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Clinical Objectives
Hip examination
Gait abnormalities
Trendlenberg test
o G trochanter
o Gluteis medius
o Sciatic nerve
o Femoral artery
 Move
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, Internal and
external rotation
o Active
o Passive
o Resistence
o Steinfeild test
o Yoman's test
 Measurements
o LLD (Leg Length Discrepancy)
 Block test
 Visual test
 Direct measurements
 Special test
o Thomas test
o Ober's test
o Ely's test
o Phillip's test
o Piriformis syndrome
 Fair
 Pace
 Beauty Maneauver
o Sacroiliac joint
 Patrick (FABER)
 Geanslen test
 Pelvic rock
Knee examination
 Gait abnormalities
o Varus thrust
o Valgus thrust
o Varus recurvatum thrust
 Alignment
o Knee
o Foot
 Look
 Feel
o Bursae
o MCL and LCL
o Synovial thickening
o Common peroneal nerve
o Popliteal and posterior tibial artery
 Move
Flexion, Extension Internal and external rotation
o Active
o Passive
o Resistence
o Extension lag and fixed flexion deformity of the knee (FFD)
 Measurements
o Muscle wasting
o Q angle
o Sulcus tubercle angle
 Special tests
o Knee effusion
 Milking test
 Wave test
 Patellar Tap test
o Patellar dislocation
 Patellar apprehension test
o Patellofemoral chondromalacia and OA
 Patellar grind test
 Classic
 Step up step down
 Active
 Patellar glide test
 Valgus stress test at 0 and 30 degrees
 Valgus stress test at 0 and 30 degrees
 Anterior drawer test
 Lachmen's test
 Lateral pivot shift test
 Posterior drawer test
 Posterior sag sign
 Varus recurvatum test
Meniscal injury
 Childress test
 McMurray's test standing and supine
 Apley's test
 Apley's compression test for meniscal tear
 Apley's distraction test for ligament tear
Spine examination
 Gait abnormalities
 Standing examination
o Look for scoliosis
 Plump Line test
 Adam's leaning forward test
 Skin mark test
o Look for ankylosing spondylitis
 Chest expansion measurements
 Occiput wall distance
 Move
o flexion, extension,
 Shober's test
 Finger – Floor distance
 Finger spinous process test
o right and left lateral bending and
o rotation
 By fixing the pelvis and sitting
 Nerve root tension signs
o Sciatic nerve
 Straight Leg Raising test
 Bragard's test
 Bowstring test
 Laseague test
 Well-leg test
 Sitting SLR
 Hoover's test
o Femoral nerve
 Femoral stretch test
 Neurological examination
o Sensation
 Superficial sensation
Temp, Touch (fine
and crude touch)
 Two-point discrimination
 Deep sensation
 Position
 Pressure
 Vibration
o Reflexes
 Superficial
 Abdominal
 Cremastric
 Anal
 Babiniski
 Beevor's sign
 Deep
 Knee
 Ankle
 Tibialis posterior
 Medial hamstring
o Power
 Foot
 Extensor & Flexor halluces
 Extensor & Flexor digitorum
 Ankle
 Tibialis anterior & posterior
 Peronei
 Knee
 Hip
o Meningeal irritation
Kering's sign
o Space occupying lesion
 Milgram's test
 Naffzigger's test
 Valsalva maneauver
o Waddle's signs
 Superficial tenderness
 Non-anatomical tenderness
 Axial loading
 Pain on simulated rotation
 Distracted sitting SLR
 Regional sensory changes
 Regional weakness
 overreaction
Cervical spine examination
 Head Position
 Look
o Anterior and posterior landmarks
 Feel
o Anterior and posterior landmarks
o Muscles
 Sternomastoid, Trapizius, Romboidus,
Pectoralis Major, Latismus Dorsi,Supra and
Infraspinatus and teres minor
o Cervical Lymph nodes
o Carotid artery and carotid tubercle
 Move
o Active
o Passive
o Resistence
o Examine the serratus anterior muscle
 Special tests
o Cervical compression test
o Cervical distraction test
o Spurling’s test
o Valsalva maneuover
o Hoffmann’s reflex
o Lhermitte’s sign (Barber chair phenomenon)
o Thoracic outlet syndrome
 Adeson test
 Right test
 Rose test
Shoulder examination
 Look
 Feel
o Coracoid process
o Long head of biceps
o Supraspinatus tendon
o Infraspinatus and teres minor tendon
 Move
Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Internal
and external rotation
o Active
o Passive
o Resistence
 Special tests
o Impingement syndrome
 Neer’s sign
 Hawkin’s sign
 Empty can sign
 Impingement test
 Drop arm test
o Biciptal tendenitis
 Internal and external rotation
 Speed’s test
 Yargeson’s test
o Biciptal Instability
 Resisted external rotation
o Shoulder instability
 Anterior
 Anterior apprehension test
 Anterior drawer test
 Posterior
 posterior apprehension test
 posterior drawer test
 inferior
 sulcus sign
o SLAP (superior lateral anteroposterior lesion)
 Obrien’s test
o Signs of generalized laxity
 Elbow recurvatum more than 10 degrees
 Thumb forearm distance less than 1 cm
 MCP extension more than 60 degrees
 DIP extension more than 30 degrees
Hand examination
 Look
 Feel
o Flexor zones
o Dorsal compartment
o Pisiform bone and hook of hamate
o Tubercle of scaphoid and trapezium
o Palmaris longus
 Move
o Flexion, extension, radial and ulnar deviation of the wrist
o Movement of the MCP joint, all nails must be directed to the
scaphoid tubercle
o Movement of the PIP and DIP
 Special tests
o Fincklestien test for DeQuirvann’s disease
o Median nerve
 Muscle wasting thenar muscle
 Sensation
 Compression test
 Tinel’s sign
 Phalen test
Anterior interosseous nerve
 OK sign
 Oschner’s test
 Froment’s sign
Ulnar nerve
 Muscle wasting hypothenar & 1st dorsal
interosseous muscle
 Sensation
 Card test
 Book test
 Middle finger movement
Radial nerve
 Sensation
 Wrist extension
 Posterior interosseous nerve
finger extension
Gamekeeper’s thumb
 Valgus stress test
Examine FDS and FDP
Allen’s test
 Patency of the radial and ulnar artery
Foot examination
 Look
 Feel
Deformity of the ankle
Deformity of the forefoot
Deformity of the toes
Bony landmarks
Ankle ligaments
Dorsalis pedis artery
Posterior tibial artery
Tibialis anterior
Tibialis posterior
Extensor halluces
Flexor halluces
Extensor digitorum
Flexor degitorum
 move
o ankle flexion and extension
o subtalar inversion and eversion
o foot supination and pronation
o toes movements
 special tests
o ligaments integrity
anterior drawer test
rarely injuried
talar tilt test
 Syndosmotic ligamnets
Squeeze test
o Tarsal tunnel syndrome
 Compression test
 Tinel’s sign
 Dorsiflexion eversion test
o Achillis tendon
 Tap test
 Gap sign
 Thompson test
o Planter fascia
 Big toe dorsiflexion
o Subtalar movement (Arch test)
 Colemann’s block test
o Morton’s neuroma
 Mulder’s test
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