Download Prefixes denoting repetition or reversal actions

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Prefixes denoting repetition or reversal actions:
- un: Combines with verbs and produces the meaning 'reverse the action',
e.g. undo, untie, unpack, unlock, unzip. Also combines with some nouns
to form verbs and produces the meaning 'deprive of, 'release from', etc.,
e.g., unseat, unmask, unearth, unhorse.
- de: Combines with verbs and with nouns derived from verbs and
produces the meaning 'reverse the action', e.g., decode, decontrol,
denationalize. Combines with verbs and nouns derived from verbs to
produce the meaning 'deprive of, e.g., dethrone, deforest, depopulation.
- dis: Combines with verbs with the meaning 'reversing the action', e.g.,
disconnect, disinfect, disown, etc. Occurs with the sense 'remove, deprive
of, rid of what is denoted by the noun stem. The resulting word is a verb,
e.g., disarm, disfigure, etc