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Department of Sociology
Rice University
6100 Main Street, MS-28
Houston, TX 77005
[email protected]
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, Rice University, July 2015-present
Research Associate, Religion and Public Life Program, Rice University, July 2015-present
Research and Teaching Interests
Community and urban sociology, Islam, ethnography, gender, poverty, race, culture, mental
health, death and dying
Ph.D. in Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles
M.A. in Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles
M.Sc. in Global Media and Communications, with Merit, London School of Economics and
Political Science
M.A. in Global Media and Communications, University of Southern California
B.S. in Broadcast Journalism, Summa Cum Laude, Boston University
Believing in South Central: Everyday Islam in an Inner City (under review)
Peer-reviewed Articles
Vaidyanathan, Brandon, David R. Johnson, Pamela Prickett, Elaine Howard Ecklund.
“Rejecting the Conflict Narrative: American Jewish and Muslim Views on Science and
Religion.” Social Compass (Forthcoming)
Prickett, Pamela. 2015. “Negotiating Gendered Religious Space: The Particularities of Patriarchy
in an African American Mosque.” Gender & Society 29(1): 51-72.
Prickett, Pamela. 2014. “Contextualizing From Within: Perceptions of Physical Disorder in a
South Central L.A. African American Mosque.” City & Community 13(3): 214-232.
*Winner of the 2015 ASA Community and Urban Sociology Best Graduate Student
Paper Award
Other Publications
Prickett, Pamela. 2015, February 2. “Is Islam an Innately Patriarchal Religion?” Invited blog
entry for Gender & Society (
Teaching Experience
Rice University, Department of Sociology
Urban Sociology, Fall 2016
UCLA, Department of Sociology
Poverty Research in the U.S. and Beyond, Fall 2014, Winter 2015
Sociology of Gender, Summer 2014
Production of Poverty Knowledge, Winter 2013
UCLA, Department of Sociology, Teaching Assistant
Sociology of Mass Communication, Fall 2008, Winter and Spring 2010
Sociology of the Family, Spring and Fall 2009
Social Organization of African-American Communities (co-listed, Department of African
Studies), Winter 2009
USC, Annenberg School for Communication, Teaching Assistant
Communication as a Social Science, Spring 2005
Media and Society, Fall 2005
Awards and Fellowships
Boniuk Institute Small Grant, Rice University, 2016-17
Mini-Grant, Social Science Research Institute, Rice University, 2016
UCLA Department of Sociology Excellence in Teaching Award, 2015
Best Graduate Student Paper, Community and Urban Sociology Section, ASA 2015
Student Travel Grant, American Sociological Association, 2015
Prickett 2
Excellence in Teaching Fellow, Sociology, UCLA, 2014-15
Dean’s Dissertation Launchpad Invited Speaker, UCLA, 2014
Dorothy L. Meier Fellowship, Sociology, UCLA, 2013-14
Maurice J. and Fay B. Karpf Peace Prize Award, Sociology, UCLA, 2013
Graduate Fellowship, Sociology, UCLA, 2013
Collegium of University Teaching Fellowship, (CUTF), UCLA, 2012-13
Graduate Fellowship, Sociology, UCLA, 2011-12
Graduate Research Mentorship, Graduate Division, UCLA, 2010-11
Graduate Summer Research Mentorship, Graduate Division, UCLA, 2010
Graduate Summer Research Mentorship, Graduate Division, UCLA, 2008
Graduate Fellowship, Sociology, UCLA, 2007-08
Invited Lectures and Select Conference Presentations
“The Role of Congregations in Community Mental Health Care”
Conference on Medicine and Religion, March 2016
“Constructing Ethnic Boundaries within American Islam”
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Thematic Session: Religion
and Race in America (co-sponsored with the Association for the Sociology of Religion),
August 2015
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Convention, Gender and Islam panel,
October 2015
“Negotiating Gendered Religious Space in an African American Mosque”
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Convention, Institutions and
Identities in American Islam panel, October 2014
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Sociology of Religion regular
session, August 2014
“The Limits of Religious Support Networks among the Urban Poor”
Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, April 2014
“The Pious Disadvantaged: Islam in the Inner City”
Inaugural Dean’s Dissertation Launchpad Showcase, UCLA, March 2014
“Interrogating Gender Inequality in Islam”
Annual Winter Meeting of the Sociologists for Women in Society, February 2014
“Hustling for Allah: The Interplay of Culture and Structure in an African American Community”
Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, August 2013
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Sociology of Culture
roundtable, August 2012
Prickett 3
“Contextualizing Crime and Disorder: Meanings of and Reactions to Signs of Disorder in an
Urban Community”
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Community and Urban
Sociology regular session, August 2010
“Exchange and Regulation in an Informal Religious Economy”
Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, Invited
Speaker, April 2009
Committee, Student Paper Award, Section on Community and Urban Sociology, ASA 2016
Roundtable Co-Organizer, Section on Sociology of Religion, ASA 2015
Co-Coordinator, Religion Working Group, Sociology, UCLA, 2008-10
Reviewer for Gender & Society, City & Community, City & Society, Politics & Religion,
Sociology of Religion
This is a shortened web version – please email me for a complete CV.
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