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Technical report writing.
The general structure of a document
School of Engineering & the Built Environment
Course code: TEGR3760
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Technical Writing (TW) What ist· · · ?1
The technical writing as a skill for engineers.
TW” is the literature of science, technology, and systems development
Technical writers are employed in engineering-related industries as electronics,
electrical power, chemical, mining & mettallurgy construction, civil and structure,
water, Communication & Computing & many other fields.
TW deals with an object, process, system, or abstract idea, and the language is
utilitarian (functional);
TW: stresses accuracy rather than style.
Good TW is technically accurate, useful, concise, complete, clear, consistent,
targeted, well organized, and must be correct in grammar, spelling and
The technical content (information/message), is not the writing style or author’s
feelings toward the subject, is the focal point.
1 D.
Al-Othmany & M. S. Ali (2009)
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Technical Communication (TC) 2
Technical communication (TC) often leads composition in the use of technology.
(TC) focuses more on product: size and shape of the finished document.
2 D.
Al-Othmany & M. S. Ali (2009)
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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We will discuss · · ·
The general structure of a document
3 1)
D. Al-Othmany & M. S. Ali (2009), 2) D. Denttinger (1980)
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Technical writing for engineers 4
Types of Documents
Common technical reports: articles,
papers, or research reports (e.g.,
theses and dissertations)..
Electronic document types
are:electronic mail (email), websites
and hypertext.
memoranda, minutes of the meeting,
literature reviews, reports, letters,
proposals, press releases,
specifications, documentation,
instructions and procedures, style
guides, theses, oral presentations,
résumés, and notebooks.
4 D.
Al-Othmany & M. S. Ali (2009)
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Major sections or elements of a report 5
Typical sections or elements of a technical report, especially a journal article, and
research reports (including theses and dissertations)
5 1)
D. Al-Othmany & M. S. Ali (2009), 2) D. Denttinger (1980)
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Major sections or elements of a report 6
Typical sections or elements of a technical report, especially a laboratory and
field reports
Introduction, background and literature review
Theory, methods, procedures, and equipment
Results, findings, observations, or data
Conclusion, implications and further research.
6 1)
D. Al-Othmany & M. S. Ali (2009), 2) D. Denttinger (1980)
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Major sections or elements of a report 7
AIMRAD Typical sections or elements of a technical report, especially Papers,
Presentations and Reports
Methods & materials
The classic AIMRAD structure may not be suitable if you are reporting on:
Experimental work, but the structure needs to be expanded from the restrictive
AIMRAD form.
Work that is not of an experimental nature.
7 1)
D. Al-Othmany & M. S. Ali (2009), 2) D. Denttinger (1980)
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Choosing a set of main headings 8
Basic skeleton of all professional technical documents is made of a set of main
Heading dont depend on the topic or heading of the report or
Whether it presents experimental or investigational work that you have done
8 Heather
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Choosing section headings: building an extended
skeleton 9
General skeleton for a generalized short and a long document to show the
9 Heather
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Building a guide by giving overview information
throughout 10
Diamond shaped. At the narrow ends:
The information is brief, focused and concise.
The Summary /Abstract at the beginning & Conclusions at the end each give
overview information.
The Summary prepares the reader for the whole document, the Conclusions
confirms the findings.
10 Heather
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Building a guide by giving overview information
throughout 11
General skeleton for a generalized short and a long document to show the
11 Heather
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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How to get the undetailed understanding of the key
information? 12
12 Heather
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Deliberate repetition of information in a document13
Deliberate repetition of material though out the document
13 Heather
The general structure of a document
Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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Check List14
14 Heather
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Technical report writing.
School of Engineering & the Built Environment Cours
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