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CREDIT SEMINAR THERAPEUTIC FAILURE OF PHENYLKETONURIA Name:Simranjit kaur : CUPB/Msc./SELST/GDMM/2014-15/01 Course : Msc. Genetic Diseases and Molecular Medicines WHAT IS PHENYLKETONURIA(PKU)? Autosomal recessive disorder High level of Phenylalaine Defect in PAH gene Deficiency of PAH enzyme Deficiency of co-factor BH4 (Source: National institute of child health and human development). TYPES On basis of level of Phenylalanine in blood: Hyperphenylalanemia Mild PKU Moderate Svere or variant PKU or classic PKU MECHANISM Source: HISTORY Discovered by Dr.Asbjorn Folling(1888-1973) in 1934. Named it “Imbecillitas phenylpyruvica” Later “PHENYLKETONURIA”. Got 1st Joseph P Kennedy International Award (1962). PKU is first genetic disorder known to cause mental retardation. WHERE IS PAH GENE PRESENT? Present at chromosome no. 12. Gene cytogenetic band 12q22-q23.2. Size is : 121,256 bp. Figure showing PAH gene location Source; 6DNCAuwTMrIHgCw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ CHARACTERISTICS PHENOTYPIC Blackening of urine Intellectual disability or mental retardation Small head size called microcephaly Musty odour in urine, breath and skin Fair skin and blue eyes (albinism) Seizures, shaking in arms and legs Slow and stunned growth Skin rashes PHENYLALANINE GENETICS PKU is genetic disorder inherited form parents by off springs Mother Father P p Mother Father P p P PP Pp p Pp pp p Pp pp p Pp pp Cross b/w both affected parents Mother Father p p P Pp Pp P Pp Pp Cross b/w affected and unaffected parents Cross b/w affected and carrier parents Mother Father P p P PP Pp P PP Pp Cross b/w carrier and unaffected parents TREATMENT OF PKU Various therapies: Nutrition or Diet restricted therapy BH4 therapy Enzyme substitution therapy Glycomacropeptide New born screeing PAH deficiency treatment in pregnancy Genetic counselling NUTRITION OT DIET RESTRICTED THERAPY Used to normalise blood phe level. Low phe diet (120-360 umol/L). should be started as soon as. Diet should include nutrition and other essential aminoacids for development Medical formula should be used (LOFENALAC 1st FDA approved). CONT.. It also involves Diet management of: Infants Children Adults Limitations Deficiency of essential aminoacids and other nutrients. Deficiency of Ca and vitamin B12. Neuropsychological problems arises. MEDICAL FORMULA Source: BH4 (TETRAHYDROBIOPTERIN) THERAPY Vitamin like susbtance acts as co-factor for PAH enzyme (1999). Mechanism : Phenylalaninehydrolase (PAH) Phenylalanine Tetrahydrobiopterin Tyrosine Dihydrobiopterin BH4 SYNTHESIS Guanosine triphosphate GTP cyclohydrolase Dihydroneopterin triphosphate 6-Pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin Pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin (PTP) Sepiapterin reductase PTP reductase Sepiapterin Lactoyltetrahydropterin Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) CONT.. Symptoms Siezures Mental ratardation Necessity For the functioning of PAH enzyme. Advantages Effective than nutrition therapy Useful for mild PKU Limitation Very costly ENZYME SUBSTITUTION THERAPY Began in 2009 with biomartin clinical trials. Involves replacement with: PAH enzyme. PAL enzyme. Mechanism of PAH enzyme Source: Mechanism of PAL enzyme Source: Difficulties : Orally taken get degraded . If injected increases immunogenecity. TO OVER COME DIFFICULTIES Polyethylene glycol derivatization(PEGylation) technique is used It prevents degradation by enzymes. Also from increased immunogenecity. CONT.. Advantages No need for co-factor More stable More effective and economically good. Disadvantages Clinical trials under investigation. NEW BORN SCREENING: A THERAPY Began by Dr.Robert Guthrie (1990). Guthrie test is required for blood testing. Advantages Prevents mental retardation in children. Control over mild and hyperalanimia PKU. Limitations Effective but requirement of permanent cure. PAH DEFICIENCY TREATMENT IN PREGNANCY Woman having PKU disorder must consult doctor before conception. She must check her blood PHE level before conception. If not cared causes CHD diseases. Microcephaly Mental retardation. Intrauterine and postal growth retardation in infants. GENETIC COUNSELLING Becomes easy to treat PKU in family . Molecular genetic testing of PAH gene is possible now. After birth treatment is also necessary. CURRENT THERAPIES UNDER INVESTIGATION Gene therapy Somatic gene therapy Induced pluripotent stem cells GENETIC COUNSELLING Molecular genetic testing. Determination of genetic risk. Clarification of carrier status. Prenatal testing before pregnancy. PREGNANT WOMEN TREATMENT Women with PAH deficiency should start a pherestricted diet before conception. During pregnancy proper nutrition guidance is must . DRUGS FOR PKU KUVAN: Also called sapropterin, a synthetic form of BH4. First FDA approved drug for PKU. Mechanism Tyrosine Phenylalanine PAH enzyme + BH4 Kuvan CONT... LNAA transporters: Used as drus as blood brain barrier. Limitations Proves effective for individual alreay having long term PKU Still need clinical trails. Source: LATEST UPDATE CONCLUSION Therapies are available for PKU but still needs more investigation. New born screening and pregnancy treatment proves effective for children. Drugs also available but still has major side effects. Current therapies under investigation holds promise for future betterment in curation of PKU. Genetic counselling proves very effective for families having PKU disorder. FUTURE PERSPECTIVE Need of multiple treatment options. Individualized treatment. Gene therapy and pluripotent stem cell therapy may prove better in future and studies are under investigation for them. MY HYPOTHESIS REFRENCES Arnaud, C.H. (2014). Aptamers recognize small –molecule targets. Biological SCENE (in press). Eisensmith, R.C., Woo, S.L.C. (1994). 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Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency.Journal in Medicine 13: 697-707. Schuett, V. (2006).National PKU News (in press). Schuett, V. (2003). Will Tetrahydrobiopterin have a role in PKU treatment ?National PKU News (in press). Schuett. V. (2009). National PKU News (in press). Van Spronsen, F.J., Groot, M.J., Hoeksma, M., Reijngoud, D.J., Van Rifn, M. (2010). Large neutral amino acids in the treatment of PKU: From theory to practice. Journal ofInherited Metabolic Disease 33(6): 671-676. Williams, R.A., Mamotte, C.D.S., Burnet J.R. (2008). Phenylketonuria: An Inborn Error of Phenylalanine Metabolism. Clinical Biochemistry Review 29(1): 31–41. THANK YOU