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APES Guided Notes
Chapter 7 – The Human Population
Standard 3
Module 22 – Human Population Numbers
1. Read the “The Environmental Implications of China’s Growing Population” case study on pages 225-226. Be prepared to
discuss the following questions:
a. Which do you believe plays a bigger role in moving toward sustainability: managing population size or economic
b. Was China’s one-child policy a successful population control measure?
c. What are new developments in China regarding the policy? What do you think about it?
Video: “Dare to Educate Afghan Girls” - Why do you believe education is important for society?
Vocabulary: demography, demographer, immigration, emigration, crude birth rate (CBR), crude death rate (CDR), doubling
time, total fertility rate (TFR), replacement level fertility, developed country, developing country, life expectancy, infant
mortality, child mortality, net migration rate, age structure diagram, population pyramid, population momentum.
What is the rule of 70? When and how is it used?
If the population of rabbits in a n ecosystems grows at a rate of approximately 4% per year, the number of years required
for the rabbit population to double is closest to: 4 , 8 12, 17 or 25 years? (show your work)
Using the graph to the right to answer
the following questions:
a. What conclusions can you
draw from the graph?
b. Do you believe there are
relationships between
population growth and total
fertility rates (TFR)?
c. What are some possible
relationships between the
total fertility rate (TFR) and
the infant mortality rates
(IMR) for these countries?
Using figure 22.5 Average life expectancies around the world, on page 231 of your text, answer the following questions:
a. Which countries or regions of the world experience long life expectancies and low infant mortality rates?
b. Which countries or regions of the world experience short life expectancies and high infant mortality rates?
c. What common characteristics are shared among nations that enjoy longs lives and low infant mortality rates?
Which region of the world is most affected by HIV? (use figure 22.7 on page 232.
Do the Math – page 233. Show your work.
10. Can a country with low crude birth rate (CBR) still experience population growth?
11. Video – Population Pyramids: Powerful Predictors of the Future.
12. Using the information on pages 234 and 235 of your text, be prepared to discuss the following:
a. What information does and age structure diagram include?
b. Why is the age structure of a population important to demographers?
c. What are the shape and trends of the three broad categories of age structure diagrams: population pyramid, even
distribution of ages, inverted pyramid?
d. What conclusions can you make about the four age structure diagrams on page 235?
 India
 United States
 Germany
 China
13. Answer the Module 22 review questions:
Module 23 – Economic Development, Consumption, and Sustainability
1. Vocabulary – theory of demographic transition, affluence, family planning, IPAT equation, gross domestic product (GDP),
urban area
Describe the four major phases of
demographic transition.
a. Phase 1
b. Phase 2
c. Phase 3
d. Phase 4
Describe how demographic transition
follows economic development.
What is the relationship between income and fertility? What are possible reasons for the trend?
What are benefits of family planning? Why would people not use family planning?
Complete the following table
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Impact on population
growth rate
What can you conclude about the effect of education among females?
How does population growth in developed nations compare to population growth in developing nations?
What conclusions can you make about the per capita ecological footprints? How do you compare?
10. What are the three factors in the IPAT equation?
11. What are four economic activities that make up a country’s GDP? How is GDP correlated to environmental impact?
12. Why might some environmental scientists argue that increasing the GDP of developing nations is the best way to save the
13. What are examples of local impacts? Global impacts?
14. Explain how a local impact ca become a global impact?
15. What are benefits of living in urban areas? Concerns?
16. How are economic development and sustainable development different?
17. Answer the Module 23 review questions:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______