturation have only gradual transitions(Endler 1990). Unsaturated (low chroma)
colors change withambientlightmore than saturatedcolors; a perfectlyunsaturatedspectrum,such as whiteor silver,simplyreflectsthe same colors thatstrike
There are fourways to maximizecolor-patternconspicuousness. The simplest
methodis to have color patternswith lightpatches (white, lightgray, or other
highlyreflectiveunsaturatedcolors) adjacent to dark patches (black, dark gray,
or others with low reflectanceand chroma). But color patternswith adjacent
unsaturatedcolors of contrastingreflectanceare disadvantageousin thattheyare
conspicuous in nearlyall lightconditionsto nearlyall species, so any advantage
in courtshipmay be offsetby increased predation.
The second methodof maximizingconspicuousness is to matchthe brightness
of the ambientlightand water (or air) transmissionspectra. If the ambientlight
strikingan animalis notwhite,thenitconsistsof some high-intensity
and otherlow-intensity
wavelengths.To be conspicuous, a color patternshould
ambientwavelengthsand these
have colored patches that reflecthigh-intensity
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patches should be adjacent to patches thatreflectlow-intensity
example, in bluish light,a blue patch would reflectmost lightstrikingit (bright
spot), whereas a yellow or red patch would reflectvery littlelight(dark spot),
and a green patch would be intermediate,assumingthe same total reflectance.
The thirdmethodof maximizingconspicuousness is to have adjacent patches
withcomplementarycolors, such as red and greenor yellow and blue. Complementarycolors are colors whose spectrahave fewor no wavelengthsin common,
for example, blue and yellow. The radiance spectrumof a blue spot is rich in
wavelengthsbelow 500 nm but radiates littlelightabove 500 nm, and a yellow
spot radiates much above 500 nm but littlebelow 500 nm. Adjacent patches are
the most conspicuous because theircomplementaryradiance spectra stimulate
combinationsof wavelength-specific
photoreceptors(cones) in opposite ways,
whichmaximizescolor contrast(Lythgoe 1979;Hurvich1981).This maximization
of contrastdepends on the peak absorbance wavelengthsof the cones relativeto
the cutoffwavelengths(the wavelengthat which radiance changes fromlow to
high,forexample, at about 600 nm foran orangepatch), as well as on the details
of the neural connectionsin the retinaand the brain. Thus, two patches thatare
complementaryfor one species may not be complementaryforanother,and so
theywill seem less brightto the latterspecies as comparedto the former.
The fourthmethod of maximizingconspicuousness is to use complementary
colors whose cutofffrequenciesare centeredin theregionof thegreatestambient
lightintensityand water (or air) transmission.For example, in the bluishlightof
tropicalmarinewater,blue and yelloware moreconspicuous thanred and green,
whereas, in the greenishlightof temperatelakes and ponds, red and green are
more conspicuous thanblue and yellow. This factmay explain the relativeabundance of these pairs of colors in tropicalmarineand temperatelake fishes,respectively (Lythgoe 1979). As in the case of brightnessmatching,any change in
of colors thatare complementaryat different
parts of the spectrum.
Divergence of Species and Populations
Closely related species thatlive in different
lightenvironmentsshould exhibit
the followingdifferences:predictablydifferent
characteristics,predictably differentsensory characteristics,and predictablydifferentbehavior.
These differencesmay also apply among populations of widespread species if
they vary geographicallyin microhabitatand lightenvironment.Because there
are fivemajorlightenvironmentsin forests(fig.3), thesepredictionscan be made
more specific.(These predictionsare based on the fourmethodsof maximization
of contrastand conspicuousness describedin the previous section.)
Color-patterncharacteristics.-Species that live in forests with continuous
canopy and thatcourtin forestshade (fig.3) should use primarilyred and orange
and a littleblue forincreased contrastwithinthe color pattern.Species thatlive
in woodlands or in thecanopies offorests(geometricallyequivalentto woodlands)
and thatcourt in shade (woodland shade; fig.3) should use primarilyblue, bluegreen,and, ifpossible, ultravioletpatches, witha littlered forincreasedcontrast.
Species that court in small gaps should use yellow or orange, with some purple
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forincreased contrast.There are no particularpredictionsforspecies thatlive in
large gaps or court anywherein forestsor woodlands when the sun is obscured
by a cloud (open/cloudy; fig. 3), because all wavelengthsare roughlyequally
abundant;therefore,no colors would be moreefficient
thanothersin maximizing
the signalconspicuousness. If one were to compare the color patternsof species
livingin evergreentropicalforeststo those of species livingin deciduous tropical
forests,one would also expect to find,on the average, more use of ultraviolet,
blue, and green in seasonal forests,because woodland shade would be more
commontherethanforestshade. Duringthe dryseason thereis verylittlecontinuous canopy (fig. 3) in tropical deciduous forests,but the canopies of tropical
evergreenforestsremain relativelycontinuousall year. Similarly,species that
breed in the dry season should use blue and green in theirvisual signals more
oftenthan those that breed in the wet season. One has to know exactly where
the species display when one teststhese predictions.For example, the lightenvironmentat or near forestcanopies is essentiallythe same as woodland: the canopy emergentsforma discontinuouscanopy resultingin a mosaic of woodland
shade and large gaps immediatelybelow the emergents.Consequently,we would
expect a greaterfrequencyof blue and green in canopy species than in forest
floorand subcanopy species, all in forestswithcontinuouscanopy.
Because all forestlightenvironmentsconverge on large gaps or open areas
duringcloudy weather(fig.3), these predictionsshould have greateraccuracy in
places and times withfewercloudy days and should be least accurate in cloud
forests.Because the relativelyflatambientlightspectraof cloudy days in forests
do not favor any particularcombinationof signalingcolors, there should be a
greaterdiversityof signalingcolors in cloud foreststhan in other places with
lower numbersof cloudy days per year. There are two commonpatternsin tropical rainforestsduringthe wet season. In some places (such as Costa Rica) heavy
rains come in the afternoon,but it is frequentlysunnyin the morning.In other
places (such as Trinidad) thereis no predictablepattern,and it may be cloudy
all day. Thus, one would predicta greaterdiversityin the signalingcolors of
wet-seasonbreedersin places wherethe cloudinessis unpredictableand common
than in places where there are regularsunnyperiods in the wet season. These
predictionsshould also be more accurate for species that are active only when
and inactiveas
the sun is out (tanagers,orioles, and many species of butterflies)
soon as the sun is obstructedby clouds. But theywill be invalidforspecies that
are usually active when the sun is obscured by clouds.
Visual characteristics.-The characteristicsof the sensory system should
matchthose of theenvironmentin orderto make themostuse of available signals.
Species displayingin forestshade should be relativelymore sensitiveto yellowgreenand perhapsred thanspecies displayingin theopen or in largegaps. Species
displayingin small gaps should be relativelymore sensitiveto longerwavelengths
(yellow, orange, and red). Species displayingin woodland shade should be relativelymore sensitiveto blue and blue-green.In general,species foundin continuous forest(forestshade and small gaps) should be more sensitiveto longerwavelengths,whereas species found in woodlands (woodland shade and large gaps)
should be more sensitiveto shorterwavelengths.Once again, canopy species in
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S 138
forestsshould be more similarto woodland species than eitheris to forestfloor
and subcanopy forestspecies. These predictions,like those forsignalingcolors,
need to be modifiedto account forthe frequencyof cloudy weather.
Behavior.-Behavior involvingvisual signalsto conspecificsor, ifaposematic,
signals to potential predators should also vary with the environment.Signals
should be sent at the times and in the places and seasons in which theirsignalnoise ratiowill be maximized.For example,ifa birduses blue to signalto conspecifics,it should do so in the shade of canopy emergents(effectivelywoodland
shade) ratherthan in the dense shade founddeeper in the forest(forestshade),
and it should not be as active when the sun is obstructedby clouds. The need to
the signalsto predatorsalso affectsplaces
signalto conspecificswhile minimizing
in whichthe animalforages.Thus, species foundin shadymicrohabitatsin forest
canopies (woodland shade) are also found in woodland habitats,the edges of
tree falls, and disturbedsites, whereas species foundin shady habitatsbeneath
continuouscanopies (forestshade) are much more habitatspecific.By the same
logic, species specializing in small gaps may have a large heightrange within
forestsbut probablywill not go outside dense forests.The same argumentsmay
apply also to singleisolated shrubsforsmallerinsects,because the lightenvironmentvaries withgeometryin the same way as in forests,but on a much smaller
scale. Species thatsignalwhen in the sun should have a greaterrangeof habitats
and microhabitatsthan those signalingin one of the shade microenvironments.
Similarly,species that are active duringcloudy conditionsshould also have a
greaterrange of habitatsand microhabitatsthanthose thatare active only when
the sun is not blocked by clouds.
The evolution of behavior and color patternsshould interact.If behavior is
indeed selected to maximize the efficiencyof signal transmissionand reception
to conspecificswhile minimizingthe signals to potentialpredators(fig.2), then
thereare certaincharacteristiccolor-patterndesigns that should evolve repeatsignals
patternto send different
edly in orderto allow the same body-reflectance
at different
times and underdifferent
One way to vary signals using the same color patternis to take advantage of
the relationbetween brightnessmatchingand contrast.Brightnessmatchingof
theambientlightand transmissionspectracan increasecontrast,butthisdepends
on the spectra of the animal's color-patternpatches. For example, as mentioned
earlier,in bluishlight,a blue patch would be brightwhereasa yellowor red patch
ifone assumes the same
would be dark,and a greenpatchwould be intermediate,
patches would shiftmarkedly
undergreen, yellow, or red lightand, consequently,so too would the color pattern's brightnessand color contrast (Endler 1986, 1991). The effectcan be
strongerif the color patternconsists of both saturatedand unsaturatedcolors.
The radiance of unsaturatedcolors changes withambientlightmore rapidlythan
thatof saturatedcolors (fig.4). This allows thedegreeof conspicuousnessto vary
with lightconditions. The transmissionpropertiesof colored water or foggyor
dusty air may also be taken advantage of in order to vary the conspicuousness
of a singlecolor pattern.Displayingat shortdistancesto conspecificswhilebeing
seen at longerdistances by predatorsand usingcombinationsof colors such that
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-- - -- -
FIG. 4.-An example of how the color of ambientlightaffectsthe contrastbetween two
patches, in this case, a brownishgray and an orange patch. If both patches were
illuminatedby white light (same intensityat all wavelengths),the gray patch would be
brighterbecause it reflects1.71 times as much lightas the orange patch; the orange patch
reflectsvery littlelightbelow 550 nm. If both patches were illuminatedby orange light(no
lightat 400-550 nm,flatspectrumat 550-700 nm), the relativebrightnessof the two patches
would be very similar(0.98: 1.00), and an orange patch would disappear on the gray background (everythingwould appear orange to an animal with color vision). This is simply
because the reflectancesof the two patches are similarin the available light.However, if
both patches were illuminatedin greenishlight(flat spectrumat 400-550 nm; no lightat
550-700 nm), therewould be veryhighbrightnessand color contrastbecause the graypatch
would reflect8.74 timesas muchof theavailable lightas would theorangepatch. The orange
the available lightif the available lightis orange or red.
patch is most efficientin reflecting
Similareffectsare foundforothercolors; patches are most efficient
as signalsiftheymatch
the ambientlightspectrum.
the patternhas lower contrastat longerdistancesalso allow behavioralmanipulation of the appearance of color patterns,as in guppies (Endler 1991).
Anotherway in whichconspicuousnessmayvaryis ifthecolor patternconsists
of colors easily seen by mates but not seen or relativelypoorlyseen by predators.
For example, blue patches of guppies can be seen by other guppies but are
probablynot as conspicuous to Crenicichla,and orange patches can be seen by
guppies but are probably not as conspicuous to prawns (Endler 1978, 1991).
Because there is so much variation in spectral sensitivityamong fish species
(Levine and MacNichol 1979; Lythgoe 1979) and among other vertebratesand
invertebrates(Jacobs 1981; Laughlin 1981; Goldsmith1990), theremay be ample
opportunityfor private wavelengthsthroughoutthe animal kingdom.As mentionedearlier,the conspicuousness of complementary
colors may also vary with
the predator'svision.
As in the case of conspicuousness, these methods are probably used by a
wide varietyof species, but comparativestudies have not yet been made. The
predictionsabout visual signalsreveal onlythe "tip of the iceberg" regardingthe
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1. Use lower frequencies(<2 kHz) in orderto minimizereverberation,attenuation,and scattering by the atmosphere,objects, and "shadows" resultingfromtemperaturegradients.Do not use
and to avoid enerfrequenciesthatare too low (>0.5-1 kHz) to minimizedestructiveinterference
geticallycostly couplingbetween low-frequencysound generationand the atmosphere.
2. Send signals froma positionthatis greaterthan 1 m above the groundand preferablyupwind
of the receiver,in order to minimizedestructiveinterference
3. Avoid rapid syllable repetitionrates in places (such as forests)withstrongreverberation.
4. Use frequencymodulationratherthan amplitudemodulationbecause reverberationand turbulence modifysound amplitudemore thanfrequency.
*5. Use redundantsignal structurein orderto average out backgroundnoise.
*6. Use greateramplitudeand/orphysicalstructuresto beam the signal more effectively.
in a shorttimebecause remustbe transmitted
*7. Use higherfrequenciesif much information
ceptors have a fasterfrequencyresponse at higherfrequencies,and therewill be less degradation
by turbulence.
*8. Use species-specificfrequencybands and tunedreceptorsin orderto minimizenoise at other
*9. Choose frequencybands, places, seasons, and timesof day thatminimizeturbulenceand/or
*10. Avoid signalingat the same timeas immediateneighbors(unless jammingtheirsignals is desired).
*11. Use rapidlydegradingsignalsforshort-distancecommunicationand slowly degradingsignals
*12. Use simpler,more effectivealertingsignalsto attractthe receiver's attentionbeforesending
the main signal.
NOTE.-Rules markedwithan asteriskalso apply to othersensorysystems.The table is modified
fromWiley and Richards 1982; Capranica and Moffat1983; Brenowitz 1986; Okanoya and Dooling
1988; and Ryan 1988b.
effectsof sensory drive on systemsrelated to visual signalingand would repay
muchfurtherresearch. Additionalpredictionsabout color patternsare discussed
in Endler (1978, 1984, 1986).
Introduction:SensoryDrive for Sound
Sensory drive (fig.2) should apply to all sensorysystemsand signals,not only
to vision and color patterns.For example, thereis enough known about sound
and hearingto make some generalrules about the optimumdesign and timingof
(terrestrial)auditory signals; these are summarizedin table 1. There is good
evidence forthe operationof these rules in crickets(Jones 1966; Greenfield1988;
Simmons 1988), frogs(Capranica and Moffat1983; Ryan 1988a, 1990; Brush and
Narins 1989; Ryan and Rand 1990; Narins 1992; Ryan and Keddy-Hector 1992),
birds(Henwood and Fabrick 1979; Richardsand Wiley 1980;Dooling 1982; Wiley
and Richards 1982; Brenowitz 1986; Okanoya and Dooling 1988),mole rats(Heth
et al. 1986), and primates (Waser and Waser 1977; Waser and Brown 1984).
For detailed discussions, see Wiley and Richards (1982), Brenowitz(1986), and
Okanoya and Dooling (1988). From this research,it is easy to envision sensory
drive for sound: the auditorysystemfavors particulartraitsin male songs and
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calls that are best used under particularconditions,times of day, and seasons.
These traitsthen favor specialization of the auditorysystemfor use in those
microhabitats,which in turn affectsmate choice and male sounds. A similar
process should work in chemosensoryand electrosensorysystemsas well, and,
indeed, many of the rules in table 1 (marked with an asterisk) apply to other
If sensorydriveworksin all sensorymodes, thenit shouldbe possible to make
some general predictionsabout the evolution of signals, sensory systems,and
behaviorby using the clues gained by a studyof visual and auditorysignals. The
followingare some of the ways in whichsensorydriveshould affectthe direction
of evolutionof these suites of traits.Once again, these are tentativeand purely
qualitative predictions; detailed and quantitativepredictionsrequire detailed
knowledge of sensory biology, environmentalbiophysics,signal structure,and
Increasing Signal Intensity
Signals should evolve to maximizethe signal-noiseratioforthe receiverunder
the conditionsin which theyare sent and received. One of the simplestways of
accomplishingthisis to increase the intensityor amplitudeof the signal(Capranica and Moffat1983). There is much evidence forthis in a varietyof organisms
and sensorymodes; femalesusuallyprefermales withbrighter,more contrasting
colors, fastermotion or flashingduringvisual display, louder sounds, stronger
chemical or electricalsignals,and so on (see especially Ryan and Keddy-Hector
1992). Larger body size and tail lengthare also frequentlyfavored. Although
otherexplanationsforthese preferencesare oftengiven,largertailsor bodies give
a strongervisual signal,especially ifthe displayis accompanied by movement.It
is probably safe to predictthat signals should evolve to become stronger,with
constraintsset by the geneticsand energeticsof signalproduction(fora discussion of constraintsin sound, see Ryan 1988a, 1988b; fora generaldiscussion of
limitsin any sensory mode, see Cohen 1984). However, if the
signal is given against intensebackgroundnoise, naturalselection may favor a
weak signal,and the "hole" in the backgroundnoise, which contraststhe signal
and the noise, is the real signal. Black or dark animals against white or bright
backgroundsare a good example, and thiskindof signalmay be used by crows,
ravens, and vultures. The differencebetween the patternof light sent by an
animal and the resultingvisual contrastbetween the animal and the background
illustratesthatone needs to be carefulabout what is meantby "signal"; signals
are context-dependent(Endler 1978, 1984, 1986, 1990).
The signal-noiseratio can also increase throughthe evolutionof signaldesign.
This is affectedby the physics of the environment
throughwhichthe signalmust
travel,the biophysicsof signalreceptionand processing,and the problemof not
signalingto predatorsat the same time.
Reducing Signal Degradation
Natural selection to reduce signaldegradationand the physics of the environment favors particularkinds of signals with particularproperties.At the most
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basic level, the sensorymode thatevolves to predominatein signalingwill be the
one withthe greatestefficiencyof transmissionin the local environment(Wiley
and Richards 1982; Capranica and Moffat1983). For example, signalingis most
efficientforvision by day in places where an unobstructedview is possible, for
hearing in dense vegetation or at night,for electroreceptionin streams with
cloudy water or nocturnalspecies, and forchemical communicationin burrows.
Because signalsin all sensorymodes are degradedby the environment
and during
detection,if all else is equal, the sensory mode with the greatestpotentialfor
rate should be used in preferenceto modes with narrowerbandwidth.For example, visual signalscontaintemporaland spatial components,and the spatial component(at any one instantin time)varies in intensity
and spectral composition. Thus, the added spatial componentmay mean that
visual signals are able to transmitmore information
than sound or electricalsignals, which contain only temporallyvaryinginformation.Chemical and some
tactile signals may be able to transmitmuch information,but they cannot be
frequencyor amplitude modulated as rapidlyas visual, auditory,or electrical
signals. The choice of sensorymode or modes used in signals depends on both
environmentaldegradationand potentialinformation-transfer
rate. Using many
sensorymodes is always betterthanusinga fewor one, but environmental
conditions,energetics,and developmentalconstraintsmay limithow much each mode
is actually used. Because these conditionsmay vary fromplace to place and
among species, the use of multiple-modesignalingshould also vary. The relative
importanceof differentsensorymodes can vary among species withina genus;
for example, different
combinationsof visual,
Drosophila species use different
auditory,and chemical cues duringcourtship(Ewing 1983). It should be possible
to predictwhich mode (or modes) is most usefuland, therefore,which mode is
mostcommonlyused, ifone knows thephysicsof theenvironment
and thedesign
of the signals.
Withina sensorymode it should be possible to predictmanyof the details of
the signals as well as the microhabitat,time,and season of transmission,if we
know the environmentalphysics. The design should be one that attenuatesand
degrades as slowly as possible, and it should be sent in the microhabitatand at
the timeand season in whichdegradationis minimized.Many details were given
earlier in this article for vision and hearing,and similarlogic could be used in
other sensory modes. For example, in turbulentair or streams in which water of differentsalinities or lighttransmissionspectra are mixingturbulently,
frequency-modulatedsignals are better than amplitude-modulatedsignals (for
electric and sound signals, see Brenowitz 1986), and the signal sender should
choose places and times withminimumturbulence.Electric signals are affected
by watersalinity,so breedingelectricfishshouldavoid thewet season or particularly rainy days, when salinityis reduced (Brenowitz 1986). For any sensory
system,signalingbehavior and microhabitatchoice can be used to maximizethe
If thereis geographicalvariationin degradationwithinthe range of a species,
then its signals should vary accordingly.There are several examples. In sticklebacks (Gasterosteusaculeatus) thered nuptialcolor is muchrarerin places where
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the water stronglyabsorbs red (Reimchen 1989). The geographicalvariationfor
orange preferencein guppies (Houde and Endler 1990) may also relate to water
color. A frogspecies and several bird species show the predictedsong variation
withhabitatamongpopulationswithinspecies (Bowman 1979; Hunterand Krebs
1979; Gish and Morton 1981; Andersonand Conner 1985; Ryan et al. 1990), and
an apparent exception may be explained by air turbulence(Wiley and Richards
1982). Two different
populationsofDrosophila mojavensisshow different
combinations of epicuticulardienes, which are used as pheromonesand affectmate
choice (Markow and Toolson 1990). This is a particularlyinterestingexample
because the volatilityof these hydrocarbonsis temperature-dependent
and the
mean temperatureof thetwo sitesis different;
In addition,thedienes affectwaterbalance, so thedirecteffectof signalefficiency
and natural selection for water regulationmay jointly bias the directionof the
evolutionof pheromonesin different
populations(Markow and Toolson 1990). It
would be interestingto know how common geographicalvariationin signals is
withinspecies. There should also be a correlationbetween signals and habitat
among species; this is reasonably well known for color patternsin fish(Levine
and MacNichol 1979; Lythgoe 1979) and for sound, as mentionedearlier,and it
would be interestingto know whetherit is trueforothersensorymodes.
Reduction of Noise
The signal-noiseratiocan be increasedby reducingbackgroundnoise. Behavior
should evolve so thatsignalsare sent and received at places, times,and seasons
withlow ambientnoise, which would otherwisemask or degrade the signal. As
mentionedearlier,male guppies signalto femalesat a timewhen theywill reflect
the most light and show the greatest visual contrastwithinthe color pattern
(Endler 1991). An Anolis lizard must move its head and dewlap at a frequency
fromthatof the movingvegetationbackground(Fleishman 1988, 1992).
The same considerationsapply to predators:the Anolis-eatingvine snake (Oxybelis aeneus) vibratesits body at approximatelythesame frequencyas theoscillationsof the vegetationbackgroundin orderto minimizedetectionby Anolis and,
perhaps,the snake's own predators(Fleishman 1986, 1992). Noise can come from
other species, which is a problem particularlywhen they are closely related
(Brush and Narins 1989; Narins 1992). Because the conspecificsignalingtime is
also adjusted to a timeof minimumenvironmental
noise, the presence of conspecifics may cause a trade-offbetween reducingrandom environmentalnoise at
certaintimesand reducingconspecificnoise at othertimes(Capranica and Moffat
1983). Neoconocephalus katydidsare a good example. In the absence of congeners, four species of katydidssing at night.However, Neoconocephalus spiza
singsby day whereverit is sympatricwithone or moreof the otherthreespecies
At verylow signal intensitiesthe choice of when and where to signalbecomes
even more important.For example, vertebraterods can react to singleabsorbed
photons (Lythgoe 1979) but will firespontaneouslyeven in the dark, because of
molecularnoise. At very low lightlevels, when rods are respondingto the occasional single photons strikingthem,random noise can significantly
degrade the
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image (see photographsin Lythgoe 1979)because the spontaneousfiring
rate may
be similarto the signal (signal-noiseratio near 1.0). As the temperatureof the
retinaincreases, the molecularnoise increases,whichmakes detectionof weaker
As a result,toads and frogsare actuallymore sensitive when theyare cold than when theyare warm(Aho et al. 1988). Because the
chemistryof visual pigmentsis verysimilaramong vertebratesand invertebrates
(Goldsmith1990), visual signals involvingthe lowest lightintensitiesmightalso
occur at the lowest temperatures,such as at night(fireflies)
and in the deep sea.
The temperature-dependent
signal-noiseratio applies to all sensorysystems,so
we mightalso expect the weakest signals in any mode to be most common at
nightand cooler seasons. Of course there are otherpossible reasons for these
patterns.For example, signalingcan occur at nightas a resultof strongerdiurnal
predation.Weaker signalscould occur at nightbecause thereis less environmental (ratherthan thermal)noise at that time; therefore,weaker and energetically
cheaper signals are requiredto yield a given minimumsignal-noiseratio.
The propertiesof visual signalsgeneratedby the animal(bioluminescence)can
fromthose redirectedfromthe environment(color patterns).
be quite different
Most nocturnalfirefliessend a greensignalsimilarin spectralcompositionto the
vegetationbackground(Seligeret al. 1982). This spectralmatchingcauses a larger
fractionof the emittedlightto be reflectedoffthe vegetationthan if the flashes
were whitewiththe same photonflux.If the flasheswere white,thenlongerand
shorterwavelengthswould be differentially
absorbed by the vegetation,which
would yield a weaker signal. Firefliesthatflashat dusk have a different
because there is significantambient lightthat can interferewith their signals.
However, at dusk the lightis purplish(deficientin middlewavelengths;fig.3).
Firefliesthatflashat dusk minimizethe interference
of ambientlightby flashing
with a yellowishratherthan a greenishlight(Seliger et al. 1982). Their yellow
flashesare rich in intermediatewavelengths,preciselythe wavelengthsthat are
least intenseat dusk, makingthe signal-noiseratiomuchhigherthanit would be
if they flashedgreen (Seliger et al. 1982; Endler 1991). Note the differencebetween the yellow flashes of dusk-signalingfirefliesand the rarityof yellow in
the signalfroma male guppy
guppies signalingat the same time. Unlike fireflies,
originatesin the ambient light, so its color patternsmust match the ambient
lightin orderto reflecta highproportionof it, whichthuskeeps a relativelyhigh
Signal Receiver Design
A larger signal-noiseratio can also be achieved by specialized design of the
signal receptorsand how the signals are processed afterreception.A common
way to reduce noise is to adjust the characteristicsof the signal receptorsto
matchthe characteristicsof the signal(Capranica and Moffat1983). This is most
efficientif the noise exists over a broad band of frequencies(light,sound, or
electricsignals) or chemicals. If a signalconsistsprimarilyof onlya limitedrange
of frequencies,thena tuned receptorattainsa highersignal-noiseratio than one
thathas a broad sensitivity.For example, fireflies
thatflashyellow lightat dusk
are particularlysensitive to yellow lightand not very sensitiveto other wave-
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were sensitiveto greenlight,as are
lengths(Seliger et al. 1982). If these fireflies
congeners, then they would receive much irrelevantbackgroundlight(noise) and proportionallyless signalfromtheirflashes.This signal
matchingis quite common in virtuallyall sensory modes in which it has been
examined,which yieldsa good correlationamongspecies betweensignalcharacteristicsand receptorproperties.For example, receptorsignalmatchingis found
in color patternsand vision in fishes(Levine and MacNichol 1979; Lythgoe 1979)
and Lycaena butterflies(Bernard and Remington1991), in motiondetection in
lizards (Fleishman 1986, 1988, 1992) and insects (Alexander 1962; Seliger et al.
1982), and in hearingin birds (Wiley and Richards 1982; Okanoya and Dooling
1988) and frogs(Ryan 1990). A correlationbetween signals and signal receptors
shouldexist withinthe limitsof energeticand phylogeneticconstraints(Ryan and
Brenowitz 1985; Ryan 1988a, 1988b, 1990), and the correlationshould be tighter
forthose environmentsand those senses thatare associated withgreaterenvironmentalnoise. The signal tuningmay be set to minimizethe noise in the environment,butitautomaticallyfavorsthoseindividualswho send signalsbest matching
is Ryan's (Ryan 1990; Ryan and Rand 1990) "sensory exploitathereceptors:-this
tion" model (fig. 1, shaded areas). The evolutionaryresult is that signals are
tunedto matchthe characteristicsof the receptors.Of course, the receptorscan
also evolve (fig.2).
Noise reductionby tuningneed not be restrictedto frequencybands but may
involve nearly any aspect of signal structure;the only criterionis reductionof
backgroundnoise. This is mostapparentin visual signals,whichare verymultidimensional.A varietyof vertebrateand invertebratevisual systemshave various
respondto particukindsof edge detectorsand neural "units" thatpreferentially
lar shape and size elementsof images and to motionin particulardirectionsand
speeds (Ewert et al. 1983; Guthrie1983; Stone 1983; Blakemore 1990). Thus, any
signals other than those that fitthe receptorcharacteristicsin great detail are
automaticallyfilteredout. For example, fiddlercrabs and other semiterrestrial
decapod crustaceansare verysensitiveto verticallyorientedobjects, and a vertical towerat the burrowof Uca beebei is a significant
componentof femalechoice
(Christy1988). Of course the pillars also allow fiddlercrabs to findtheirbeach
burrowsin a hurrywhentheyare chased by predators.This "templatematching"
between specific signal structureand neural units in the brain has also been
suggestedforsound but so farhas only been demonstratedin foragingbats (Capropertiesof the
pranicaand Moffat1983). It is possible thatthese signal-specific
sensorysystemcan predispose the evolutionof femalechoice and male traitsin
particulardirections(Basolo 1990; Ryan 1990; Ryan and Rand 1990; Ryan and
Keddy-Hector 1992).
visual propertiesmayalso have profoundimplicationsforhabiPattern-specific
tat selection. For example, Morton(1990) foundthatmale hooded warblers(Wilorientthemselvestowardverticalstripesand prefer
sonia citrina)preferentially
artificialhabitatswithtall stemsratherthanthose withlow, dense stems.Females
toward diagonal stripesand have no significant
artificialhabitatstructures.These differencesare associpreferencesfordifferent
ated in the fieldwithmales' spendingmoretimein theforestand females' spend-
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S 146
ing more time in shrub or open habitatsin the overwintering
1990). These differencesare also associated with differencesin the mean and
variance of male and female color patterns,which one would expect fromthe
radically differentlightenvironmentsof the two habitats (fig. 3). For poikilotherms,particularlysmall ones, such as insects, strongmicrohabitatpreferences
are associated witha host of biological consequences thattend to be associated
(Willmer1982), which furtherencourages difwithdifferent
ferentiation.These are the kindsof differencesthatcould easily cause and maintain species differencesand could suggestways in which sensory systems,signals, and behavior can coevolve (fig.2).
Signal Processing
Special mechanismsof signal processingcan also increase the efficiencyof a
signal. One way to circumventproblemsof both backgroundand sensor noise,
especially at low signal intensities,is by averaginga signal over time. If noise
fromthe environmentor the receptorsis random,thenaveraginga signalcauses
the randomnoise fluctuationsin the received signalto cancel out; thus,a greater
frequencyof signals with redundantand repetitivestructureshould evolve in
sensorymodes and environmentswithgreaternoise. Certainlymany signals are
repetitive,but thereare not yet enough data on environmentalnoise to test this
Anotherfactoris sensory adaptation or habituation-the phenomenon,common to all senses, of ignoringconstantsignals. This may allow unpredictableand
complex, yet monotonous,backgroundnoise to be filteredout. The commonness
of sensory adaptation suggests that temporallyvaryingsignals should be more
common than constantones. This is true even in complex visual signals; visual
displays are usually associated withmotion.But sensoryadaptationmay require
the use of alertingsignals. Alertingsignals are special simple signalsdesigned to
attractthe receiver's attentionbeforethe mainsignalis sent; examples of alerting
signals are foundforboth vision (Fleishman 1988) and hearing(Wiley and Richards 1982).
Signal-processingmechanismsmay set limitsto signal receptionand, hence,
bias the directionof the evolutionof signals and signalreceptors.Response rate
is a good example. In vision, ifa flickeror motionis too rapid,thenthe signal is
degraded or missed entirely(Lythgoe 1979); this is called flickerfusion. Flicker
fusioncan set an upper limitto the rate of displays, althoughthis limitmay not
be reached in some species (e.g., butterflies;
Magnus 1958). In fishthereis a wide
rangein the maximumfrequencyat whichflickeris no longerresolved,from14 to
67 Hz (Lythgoe 1979). In general,faster-moving
species have higherflicker-fusion
frequencies,which are needed in order to track and visually investigatemore
rapidlymoving objects (and backgrounds): anotherexample of the correlation
between sensory propertiesand behavior. Flicker-fusionfrequencydecreases
with lightintensity(Lythgoe 1979), so one can predictthat motion associated
with visual displays at low lightlevels should, on the average, be slower than
thatof visual displays at higherlightintensities.Flicker-fusion
frequencyis also
at least in vertebrates;blue-sensitivecones tend to have
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lower flicker-fusion
rates thanmiddle-or long-wavelength
cones. Thus, blue and
green should be used in rapid visual displays less oftenthan yellow and red,
especiallyat lower lightintensities.However, iftherate of motionis an important
partof motion,theninterference
colors, whichchangetotalreflectanceand color
as a functionof visual angle, are superiorto othercolors, particularlyat short
wavelengths.In hearing,the temporalresponse is fasterat higherfrequencies,
leading to a trade-offbetween spectral and temporalinformationin bird songs
(Okanoya and Dooling 1988). If environmental
conditionsfavorsongs withparticular frequencies,thenthese conditionswill affectwhat kindsof information
be transmittedand how rapidly.Anotherexample is visual acuity, the smallest
visual angle that can be resolved (Goldsmith 1990). Because visual acuity decreases with decreasing light intensity,color patternswith larger spots and
patches are predictedto be morecommonin signalssentat lower lightintensities.
Visual acuityalso sets the lower limitto spot size thatis used in signalingat any
All of the foregoingfactorscan be used to predictthe directionof the joint
evolutionof signal properties,receptorproperties,behavior, and microhabitats
of species. But thisignoresthe factthatsignalsbetweenconspecificscan be used
by predators,so many signals may reflectan evolutionarycompromisebetween
signalingto conspecificsand avoidance of signalingto potentialpredators(Endler
1978, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1991; Tuttleand Ryan 1982;Ryan 1985, 1988a). Predicting
where the compromiseshould fall is much more difficult
than simplypredicting
the best signal. However, thereare at least fiveways to reduce the need for a
First, choose times and places that serve to increase the distance at which
predatorsdetect and recognize prey while at the same time not degradingthe
signalto conspecifics.For example, signalersthatsignalfromshade can perceive
otheranimals (includingpredators)at a greaterdistance thanthose thatsignal in
the sun (Helfman 1981). There are two possible reasons for this: (1) the sunlit
viewer(predator)has a raised contrast-perception
threshold,whichmakes it more
to detect contrastat the relativelylow lightlevels in the shade, and (2)
veilinglightis greaterin sunlitwater(or foggyor dustyair) thanin shaded water
(or air). Shade signalingprobablyworks in fish(Helfman 1981) and could work
in other aquatic or terrestrialanimals. In aquatic environmentsthe distance at
which predatorsfirstdetect prey can also be decreased by prey's choosing to
signal adjacent conspecificsin water thatattenuatesthe signal rapidly.In water
or on land thereis an additionaladvantageforaposematic animals to signalfrom
a greaterdistance. This allows more timeforan approachingpredatorto remember the noxious propertiesof the signalerand to decide correctlynot to attack
(Guilford1986, 1990).
Second, aggregatewithotherconspecifics.Aggregationmakes any single signaler less vulnerableto predation(Endler 1986), but it leads to a trade-offwith
among adjacent signalers(Brush and Narins 1989; Narins 1992). For
aposematic prey, aggregationmay also serve to enhance the signal or its rein-
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forcementin the predator'sbrain(Guilford1990). Third,displayintermittently
orderto reduce the probabilitythata predatorwill be presentto detector locate
also reducestheprobabilitythata conspecific
the signal.Displayingintermittently
will receive the signal, unless calling and activitytimes are synchronizedor at
least cued by specificenvironmentalfactors.Fourth,use signalsthatdegrade or
attenuaterapidlywith distance so that they will be detectable only over short
distances. In this way, predators are less likely to sense the signals than the
sensorymodes than
conspecifics(Wiley and Richards 1982). Fifth,use different
by usingdifferpredators(privatechannels), or use the same channelsdifferently
ent "tuning" properties,as in guppies. Because guppyvision differsfromthatof
theirpredators,theircolor and brightnesscontrastcan be greaterto otherguppies
than to the predators(Endler 1991). All of these methodsreduce the need for a
given signalto be a compromisebetweenconspecificsignalsand predatoravoidance, but most of these possibilitiesare virtuallyunexplored.
Sensory systems,the signals thattheyreceive, signalingbehavior,and microhabitatselection should evolve togetherbecause each induces naturalselection
(includingsexual selection; Endler 1986) actingon the other(fig.2). The physics
of the environmentand thegeneralbiophysicalpropertiesof signalsand receivers
can be used to predictthe directionof evolutionof these suites of traits.There
functionsof the same signal
should oftenbe conflicting
and sensorysystem,as betweenpredationand sexual selection.We mustbe very
carefulnot to assume thatonly one functionor one process affectsa traitor our
predictionsmay fail. Willson and Whelan's (1990) even-handedapproach to a
discussion of fruitcolor is an excellent example of a careful considerationof
multiplefunctionsand constraints.Conflictsarisingfrommultiplefunctionsand
constraintscan be at least partiallyresolvedby the use of different
senses, different sensory characteristics,appropriatebehavior, and appropriatemicrohabitat
vision in
choice (Endler 1978, 1983, 1991; Alberts 1989, 1992) or even different
partsof the same eye (Bernardand Remington1991). Multiplefunctions
and constraintshave not been explored in any detail in any system.
From the foregoingdiscussion, it is clear thatbehavioris intimatelyrelatedto
successful communication;it is not sufficient
to say thatcommunicationmerely
throughthe environmentand
depends on signals' being successfullytransmitted
received by the receptors. Specific behavior is requiredin order to choose the
times, seasons, and microhabitatsthat transmitthe signal most efficiently
the least degradationand attenuation,have the least ambientnoise, and have
minimalriskof predation.Thus, both breedingbehaviorand microhabitatchoice
are likelyto coevolve withsensorysystemsand signals(fig.2). The resultshould
be a correlationbetween sensorysystems,signals,signalingbehavior,and microhabitatchoice. Because the sensorysystemis underdirectselection fromfuncand predatorescape,
tionsnotdirectlyrelatedto matechoice, such as foodfinding
the directionof evolutionof mate choice and otherbehavior can be affectedby
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The evolutionarybias of sensorydriveis unlikelyto be geographicallyuniform,
and speciation.
a factthathas strongimplicationsforgeographicaldifferentiation
Female choice criteriamay be geographicallyvariable (Houde and Endler 1990)
and can evolve, sometimesrapidly,under sexual selection (Fisher 1930; Lande
1981; Kirkpatrick1982; Pomiankowski1988). Even if femalechoice were unimportant,microhabitats,times,and seasons of communicationwould varyamong
populationsand species. Because signaltransmissionconditionsand background
noise also vary with microhabitats,times, and seasons, divergenceof behavior
and signaland receptorpropertiesamongpopulationsand species is likely.Variation in intraspecificsignals may not only maintainbut also cause differences
among populations. Speciation and furtherdivergencecan resultif populations
directions(Lande 1981, 1982; Kirkpatrick1982;
and species evolve in different
Lande and Kirkpatrick1988). Furtherdivergenceis enhancedthroughdivergence
in microhabitatchoice. For example, for poikilotherms,especially small ones,
such as insects, variationin microhabitatis associated with strongdifferences
in temperature,humidity,thermalbalance, posture,and otherthermallyrelated
behavior, favoringdifferencesin size and shape. Microhabitatvariationis also
associated with differencesin water balance, parasites and parasitoids,success
and durationof egg and larval development,fecundity,reproduction,orientation,
and orientationcues (Willmer 1982). This should resultin suites of apparently
unrelatedtraitsas disparateas senses, signals,behavior,and physiologyevolving
in concert, thus producingpopulations and, eventually,species that differin
multiplecharacteristicways. In principle,these sets of apparentlyunrelatedtraits
should be predictable,but only if one suite of traitsis consideredin the context
and the othersuites. Thus a considerationof thejoint
of the microenvironment
evolution of signals, sensory systems,and theirassociated behavior may yield
new insightsinto the mechanismsof the evolutionand divergenceof species.
I am most gratefulfor helpfulcommentson the manuscriptfrom,and discussions with, A. Basolo, G. Bernard, T. Guilford,A. Houde, C. Langtimm,
K. Long, G. Rosenqvist, P. Ross, V. Rush, M. Ryan, and C. Sandoval. I am also
happy to acknowledge financialsupportfromthe Hasselblad Foundation, the
National Geographic Society, and the National Science Foundation.
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