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What Enduring Issues are there in Global History?
There are MANY enduring issues in Global History that you have seen over during this course, Here is a common list!
Conflict is a serious disagreement or argument. There can be a conflict between individuals, groups of people, and
even nations.
Desire for Power
Power is the influence or control over the behavior of people and it is a part of every human interaction. You can see
the effects of power in your relationships with your family and friends, and in schools, sports, business, and
Inequality is a lack of fairness or justice. When there is inequality, one person or group of people do not have as much
power or opportunity as others.
Impact of Innovation/ Impact of Technology
An innovation/technology is a new method of addressing a problem. Innovations and technology have positive and
negative impacts. A new method used to address a problem.
Impact of Interconnectedness/ Impact of Cultural Diffusion
Interconnectedness is the state of having connections or relationships with other people. For example, the more
people you know from a neighborhood, the more interconnected you are with it. Cultural diffusion blends different
cultures together.
Impact of Belief Systems
Our beliefs shape the way we look at the world. Beliefs can come from one’s conclusions from observation, religion,
parents, books, or friends. They can have positive and negative impacts on how people live and interact.
Human Impact on the Environment
Impact of the Environment on Humans
Our environment is the area around us in which we live. We are affected by our environment and we have an effect
on it. This is true of your local environment (your home, your classroom, and your neighborhood) and the larger
environment (your state, your country, and the world).
Scarcity/Lack of Resources/Lack of Social Resources
Scarcity/Lack of access is the state of someone not having enough of something. Everything we use in our daily life
comes from the Earth and there is a limited supply of resources on this planet. Some places have access to more water
than others, some have access to oil. Since resources are scarce, we trade for them. Can include lack of
Impact of Population Growth
Population growth occurs when more people are born than die and for most of global history, the number of people
on Earth has increased. Can have a positive and or negative effect.
Impact of Disease/ Impact of Modern Medicine
Impact of disease and Modern Medicine occurs when a group of people or region is impacted by a viral or bacterial
infection of epidemic or pandemic in size. Certain diseases can impact certain groups such as children and elderly
more than others. Diseases can be accidentally spread through contact, or even purposely used as chemical warfare.
Modern and past pandemics play a huge role in life on this planet. Modern medicines have impacted how diseases
affect groups and how they are spread or contained. New medicines have even created drug resistant illnesses or
Human Rights Violations
Human Rights Violations happens when a specific group of people or ethnicity is targeted by another group. This
happens when the group faces injustices, inequality, discrimination, unfair/harsh treatments or punishments,
persecution for certain beliefs, resistance of movement, enslavement, human trafficking, lack of freedoms & rights,
censorship, and genocide.
Impact of Trade
Trade occurs when two or more people or groups participate in buying, selling, or exchanging goods and/or services.
The impact of trade is the integration and rejection of beliefs and ideas. Trad can lead to cultural diffusion, loss of
jobs, technology (+ or -), loss of cultural identity, impacts on living standards, ease or restrictions on trade, impacts on
the environment, transfers of wealth, and interconnectedness.
Impact of Industrialization
Industrialization is when a country or region transforms their economy from an agricultural one to an economy
based on the manufacturing of goods (factories). The impact of industrialization can have both positive and
negative effects on a society. This can lead to imperialism, issues with working conditions, issues with
urbanization (Cities), living conditions, child/slave labor, needs for reforms within the country, attitudes of
superiority (ethnocentrism), need/lack resources, environmental impacts from industrialization, issues with
wealth inequality, and equality among social classes and groups.
Threats to Security/Fear/Impacts of Violence
Security is freedom from potential harm caused by others. This can include threats to privacy, property, freedoms,
rights, terrorism, school violence, impacts of weaponry, technology, espionage, chemical and biological warfare. This
includes cyber threats and hacking a modern day issue as the growth of the internet age continues.
Impact of Imperialism/ Impact of Empire Building /Impact of Colonialism
Imperialism/Empire Building/Colonialism is when a stronger or more dominant country takes over the political,
social, and economic areas of a weaker country. The causes can be over, land, resources, power, wealth, and status.
This can create problems of labor and industrialization, conflicting cultural views, loss of tradition, maintaining
cultural/ethnic identity, problems or improvements to standard of living, infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
This can have both positive and negative impacts on both countries.
**If you do not see the one that fits for you, it’s OK! You are encouraged to come up with your own
based on the information from the documents***