* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
BIOL 1407 Protist Lab Specimens Textbook Table 27.3 Find a picture or draw a picture of each of the following protists. Can submit as a word doc, google doc or scan of a paper where you draw pictures. Please label the pictures with magnification were applicable. Lineage/Phylum/Organism name Excavata/Euglenozoans Trypanosoma gambiense Euglena spp. Alveolata/Dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates (mixes spp.) Ceratium Alveolata/Apicomplexans Plasmodium falciparum Alveolata/Ciliates Stentor coeruleus Paramecium caudatum Blepharisma spp. Opisthokonta/Animalia/Rotifera Philodina (rotifers) Stramenopila/Diatoms Stramenopila/Phaeophyta (Brown algae) —Herbarium mounts only- these are life size so magnification will not be applicable Fucus visiculosus Sargassum filipendula Laminaria agardhii Lineage/Phylum/Organism name Unikonta/Amoebozoans Amoeba proteus Rhizaria/Foraminiferans Rhizaria/Radiolarians Plantae/Rhodophyta (Red algae)—Herbarium mounts only- these are life size, so magnification will not be applicable Chondrus crispus Porphyra umbilicalis Plantae/Chlorophyta (Green algae) Spirogyra spp. Ulva curvata (sea lettuce) (no magnification)