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Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics:
Primary Division, 2015
Released Assessment: Item-Specific Rubrics and
Sample Student Responses with Annotations
Student Booklet: English, Writing
EQAO, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M5B 2M9 • 1-888-327-7377 • Web site: • © 2011 Queen’s Printer for Ontario
EQAO, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M5B 2M9 • 1-888-327-7377 • Web site: • © 2011 Queen’s Printer for Ontario
EQAO, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M5B 2M9 • 1-888-327-7377 • Web site: • © 2015 Queen’s Printer for Ontario
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Q: What is your favour ite subject in school? Wr ite a par agr aph to shar e with your teacher explaining
why it is your favourite subject.
Blank: nothing written or drawn in the space provided
Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out / erased; not written in English
Irrelevant content: does not attempt assigned prompt (e.g., comment on the task, drawings,
“?”, “!”, “I don’t know”)
Off topic: no relationship of written work to assigned prompt
Errors in conventions prevent communication
Response is not developed; ideas and information are limited and unclear. Organization* is
random with no links between ideas. Response has a limited relationship to the assigned
Response is minimally developed with few ideas and little information.
Organization* is minimal with weak links between ideas. Response is partly related to the
assigned task.**
Response has a clear focus, adequately developed with ideas and supporting details. Organization* is simple or mechanical with adequate links between ideas. Response is clearly related to the assigned task.**
Response has a clear focus, well-developed with sufficient specific and relevant ideas and
supporting details. Organization* is logical and coherent with effective links between ideas.
Response has a thorough relationship to the assigned task.**
*Organization refers to the sequencing of information and events. The links may be explicit (e.g., transition
words) or implicit (the right information at the right time).
**Task refers to form, purpose and audience.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Code 10
Annotation: Response is not developed; ideas and suppor ting details for the choice of favour ite subject in
school are limited (e.g., ...Gym because we play batmanten and it is so mach fun.).
Response has a limited relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Code 20
Annotation: Response is minimally developed, with few ideas about the favour ite subject in school (e.g.,
...math because i like adding and subtracting and mltipling and divding and problem salving, shaps, Patterns
and many more. And im good at it.). Response does not clearly explain why it is the student's favourite subject.
Organization is minimal with weak links between ideas.
Response is partly related to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Code 30
Annotation: Response has a clear focus, with adequately developed ideas about the favour ite subject in
school (e.g., … math because I’m super good at it...I do it all the time at my house with my mom and dad...) and
supporting details for why (e.g., …I love to count, and I expecailly love adding and multiplication too...I even do
it on the computer...). Organization is simple with adequate links between ideas and simple opening and closing
sentences (e.g., My favourite subject is math...A lso… A nd that’s my favourite subject and why I like it.).
Response is clearly related to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Code 40
Annotation: Response has a clear focus, with well-developed ideas about the favourite subject in school (e.g.,
…in gym you do lots of fun get get to play in class you don’t get to play...) and specific and relevant supporting details for why (e.g.,, basketball, warm up for gym so that we are
ready we run 3 laps across the class we do math and writing in gym we do sports and games.). Organization is logical, with an opening sentence and closing sentence and clear links between ideas (e.g., My favourite
subject in school is gym...For example...I like gym...For example...I chose gym...For example..At school gym
Response has a thorough relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Q: What is your favour ite subject in school? Wr ite a par agr aph to shar e with your teacher explaining
why it is your favourite subject.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Code 10
Annotation: Response has er r or s in conventions (e.g., the r esponse is a r un-on sentence; a verb tense error:
it have cravety; incorrect word choice: fee for ‘free’; missing the ‘s’ in the contraction ‘it’s’; misspelled words:
cravety, yor, wundallf, feling, druing, druy) that interfere with communication.
The response contains no correctly punctuated sentences.
Response does not demonstrate control of grade-level conventions.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Code 20
Annotation: Response has er r or s in conventions (e.g., two incomplete sentences; missing commas in a
list; misspelled words: exersize, aquitment, dich) that do not interfere with communication. The response
demonstrates control of simple sentences.
Response demonstrates control of some grade-level conventions.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2015)
Favourite Subject in School – Question C13
Code 30
Annotation: Response uses conventions appr opr iately to communicate (e.g., cor r ect use of beginning and
ending punctuation). Some errors exist (e.g., misplaced uppercase letters: A rt, Draw; a misspelled word: subget).
The response demonstrates consistent control of compound sentences.
Response demonstrates control of grade-level conventions.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Change Size – Question D7
Q: One day you fall asleep and wake up the size of a ___________________.
Write an adventure story about what it is like to be your new size and what you do that day.
Blank: nothing written or drawn in the space provided
Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out / erased; not written in English
Irrelevant content: does not attempt assigned prompt (e.g., comment on the task, drawings,
“?”, “!”, “I don’t know”)
Off topic: no relationship of written work to assigned prompt
Errors in conventions prevent communication
Response is not developed; ideas and information are limited and unclear. Organization* is
random with no links between ideas. Response has a limited relationship to the assigned
Response is minimally developed with few ideas and little information.
Organization* is minimal with weak links between ideas. Response is partly related to the
assigned task.**
Response has a clear focus, adequately developed with ideas and supporting details. Organization* is simple or mechanical with adequate links between ideas. Response is clearly related to the assigned task.**
Response has a clear focus, well-developed with sufficient specific and relevant ideas and
supporting details. Organization* is logical and coherent with effective links between ideas.
Response has a thorough relationship to the assigned task.**
*Organization refers to the sequencing of information and events. The links may be explicit (e.g., transition
words) or implicit (the right information at the right time).
**Task refers to form, purpose and audience.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Change Size – Question D7
Code 10
Annotation: Response is not developed; ideas (e.g., ...I fall asleep and wak e up the size of a ant...I look
arowned...I went in a toycar...sleep and waked up and I was back to normal.) and supporting details are limited
(e.g., ...everything was superbig… I could drive it...). Organization is random with no links between ideas.
Response has a limited relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Change Size – Question D7
Code 20
Annotation: Response is minimally developed with few ideas (e.g., ...a giant I sat down got up...I saw a
plane coming beside me...I walked...I saw children playing below me I was so happy I was the tallest person in
the world...I saw through the windows of tall buildings...) and simple supporting details (e.g., ...I was so tall I
can see on top the clouds...there was thousands of people...I saw a bird’s nest and I helped a baby bird fly...the
bird landed on my shoulder.). Organization is minimal with weak links between ideas.
Response is partly related to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Change Size – Question D7
Code 30
Annotation: Response has a clear focus with adequately developed ideas (e.g., … wok e up the size of a toy
soldier...I couldn t believe what happened to me...I looked for my mom and dad...I went downstairs to have
breakfast...our pet cat started chasing me...I ran into a whole to get away from the cat.) and adequate supporting details (e.g., one was at home...I could only eat the crumbs from the leftover toast...Tiger...). Organization is simple with adequate links between ideas.
Response is clearly related to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Topic Development
Change Size – Question D7
Code 40
Annotation: Response has a clear focus with well-developed ideas (e.g., … the size of a giant girl. I felt so
happy...That day I did so many things. I helped people travel to one place to another place….I helped the police
caught robbers and bandits...I blew clouds on cloudy days...I pushed cars that ran out of gas to the nearest gas
station...That day every-one thanked me for what I did to them...) and specific and relevant supporting details
(e.g., ...the people won’t waste their money to buy tickets and they can see their family and old friends...that
stealed jewellery and people can go to the park to enjoy the sunny day...they can get was a
magic grape...). Organization is logical and has clear links between ideas.
Response has a thorough relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Change Size – Question D7
Q: One day you fall asleep and wake up the size of a ___________________.
Write an adventure story about what it is like to be your new size and what you do that day.
Blank: nothing written or drawn in the space provided
Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out / erased; not written in English
Errors in conventions prevent communication
Insufficient evidence to assess the use of conventions
Errors in conventions interfere with communication
Errors in conventions do not interfere with communication
Conventions are used appropriately to communicate
prevent: Er r or s pr event under standing. The r eader cannot deter mine what the piece of wr iting is saying.
insufficient evidence: The student has not wr itten enough to assess his/her use of conventions. A minimum of two sentences (or their equivalent) are required to receive at least a code 10.
interfere: Reading r hythm is constantly inter r upted. The er r or s disr upt clear communication of ideas.
do not interfere: Reading r hythm may be inter r upted. The er r or s do not disr upt communication of ideas.
Conventions (e.g., punctuation, grammar, syntax and spelling) are used appropriately: Conventions ar e
used accurately and consistently. Response reflects the standard of written communication expected by the
Ontario Curriculum to the end of the grade being assessed.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Change Size – Question D7
Code 10
Annotation: Response has er r or s in conventions (e.g., the r esponse is a single r un-on sentence missing end
punctuation; a run-on sentence; a missing word; incorrect word choice: than for ‘then’; missing commas; missing uppercase letters on proper nouns; inappropriate uppercase letters; misspelled words) that interfere with
The response contains no correctly punctuated sentences.
Response does not demonstrate the use of grade-level conventions or control of conventions.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Change Size – Question D7
Code 20
Annotation: Response has er r or s in conventions (e.g., r un-on sentences; missing end punctuation; incorrect
word choice: a for ‘an’; a missing comma; misspelled words; incorrect verb tense) that do not interfere with
communication. The response contains two correctly punctuated compound sentences.
Response demonstrates control of some grade-level conventions.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2015)
Change Size – Question D7
Code 30
Annotation: Response uses conventions appr opr iately to communicate (e.g., cor r ect use of beginning and
ending punctuation; correct capitalization of a proper noun; correct use of a question mark). Some errors exist
(e.g., missing commas for introductory phrases throughout; missing punctuation; missing an apostrophe for possessive; missing a word creating a run-on sentence; incorrect word choice: gonna for ‘going to’). The response
demonstrates consistent control of compound sentences.
Response demonstrates control of grade-level conventions.