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Introduction to Power Electronics 國立交通大學電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Elect ronics IC D esign & DSP Cont rol Lab., NCTU, Taiwan 電 力 電 子簡介 鄒 應 嶼 教 授 國立交通大學 電機與控制工程研究所 2004年9月12日 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Elec tro nics I C Des ig n & DSP C on tro l La b. POWERLAB NCTU 台 灣新 竹交通 大學 • 電機 與控制 工程研 究所 File nam e: :\投影片:電力電 子 (研究所)\PE- 01.電力 電子簡介. ppt pag e 1 Introduction to Power Electronics 1. Introduction 2. Linear vs. Switching Power Supply 3. Power Conversion Process 4. Unique Aspects of Power Electronics 5. Power Semiconductor Devices 6. Applications 7. Power Converters for Power Supplies 8. Power Converters for Motor Drives 9. Future Development of Power Electronics pag e 2 Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Introduction 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 3 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 1 Introduction to Power Electronics Foundations of Modern Civilization 瓦特發明蒸汽機 (第一次工業革命) 能源 與 控制 資訊 與 通訊 微電子 (microelectronics) 功率電子 (power electronics) 1971 INTEL, 4004 Microprocessor 1956 General Electric, SCR 資訊處理 (information processing) 能源處理 (energy processing) Signa l Pr ocessing Power Pr ocessing pag e 4 What is Power Electronics? Power electr onics ca n be defined as technology in application of electronics to power processing. Power e lectronics is a branc h of electrica l e ngineering that is concer ned with the c onversion and c ontr ol of electrica l power for various a pplications , suc h as heating and lighting contr ol, electroc hemical processes, dc a nd ac regulated power s upplies , induc tion heating, dc a nd ac e lectrical machine drives, e lectrica l welding, active power line filtering, static VAR c ompe nsation, a nd many m ore. pag e 5 Characteristics of Power Electronics Power Electronics is a Synergy Tec hnology Power Electronics is an Enabling Technology Power Electronics technology inhere ntly inte grates signal (ana log & digita l) process ing technology. Power Electronics = Efficient Power Conversion + Robust Pow er Control pag e 6 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 2 Introduction to Power Electronics 電力電子是多重工程規範整合的綜效技術(synergy technology) Computer Simulation Solid-State Physics Circuit Theory Converter Circuits Electronics µP/DSP Magnetics Pow er Electronics EMI/EMC Control Electrical Machines Thermal Design Saf ety Package Design Reliability pag e 7 Approaches to Advanced Power Electronics Technology Power Electronics Theor y Si mulation Practice pag e 8 Power Electronics Technologies and Applications Artificial Limbs SIC Bipolar T ransistor T hyristor SIT IGBT III-N MCT ASD T ransportation Hybrid & Electric Vehicles IPEM Wide Spread Use of Superconductors Domestic Robots IGCT Power MOSFET GT O 8-bit Microprocessor Silicon T ransistor ASD HVAC Custom Power FACTs Integrated Circuit 1960 1970 1980 1990 2020 2000 2010 pag e 9 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 3 Introduction to Power Electronics Power Electronics in Modern Life Power electronics plays a ke y role in all these products for energy saving, high power density, and quite operation requirements! pag e 10 Applications of Power Electronics Power Supply SPS for C&C DC- DC Converters VRM/LDO Charger Adaptor Ballast UPS, AV R, Pow er Source PV Inverter, Fuel- Cell Inverter EDM/Sputter/Wielding ……… Motor Drive Inverter Servo Drive FA N Drive Infor mation Appliance Drive White Goods Dr ive Toy Drive E- Bike/Sport Dr ive Sport/Rehabilitation Dr ive Automobile/EV /HEV Drive ……… Power Electronics pag e 11 The Worldwide Electronics Marketplace (1997) Power Semiconductor Devices $8B Power Electronic s is an Enabling Technology Equipment Sales: $60 B Hard ware Ele ctr onic s $1000B To tal Elec tro nics Marke t $2,00 0B pag e 12 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 4 Introduction to Power Electronics Energy and Power Electronics 20 18 To tal Energy 16 14 12 10 8 Electrical Energy 6 4 2 0 1800 1900 2000 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 30% sav ings with improv ed power electronics *Outpu t of 84 0 po wer pla nts Year 2100 60 80 To tal E nerg y Electrical E ner g y Motor 55% Compute rs Lighting 4% 21% Electrical Energ y 1997: 40% 2010: 80% Other 20% *EPRI pag e 13 高效率電源轉換是科技發展的原動力 1997年 世界總能源消耗:36×1012 KWH 電能使用比率:23% 電源轉換使用比率:16% 電源轉換半導體元件營業額:81億美金 pag e 14 電力電子革命 微處理器的發展引發了以個人電腦為基礎的資訊革命 ,高效率功率開關與高密度電能儲存元件的發展,則 開啟了以功率轉換模組(PEBB)為基礎的第二次電子革 命。 pag e 15 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 5 Introduction to Power Electronics 電力電子的研究範疇 電能變換/供應 馬達驅動/控制 電力品質控制 負載配電/管理 pag e 16 電力電子技術與產品的特質 ) 電力電子是核心技術 • 高效電能利用 ─ 節約電能 • 整合科技 ─ 開創新產品,增加附加價值 • 自動化 ─ 提高生產力與品質,增加競爭力 ) 電力電子市場大 • 產品相關產業市場大 • 國內業界已佔有相當市場 • 國內業界有潛力 ) 電力電子技術創新 • 革新性技術 pag e 17 電力電子發展的原動力 電源需求 不可或缺的、與日成長的、客戶定製的 環境保護 高效率的能源轉換與電能使用 pag e 18 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 6 Introduction to Power Electronics Power Electronic for Efficient Energy Conservation Ou tpu t Ou tpu t Thr ottli ng v alv e Motor Line in p ut Line in p ut Adj ustable spee d driv e Inp ut Inp ut Pum p Pum p (a) conventional drive (b) adjustable-speed drive pag e 19 Power Semiconductor Application Functions S TA TIC SWI TC HIN G Solid-state rela ys, contactors, a nd circuit brea ke rs Logic systems Circuit protecto rs---cro wba rs, limit activated inte rrupt ers AC PH ASE C ON TR OL Light dimmers Mo tor spee d controls Voltage regulato rs VAR regulato rs PHASE-C ON TR OL LED REC TI FIER/I NVER TER dc motor d rives Regulated dc po wer supplies HVDC Wind generat or con ve rters CYCL OC ONVER TER Aircraft VSC F syste ms Variable-frequenc y ac moto r d rives Freq uency multiplier Induction-heating sup plies High-frequenc y lighting TRA NSIS TOR L INEA R A MPLI FIER dc-dc buck, boost, and buck-boost con ve rters High-pe rformance regulated po wer supplies THYR IS TOR CH OPPE R Electric transportation prop ulsion control Gene rato r e xciters High-pe rformance, high -powe r regulated supplies INVER TER Aircraft and space powe r supplies Uninterruptible powe r supplies pag e 20 Historic Review of Power Electronics Development 1897 1901 1913 1923 1926 1931 1933 1936 1942 1948 1956 1958 1970 DEV ELOPMENT OF GRA ETZ CIRCUIT COOPER HEWITT PA TENT ON MERCURY-ARC RECTIFIER DISCOV ER OF GRID CONTROL DEV ELOPMENT OF COOL- CATHODE “THY RATRON” DEV EI OPMENT OF HOT- CATHODE “THY RATRON” CY CLOCONV ERTER INTRODUCED FOR RAILWAY SERV ICE DISCORY OF IGNITION PRINCIPLE HV DC TRA NSMISSION LINE INTRODUCED FREQUENCY CHA NGER FOR 25/60Hz, 20MW INV ENTION OF T RANSISTOR ( Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley, Bell Lab.) INV ENTION OF PNPN T RANSIST OR ( Bell Lab.) GE Comm ercialize the FIRST T HYRISTOR 500V,20A SILICON TRANSISTOR pag e 21 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 7 Introduction to Power Electronics Historic Review of Power Electronics Development .. 1971 1972 1975 1978 1980 1982 1986 1988 1997 2001 2002 2004 8008 MICROPROCESSOR ANNOUNCED BY INT EL FIELD-ORIENT ED V ECTOR CONTROL PRINCIPLE 300V, 400A TOSHIBA GIA NT TRA NSISTOR 100V, 25A POWER MOSFET BY INTERNA TIONAL RECTIFIER 2500V, 1000A GTO ( HITACHI, MITSUBISHI, AND TOSHIBA) 400V, 20A GE IGBT 1000V, 200A TOSHIBA IGBT 600V, 50A GE MCT Development of Low-Cost Single- Chip DSP Controller ( TMS320C240) VPEC Development of Pow er Electronics Building Block ( PEBB) Development of VRM for Advanced Microprocessors (Pentium IV) Digital PWM Control IC and Digital Pow er Management ICs pag e 22 Summary of Chronology of Electronic Power Conversion Dates Device or Technology Conversion Technologies 1880s T ransforme r, M-G sets Electromechanical units for ac-dc con ve rsion, volta ge level shifting fo r ac. 1900s Vacuum diodes Develop ment of major a pplications. 1920s Me rcury-arc tub es Electronic rectification. Electronic circuits for ac-dc and dc-ac conve rsion. Basic techniques worked out f or ac -ac conve rsion. 1930s Selenium rectifiers, grid cont rol “Semiconductor” rectifier technologies in regula r production. 1940s Ma gnetic amplifiers Electronic power a mplifiers. Fu rthe r ad vances in electronic con version. 1950s Semiconductors Inception of electronic con version fo r high-voltag e dc powe r t ransmission. Growing need for sm all power sup plies for electronic gea r. 1960s Silicon-controlled rectifier (SC Rs) High-pow er semiconducto r de vices. T hese quickly replaced gas tu bes, and made cont rollable ac-dc con vert ers p ractical and cheap. 1970s Power bipola r tra nsistors Substantial simplification of dc-ac and dc-dc conversion techniques. Emergence o f powe r electronics as a separate discipline. 1980s Power field-effect t ransistors New me thods fo r dc-dc con version. T he influence o f de vice prope rties on powe r electronics begins to w ane. R apid e xpansion of m arkets fo r miniature pow er supplies. 1990s IGBT Nearl y an y application now p ossible. Emphasis on the best alternative for a given application. pag e 23 開關式電源供應器 傳統電源供應器的積體化電力電子與功率半導體元件技術的最大挑戰! Smaller! … The Biggest Smaller! … Smaller! … Smaller! … … Biggest … Biggest Smaller! … Challenges! pag e 24 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 8 Introduction to Power Electronics 模組化電源轉換器 pag e 25 關鍵元件與技術的發展 蓄電池 (battery) 超級電容 (ultracapacitor) MOS控制閘流體 (MOS-controlled thyristor, MCT) 智慧型功率模組 (intelligent power module, IPM) 數位信號處理器(digital signal processor, DSP) 積體電源模組的發展 pag e 26 Driving Forces for Modern Power Electronics 開關式電源供應器(SPS) Î 資訊家電設備 不斷電系統(UPS) Î 通訊設備、資料中心 綠色能源 Î 風力發電、太陽能發電、燃料電池發電 節約能源 Î 變頻式空調、變頻式壓縮機、變頻式抽水機 製造自動化 Î 變頻器、伺服驅動器 現代運輸 Î 電動車輛、磁浮列車、高速電梯 電工應用Î 感應加熱、電銲、電鍍、放電加工 電力輸配 Î 功因改善、HVDC、電能儲存 電力發電 Î 分散式發電系統、Micro Turbine pag e 27 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 9 Introduction to Power Electronics Research Thrusts Adjusta ble Speed AC Dr ives Resonant Power Converters Autom otive Power Electr onics Electr onic Autom obiles High-Spee d Electr ic Railways HVDC Power Trans mission Ener gy Stora ge FEM Analys is of Electrica l Machines Active Power Factor Correction Power Electr onics Control ICs Intelligent Contr ol Strate gies Using DSP/µPs Intelligent Power De vices/Modules Superc onduc ting Power Electronics pag e 28 電力電子產業的明日之星產品 電動車:電動軌道車輛、電動汽車、電動機車、電動腳踏車 馬達驅動:變頻器、交流伺服驅動器、高效率變頻器 電源供應:SPS、UPS、動態旋轉不斷電系統、特殊應用電力轉換器 照明:電子安定器、智慧型照明控制系統 電力品質控制:功因控制器、三相主動功因修正器 電力輸配與監控:HVDC、電子變壓器、智慧型電錶、配電管理系統 能源轉換:日光能、風力發電 電池儲能:充電器、電池系統儲能、 燃料電池 pag e 29 Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Linear vs. Switching Power Supply 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 30 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 10 Introduction to Power Electronics 切換式與線性電源穩壓器的比較 交換式電源比較線性電源的優缺點: 優 點: 缺 點: • 體積小 • 輸出漣波大 • 重量輕 • 功率密度高 • 雜訊大 • 電路較複雜 • 功率轉換效率高 • 寬廣的輸入電壓範圍 pag e 31 Linear DC Power Supply + Line-freq uency transformer + vd Vo Controller Utility supply Vo , − ret Rload − Rectifier Filter-capacitor vd (t) vd range vd min Vo t 0 pag e 32 工作於主動區的電晶體有如可變電阻 iC C E B iB 飽和區 iC transistor 主動區 AC TIVE SA TU RA TI ON, v CE = 0 i C = hFE ⋅ i B 截止區 CU T-OF F, iC ≈ 0 vCE pag e 33 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 11 Introduction to Power Electronics 線性電源穩壓器的系統方塊圖 input 60 H z transformer output unregulated DC base drive r AC input OP load V ref DC outp ut AC input load equivalent circuit pag e 34 +5V輸出的定電壓源線性電源供應器 3-terminal regulator 橋式 整流 器 保險 絲 三端 子整 流器 50V 1.5A AC 12 5V 400 mA ~ 780 5 (5V 1.0 A) 5V, 1A − 390 0 µ F/16V 低頻變壓器 + + AC 10 0V ~ 損失大,須加散熱片 + 47 µ F/16V GND 0.1 µ F/50V 變壓 器 8V 2A pag e 35 線性電源穩壓器的基本特性 效率低、功率密度低、笨重 功率晶體的行為類似可變電阻 功率晶體工作於主動區 沒有電磁輻射干擾的問題 控制簡單 頻寬高、穩壓良好、漣波低 pag e 36 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 12 Introduction to Power Electronics Switch-Mode DC Power Supply Power processor Power processor + + Vo − Utility supply Vo Rload − + v − d Low-pass filter High frequency Rectifier transformer − + Rload Vd Filter Rectifier capacitor Vo Controller Controller Vo , ret Vo , ret (b) (a) pag e 37 等效電路與波形 voi Voi 0 t ton Ts = L + vd + − C vo (b) vripple(t) + voi b a toff 1 fs Rload 0 − t − (c) (a) (Voi )rms h Harmo nic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h (d) pag e 38 交換式電源的特點 為何稱為 “交換式電源 ” 呢? 主要因為其電路中至有少有一個電晶體"開關" (Sw itch) , 稱開關是因為這種開關元件 只工作在電晶體的"飽和區" (Saturation Region) 和"截止區" (Cut-Off Region)。 飽和與截止相當與"關" (CLOSED)與"開" (OPEN) 藉由電晶體開關的切換(開關)動作,將輸入端的能量送到輸出端;且藉由回授電路控制 開關動作,使輸出端維持在固定的電壓準位。所以此類電源稱為 “切換式”、 “交換式” 、或“開關式”電源供應器。 pag e 39 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 13 Introduction to Power Electronics 交換式電源的成本分析 Cos t(Doll ars per Wstt) 20KHz SPS versus Linear Perform ance P arameter cost comparison LPS SPS ?W Power Efficiency Size Weight Line & Load Regulation Output Ripple V Noise V Transient Response Hold-Up Time SP S LP S 75 % 2.0W/in 40 W/lb 0.1 % 50 mV 100 mV 500 µS 20 mS 30 % 0.5W/in 10 W/lb 0.1 % 5 mV -----20 µS 1mS 在成本價格方面,約略的說,功率愈高,採用切換式電源愈有利;反之一 、兩瓦功率輸出的電源,由於電路複雜性的不同,當然以採用線性電源的 成本較低。至於其交界點的功率為何,須視設計及規格而定。以同樣的效 能,交界點的功率可能在10瓦左右,而且有逐年下降的趨勢。 pag e 40 Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Power Conversion Process 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 41 Basis in Power Electronics Requireme nts (Specifications) z z z z z z Modern Power De vices z z z z z z Pow er MOSFET Insulated Gated Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) Static Induction Thyristor (SIT) MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT) Insulated Gated Control Thyristor (IGCT) Inj ection Enhanced Gate Thyristor (IEGT) Power Switc hing Techniques z z z z z High Efficiency (>90%) High Pow er Density (> 100W/in3) High Reliability (MTBF > 10 5 Hrs) Low Cost (< 0.1-0.5 US/Watt) EMC Regulations (FCC Class B) Safety Regulations (UL) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Resonant Sw itching Quasi-Resonant Switching Soft PWM Switching Phase Shift PWM Basic Power Converters z z z z AC/DC Converter DC/DC Converter DC/AC Converter AC/AC Converter (Rectifier) (Chopper) (Inverter) (Cycloconverter) pag e 42 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 14 Introduction to Power Electronics Power Conversion Process Input Power Power Conversion Output Power battery DC AC m ains Photo voltaic Passive Power Com ponents Active Power Devices Control and Sensing Devices pag e 43 Power Electronic Systems What is the power source? What is the power requirement? Specs. Efficiency Power Density Specs. INPUT POWER POWER CONVERTER OUTPUT POWER What are the applications? LOAD CONTROLLER Regulation Dynamics Power Supply Design Power Electronics = Efficie nt Power Convers ion + Robust Power Contr ol pag e 44 Control of Power Electronic Syste ms Power Input Controlling Sy stem Digital Circuit Power Circuits Controlled Sy stem 控制=回授感測(feedback sensing)+迴路增益配適(loop gain shaping)+實現(realization) pag e 45 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 15 Introduction to Power Electronics 功率半導體元件 Power MOSFET IGBT pag e 46 高功率半導體元件的發展 500V, 3000A GTO 6000V, 2500A Light Triggered SCR 1000V, 400A BJT 400V, 20A and 50V, 100A Power MOSFET 500V, 400A and 1000V, 300A IGBT SIT and SITH (Static Induction Transistor/Thyristor) MCT (MOS Controlled Thyristor) IGCT (Insulated Gate Controlled Thyristor) IEGT (Injection Enhanced Gate Thyristor) pag e 47 Unique Aspects of Power Electronics Switching Losses Analysis Switching of Power Devices Power Semiconductor Device Characteristics pag e 48 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 16 Introduction to Power Electronics Assumed Transistor Switching Waveforms v(t) i(t) I Saturated drop E Leakage + v(t) − i(t) t 0 (b) p(t) = v(t) i(t) E “ off” dissipation “ on” dissipation (a) t 0 T SW (Time to switch) (c) pag e 49 Switching Loss Analysis T he instantaneous power dissipated during the switching interval can be expressed as PT = v(t )i (t ) = [ E (T SW − t ) t EI ][I ⋅ ]= (TSW − t )t TSW T SW (TSW ) 2 In the expressions for v(t) and i(t), the beginning of the switching interval is assumed to be t=0. Also, the saturated voltage drop and collect leakage current are both assumed to be negligible. PTSW = 1 TSW ∫ TSW 0 v ( t )i (t ) dt pag e 50 Average Switching Loss The average power dissipated durin g a switching interval is important since it determines the maximum number of switchings possible in a given time interval. The average dissipation during the interval TSW is given by PTSW = TSW EI EI (TSW ) 3 (TSW )3 EI (TSW − t ) tdt = [ − ]= (TSW ) 3 ∫0 (TSW ) 3 2 3 6 The total average dissipation in a switching element is obtained by adding the on-state, offstate, and switching losses. For example, with a switching period of T, assuming linear switching with a switching times of TSW for both turn-on and turn-off and an on-time and off-time of TON and TOFF respectively. pag e 51 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 17 Introduction to Power Electronics Total Device Losses Total device average dissipation = PT PT ≅ 2 ( EI 6 ) TSW + (VCE ( SAT ) I ) TON + ( EI leakage ) TOFF T If VCE(S AT) and Ileakage can be neglected, then PT ≅ EI TSW ⋅ 3 T pag e 52 Switching of Power Devices Commutation of Thyristor Gating of Power Transistor/MOSFET Switching Technique PWM Control Strategy Thermal Effect EMI/EMS pag e 53 Power Semiconductor Devices Characteristics Temperature Effect Voltage and Current Rating dv/dt and di/dt Effect Forward and Reverse Recovery Secondary Breakdown FBSOA and RBSOA pag e 54 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 18 Introduction to Power Electronics Basic T ypes of Power Converters z z z z AC/DC Converter (Rectifier) DC/DC Converter (Chopper) DC/AC Converter (Inverter) AC/AC Converter (Cycloconverter) AC AC DC DC VOLTAGE VOLTAGE CURRENT CURRENT pag e 55 Basic Power Converters AC-DC Converter (Rectifier) DC- DC Converter (Chopper) DC-AC Converter (Inverter) AC-AC Converter (Cycloconverter) pag e 56 The Core of Power Electronics is Power Converter Input Power battery mains Power Conversion Output Pow er DC AC PV DC-DC vs. DC-AC Converters Single-Quadrant vs. Multiple-Quadrant Converters Single-Phase vs. Multiple-Phase Converters Hard-Switching vs. Soft-Switching Converters Uni-Directional vs. Bi-Directional Converters pag e 57 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 19 Introduction to Power Electronics Basic Components in a Switching Power Supply Inductor Capacitor MOSFET Diode PWM Control IC pag e 58 Power Conversion in V-I Plane (Four-Quadrant) 4 1 2 3 Load DC-AC Converter is 1 Inverter 2 Rectifier 3 Inverter 0 v s 4 Rectifier pag e 59 Basic PWM Converter Topologies Single-Ended Half-Bridge Full-Bridge Three-Phase Multi-Phase Multi-Level pag e 60 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 20 Introduction to Power Electronics Bidirectional AC-to-DC Converters Rectifier Mode io is 3 Inverter 0 v 1 2 1 Inverter 2 Rectifier AC DC CONV ERT ER 0 3 s 4 Rectifier vo 4 Inverter Mode 4 1 2 3 Q1 GD is L1 V dc 1 C2 Vdc2 RL AC in put (hot) Input 180-260V 50/60H z C1 iL 1 vo Q2 C1 vs GD AC in put (neutr al) pag e 61 Common-Neutral Bidirectional AC-to-AC Converters 4 1 2 3 4 Q1 is L1 AC in put (hot) Input 180-260V 50/60H z C1 2 3 V dc 1 GD C1 iL 1 i Lo Lo io Q4 Q2 vs 1 Q3 GD GD Co Vdc2 GD C2 vo RL AC in put (neutr al) Inherent bi-directional i 3 Inverter s Universal pow er converter 1 Inverter 2 Rectifier 0 v DC-link capacitor as energy buffer Com plex dynam ic control s 4 Rectifier 3 Inverter Critical traces io 1 2 Rectifier Inverter 0 v o 4 Rectifier pag e 62 Block Diagram of an AC Drive Power Processor + ac Utility Converter 1 DC C Converter 2 ac ac motor − pag e 63 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 21 Introduction to Power Electronics Control of Power Converters and Motor Drives Input conv erter u’1 u’2 u’3 Outpu t conv erter ud Cd N S to switches to switches • • • • • • • Pow er Factor Control • Regenerativ e Braking Control • DC-Link Voltage Regulation • DC-Link Cap. Minimization ud εu PWM Control Inv erter Control DTC Vector Control Sensorless Control Serv o Control Auto-Tuning pag e 64 Multi-Level Bi-Directional High-Power Induction Motor Drives Va c ib vb ic P1 iv vv IM c Vc L c Five -Le vel Rectifier N1 c N2 iw Five -Le vel Rectifier Vw Encoder 3/2 3/2 A/D Converter Direct Digital Control Circuit Direct Digital Control Circuit FPGA/DSP-Based Controller pag e 65 Control Sche me for a 5-Level Double-Converter Induction Drive Va Sa 1 S a2 Sb 1 Sb 2 Sc 1 S c2 Su1 Su 2 Sv 1 S v2 S w1 Sw 2 Sa 3 Sa 4 Sb3 Sc 3 S u3 Sv3 Sw 3 Sb 4 S c4 S u4 Sv 4 Sw 4 Sa 5 Sa 6 S b5 Sb 6 S c5 S c6 S u5 Su 6 S v5 S v6 Sw 5 Sw 6 Sa 7 Sa 8 S b7 S b8 S c7 S c8 Su 7 Su 8 Vb IM Vc ia ib ic + − − MHC + − + ∆i Voa S v7 S v8 Vou S w7 S w8 Vov Vow MHC MHC MHC MHC iw iu iv MHC iw* iv * iu* Vdc PI PI PI Vdc * pag e 66 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 22 Introduction to Power Electronics Matrix Converter as a Power Processor Power Pr ocessor Utility source . . . Voltage source Inputs Outputs . . . (a) matrix converter (b) voltage source pag e 67 Power Switch is the Core of Power Converter Power Converter . . . Inputs Outputs . . . pag e 68 Power Semiconductor Devices 3200V, 3000A GTO 6000V, 2500A Light Triggered SCR 12000V, 400A BJT 400V, 20A and 50V, 100A Power MOSFET 600V, 400A and 1200V, 300A IGBT SIT and SITH (Static Induction Transistor/Thyristor) MCT (MOS Controlled Thyristor) IGCT (Insulated Gate Controlled Thyristor) IEGT (Injection Enhanced Gate Thyristor) pag e 69 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 23 Introduction to Power Electronics Switching trajectories of the power transistor with inductive load load line iC switc h turn off turn on Switch wi th ind uc tiv e loa d + V CC current sensing 0 VCC iC turn off turn on vCE Measurement of load line v CE Switch wi th in du ctiv e loa d shu nted b y a di od e 0 VCC turn off Switch wi th in du ctiv e load sh u nte d b y a dio de and cap acitor turn on 0 pag e 70 VCC Classification of Converters by Switching Line Frequency (naturally commutated) Converters Switching (forced-commutated) Converters Pulse Width Modulated Converters Resonant/Quasi/Multi-Resonant Converters Soft Switching Converters Phase Shift PWM Converters pag e 71 Basic Switches Single Qua drant Voltage Unidirectional Current Unidirectional Four Qua drant Parallel Series Time constants: 1-100 ns (Determined by parasitics, i.e. not by the power conversion functionality.) Variables: ON/O FF, Fault (Binary amplitude, continuous timing of transition instants, i.e. analog.) Ö A switch is NO T an ele mentary control cell ! pag e 72 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 24 Introduction to Power Electronics Functional Switch Asse mblies: Full-Bridge Example Voltage Unidirectional Tw o Signal-Pole Double-Throw Voltage Unidirectional Sw itches + + AC + – AC + – + Tw o Signal-Pole Double-Throw Current Unidirectional Sw itches + DC DC Current Unidirectional Topological Restrictions: z No shorted voltage sources (capacitors) z No open current sources (inductors) pag e 73 Singe-Pole Multiple-Throw Switch: An Ele mentary Control Cell Current Unidirectional Voltage Unidirectional Four Quadrant Faults : Ca n a nd MUST be Ha ndle d at SPMT Le ve l (Catastrophic faults: shorted capacitors and opened inductors.) Time Consta nts : 1-10 μs (Determ ined by outside com ponents, i.e. converter filtering functions.) Control Varia bles : Sw itch Position, Pulse Widths (Digital am plitude, updated every sw itching period, i.e. digital & discrete.) Controlle d Var iables : Pole Current, Thr ow Volta ges (Either input sources or state variables; can be sam pled and digitized.) Models : Switc hing a nd Average Mode ls Well Define d (Power conversion function is com pletely described by SPMT operation.) pag e 74 “Intelligent” Unidirectional Single-Pole Double-Throw Switch + PWM Generator Optical Isolation Fault & Error Logic Communication Control Gate Drive Floating Power Supplies Optical Isolation Gate Drive Snubber V T Current Sensor AC Snubber Current & Temperature Measurement – Serial Comm unications Link & Contr ol Power Supply pag e 75 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 25 Introduction to Power Electronics PES-Net: Daisy Chained Fiber Optic Control Network H i g h e r Single Fiber Bus Universal Controller (AM) Communication Interface & PWM L e v e l PEBB & HM Gate Drives M A B U S PEBB & HM V T Signal Processing PEBB & HM PEBB & Hardw are Manager = ‘Sm art,’ Digitally Interfaced Single-Pole Multiple-Throw Sw itch pag e 76 Signal Communication in PES-Net pag e 77 Network-Controlled Power Converting Syste m Universal Controller/ Application Manager Soft-Switc hed, SPDT Voltage Unidirectional PEBBs pag e 78 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 26 Introduction to Power Electronics Power Conversion Measured in Time pag e 79 Power Conversion Measured in Watts <1W 100W 10kW 1MW Inter net Wireless Building Net E21 H21 H2000 : 1 GOPS, 10MB DRAM, 100MB Flash Desktop Machine Room Data Center ( Electr icity is 25% of running costs ) H2010 : 100 GOPS, 1 GB DRAM, 10 GB Flas h/Ferro pag e 80 Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Power Supply for mP & Portable IA 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 81 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 27 Introduction to Power Electronics Powering PC Processor Power Delivery System 3.3V AC Power 5V Supply 12V 3.3V 12V 3.3V 12V AGP 5V 12V PCI VRM VRM 2.5V Memory 1.7V CPU pag e 82 Development Status of Switching Power Supplies Changes in technology are APPLICATION driven… – Distributed Power Supplies 50V, 100A Power Factor Correction PREREGULATO RS with PFC High power de nsity on boar d c onverters Soft sw itching techniques Low voltage converters (1V) Planar m agnetics pag e 83 Power Supplying for Microprocessor Development of Microprocessors Power Dissipation Inside CPU CPU Power Losses Reduction Sche mes Power Supply Voltage for Advanced Microprocessors Roadmap for Semiconductor Technology Development di/dt Decoupling in Power Supplying for High-Speed µPs DRAM Power Supply Development Trend Switching Frequencies Roadmap of SPS Possible Power Supply for Future (2010) Microprocessors Technology Roadmap for Advanced SPS pag e 84 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 28 Introduction to Power Electronics Powering Advanced Microprocessors Intel Pentium IV Pentium IV: 5,500萬顆電晶體, .13 µ m 3.2GHz, 1.7V Rated: 92W, Peak: 110W New specs demand new power solutions! pag e 85 VRM for Advanced Microprocessors Custom process or power 100W - 56Vin 1.2 - 2 .0 4 bit programma ble 55 Amps Standard pr ocessor power Tita nia Division up to 30 A Parallela ble Output 5 bit VID pr ogrammable pag e 86 Distributed Power Syste ms & Architecture On-board Converter 60Hz AC Power Factor Correction Preregulator Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) High Volt VRM On-board Converter Low Volt VRM Processor Testbe d Partners : • Intel • IBM • Artesyn Tec hnologies • Celestica pag e 87 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 29 Introduction to Power Electronics Realization of Distributed Power Architecture pag e 88 Possible Power Supply for Future (2010) Microprocessors Multiple Systems ONA Chip Filter Capacitor Possible Specs: Distributed power supply w ithin the chip package DC input range: 0.5V DC-DC Converter Maximum Current: 250A Input Voltage: 48VDC or 12VDC Efficiency > 90% Size: 0.1x044x0.1 inch Power Density: 1000W/in3 pag e 89 Power Supplies for Portable Information Appliances 資訊儲存裝置 LCD-Display 筆記型電腦 CPU:~1~4W 主機板 :~2W LCD:~1W 背光板 :~1W CPU:~1~2W 控制:5~10W CPU:~1~2W LCD:~1W 背光板 :~6W 控制:5~10W CPU:10~15W 主機板 :~10W LCD:~3W 背光板 :3~6W 數位相機 消費性電子 PDA CPU:~1~2W LCD:~1W CCD:~1W 背光板: ~3W CPU:~1~2W LCD:~1W CCD:~1W 無線通訊 CPU:~1W T/R:~1W pag e 90 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 30 Introduction to Power Electronics Human Energy Generation Piezoceramics: Piezoceramics: PZT PZT Heel yy Efficiency: Efficiency: 50 50 % % P peak ≅ 50 mW <P> ≅ 10 mW Piezopolimers: Piezopolimers: PVDF PVDF ((Polifluoruro Polifluoruro de de Vinilideno) Vinilideno) Sole yy Efficiency Efficiency (25%) (25%) yy More More flexible flexible (embedded (embedded systems) systems) MIT MIT Media Media Lab Lab P peak ≅ 10 mW <P> ≅ 1 mW IBM IBM UPC UPC pag e 91 Power Supplying for Mobile Phones Battery Charger Power distribution: Vg = 2.8–5.5V DC-DC DC-DC 3.6V Display DC-DC Vibrator Buck SMPS regulators 1.5V µP/DSP core I/O A/D Baseband digital 3.6V Antenna PA LO LNA Analog/RF 2.5V DC-DC DC-DC 1-3.6V D/A Audio 2.7-5.5V DC-DC DC-DC 2.5V 2.5V DC-DC 2.5V DC-DC pag e 92 Standard Module Platforms 1W to 330W: over 500 codes Filter Modules DIP Non Isolated Flat Ope n Frame SIP Non Isolate d Surface Mount Processors 1/4 & 1 /2 Brick Full Brick Source: Locent 2003 pag e 93 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 31 Introduction to Power Electronics Technology Direction Technology direction: Ope n frame Thr ough hole Surface m ount From Power Electronics to Power IC Design pag e 94 Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Power Supply for Data Centers 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 95 不斷電系統 pag e 96 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 32 Introduction to Power Electronics UPS for Servers pag e 97 利用機械飛輪儲能的動態旋轉式UPS實體照片 DRUPS: Dynamic Rotary UPS The flywheel (center) mounted between the motor and generator in the dynamic energy storage system converts stored rotational energy into DC bus voltage. The dynamic energy storage system may be used to either replace or supplement the lead-acid batteries of any conventional static or rotary UPS. (Courtesy of International Computer Power Co.) pag e 98 Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Power Supply for Green Energy 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 99 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 33 Introduction to Power Electronics PV Inverter for Green House The End of Cheap Oil A Grid-Connected PV Syste m World PV Module Shipments The USA National PV Program Plan for 2000-2004 Million Solar Roofs pag e 10 0 The End of Cheap Oil ANN UA L OIL P R ODU C TION (BIL LI ON OF BAR R OERS) 2004 GLOBAL PRODUCTION OF OIL both conventional and unconventional (red), recovered after falling in 1973 and 11979. But a more permanent decline is less than 10 y ears away , according to the authors’ model, based in part on multiple Hubbert curves (lighter lines). U.S. and Canadian oil (brown) topped out in 1972; production in the f ormer Sov iet Union (yellow) has fallen 45 percent since 1987. A crest in the oil produced outside the Persian Gulf region (purple) now appears imminent. C. Campbell and J. Laherrere, “The end of cheap oil,” Science American, vol. 278, pp. 78–83, Mar. 1998. pag e 10 1 World PV Module Shipments 1988–2000 ( in megaw atts) S. R. B ull, "Re ne wa ble e ner g y tod a y a nd to m orro w, " Proc eedi n gs o f the IEEE, v ol. 89, n o. 8, pp. 1216 -1226, Au g. 2 001. pag e 10 2 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 34 Introduction to Power Electronics The USA National Photovoltaics Program Plan for 2000-2004 pag e 10 3 Million Solar Roofs Susse x Ce ntral M iddle Sc ho ol Del aw are, USA State C apit ol, Hel ena, Mo nta na, USA Portl a nd Pi o ne er Square, Portl a nd, USA Priv ate ho use, Almer o, Net he rla nds Announced in June 1997, Million Solar Roofs (MSRI) is an initiative to install solar energy systems on one million U.S. buildings by 2010. The initiative includes two types of solar technology: solar electric systems (or photovoltaics) that produce electricity from sunlight and solar thermal systems that produce heat f or domestic hot water, space heating, or heating swimming pools. http://www/ pag e 10 4 A Grid-Connected PV Syste m DC Side isolation switch DC AC DC inverte r AC m ains supply Electrical Distribution Sy stem PV Inv erter PV Arr ay (usually building mounted) Mete r AC To high efficienc y AC appliances Main fuse box PV Panel Full -Bri d ge I nv erter load Inverte r Gate D rive Rela y Gate D rive Feedbac k Sensing Circuit DSP Controller pag e 10 5 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 35 Introduction to Power Electronics 三洋電機太陽能電池轉換率高達19.5% (2003/3/24) 2003/03/24 【日經BP社報道】三洋電機日前成功開發出了電池轉換效率高 達19.5%(2002年10月上市的原產品為18.5%)的HIT太陽能電池單元。在4 月1日將上市採用該電池單元的“200W HIT太陽能電池模組”,以及採用這種 模組的太陽能發電系統。 除了用於建築材料的大尺寸電池模組外,“200W HIT太陽能電池模組”首次達 到了200W的高功率。如此之高的功率主要源於:(1)電池有效發電面積的 增大;(2)通過降低電池表面缺陷區域從而降低了發電損失;(3)降低了 電池與模組的電力損耗(電阻損耗)等。另外,通過採用高效HIT太陽能電 池,能夠確保17%的模組轉換率。該模組將主要用於住宅太陽能發電系統。 配備15塊太陽能電池模組時,以往產品的發電量為2450kWh/年(估計), 而200W模組則可以達到3530kWh/年,發電量提高了44%。據此推算,配置 20塊200W模組差不多就能提供日本普通家庭的平均年耗電量(約4795kWh/ 年)。另外在3kW的系統中,太陽能電池模組的重量為210kg,與原來相比 約減輕了90kg。 pag e 10 6 Single-Phase Three-Wire PV Inverter Q1 PV Mo dule + Q3 Q5 NFB 3P22 0V P + Q2 Q4 AC 220 V Load A AC 110 V Load B Q6 N AC 110 V Load N Control interface for system integration Ground Current Feedback Grid Voltage Feedback RS – 232 or 422 Grid Voltage Feedback Inverter Current Feedback Digital Signal Processor DSP Optional Front Panel Controller pag e 10 7 風力發電 位於美國加州的風力發電廠 位於丹麥外海的全世界首座海上風力發電廠 pag e 10 8 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 36 Introduction to Power Electronics 風力發電 日本七又地區的風車 日本七又地區的風車與 太陽能發電 日本狩保地區的風車 位於日本沖繩縣久米島的風力與太陽能發電廠 pag e 10 9 風力發電 pag e 11 0 路燈風力發電系統 pag e 11 1 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 37 Introduction to Power Electronics 家用風力發電 表1:根據葉片大小分為4種型號 型 號 1.6m 1.6m 3.0m 4.0m 風車 高度 0.9m 2.0m 2.0m 2.0m 風速 2/ms 1.5W 3W 6W 8W 風速 4/ms 12W 26W 51W 67W 風速 7/ms 66W 150W 280W 370W 風速 8/ms 97W 220W 410W 550W 風速 9/ms 140W 310W 580W 770W 輸出 功率 2003/06/30 【日經BP社報道】 日本神鋼電機開發出家用風力發電機。 該風力發電機的特點是,採用了被稱為“垂直軸風車”的葉片,而不是普通 的螺旋槳葉片(圖1)。根據風車直徑及高度的不同共分為4款產品(表1 )。價格為20萬日元~30萬日元/臺(約合人民幣1.33萬元~2萬元/臺) ,預定於2003年10月上市。除家庭外,預計這種風車還將用於學校等公 共設施(圖2)。 採用螺旋槳葉片的風車,需要設計根據風向將螺旋槳轉向最佳方位角的 結構,而垂直軸風車可以利用來自各個方向的風。此外,垂直軸風車還 具有“影響四鄰的風切音較小” 的優點。由於採用了靜音設計,因而也可 用於住宅密集區。此產品在風速為2m/s時即可發電,使用低阻力軸承以 減小機械損耗的同時,葉片材料採用鋁合金減輕了重量。 WG16 WG16 WG30 WG40 -09 -20 -20 -20 風車 直徑 風速 1060 190W 430W 800W 10/ms W 風速 1400 12/ms 320W 730W W 以上 1800 W pag e 11 2 理光霓虹廣告塔 利用風力和太陽能 (2003/4/18) 小型風車 2003/04/18 【日經BP社報道】 理光宣佈在大阪市堂島深川大樓屋頂安裝了利用風力和太陽 能發電來點燈的霓虹廣告塔。該廣告塔自備發電機,不需要外部電源。 廣告塔在鐵架上安裝了26個小型風力發電機、39張太陽能電池板以及用來貯存 電力的40組電池。每天的平均發電量為21.06kwh(其中風力:6.24kwh/日,太 陽能:14.82kwh/日)。可以蓄電使用約3天的電量,由於在有的氣候下無法亮燈 ,因此理光公司內將該塔命名為“靠天工作光耀萬年”廣告塔(理光公關部)。 另外,由於該塔每天可以亮約7個小時,因此預計在10年期間將可以減少約30t的 二氧化碳排放。 pag e 11 3 Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Power Electronics for Transportation 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 11 4 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 38 Introduction to Power Electronics 電動腳踏車 EARTHMIND INC. Suite 310 300 Earl Grey Drive Kanata, Ontario Canada, K2T 1C1 Convert your existing bicycle into an ELECTRIC BICYCLE. Top Speed = 23 kph Range = 13-16 km Weight = 12.5 lbs Recharge = 10-12 hours PEDAL WITHOUT OR WITH ELECTRIC ASSIST TO BOOST RANGE AND SPEED COMPLETE CONVERSION KIT INCLUDING CHARGER & BATTERY $199 U.S. + Shipping & Handling($18.00) Allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. OPTIONS: SOLAR PANEL $50 BATTERY MONITOR $32 EXTRA BATTERY $40 pag e 11 5 電動腳踏車 HONDA Segway的電動雙輪踏板車“Segway HT” HONDA pag e 11 6 電動機車 碟型永磁交流馬達 pag e 11 7 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 39 Introduction to Power Electronics 太陽能電動車 日本於1992年所發展的太陽能電動車 pag e 11 8 Electric Vehicle & Hybrid Electric Vehicle Insight, HONDA, 2000 美國通用汽車公司的電動車:EV1 ( Electric Vehicle No. 1) pag e 11 9 電動汽車將逐漸步入實用階段… On Oct. 23, 1997, Solectria Sunrise completes its 339.4 km journey from Boston to New York on one charge! The car runs at an average speed of 90 km/h and top speed is 120 km/h. The adopted nickel/metal-hydride battery has a power density of 77 Wh/kg. The battery had a total capacity of 150 Ah and an average voltage of 221 V. pag e 12 0 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 40 Introduction to Power Electronics 商品化的小型電動車 pag e 12 1 燃料電池電動車 2 0 0 2 / 0 6 / 0 7 【 日 經 BP 社 報 道 】 戴 姆 勒 · 克 萊 斯 勒 ( DaimlerChrysler)日前宣佈,該公司的甲醇改質型燃料電池 汽車“NECAR5”於5月20日從舊金山出發,在歷經16天之後的 6月4日成功橫穿了北美大陸,抵達華盛頓特區。燃料電池汽 車成功橫穿北美大陸尚屬首次。 此次橫穿北美大陸的行駛距離為326 3英里(5250km),遠 遠超出了此前戴姆勒·克萊斯勒在加利福尼亞燃料電池共同體 (CaFCP)行駛的600英里(965km)的距離。NECAR5每行 駛約300英里(483km)進行一次甲醇補充,平均時速達到了 38.4英里(61.8km)。 2 0 0 2 / 0 4 / 1 8 【 日 經 BP 社 報道 】 美國 H Power 公 司 在 “Hannover Fair 2002 Hydrogen+Fuel Cells”上展示了法國標 致雪鐵龍集團公司的計程車,這輛計程車上配備有該公司開 發的燃料電池。燃料電池採用串連方式,除燃料電池外還備 有鎳氫充電電池。最高時速為95km/h,使用該電池可以行駛 200km~300km。 燃料電池的輸出功率為5.5kW,能效方面,系統整體為48% ,燃料電池本身為58%。燃料電池的燃料採用的是氫氣。氫 氣箱位於后座至行李箱下。總共配有9個燃料箱,全部容量為 80L。氫氣氣壓為300標準大氣壓。向燃料電池單元提供空氣 和氫氣時的氣壓分別為1.2和1.6大氣壓。 pag e 12 2 燃料電池電動車 2005年日本世界博覽會組委會及豐田汽車日前宣佈,雙方已達成協定:2005年日本世界博覽會的會場和會場之間將 使用新型交通工具“智慧多模式交通系統(IMTS)”及燃料電池油電混合大巴(FCHV)。豐田負責開發、提供車輛 ,基礎設施建設和和管理則由世博會組委會方面負責。 為了確保通過IMTS首次完成大流量遊客的運送,組委會方面已經獲得了有關IMTS專線的鐵路業務許可。同時,通 往會場的東部丘陵線(愛知高速交通公司正在加緊建設)上,導入日本國內第一列磁懸浮式超高速列車(HSST, 愛稱Linimo),因此在2005年“愛地球博”世博會上,可體驗到IMTS、燃料電池油電混合大巴及HSST三種新一代交 通系統。 IMTS是一種新型交通系統,埋設有磁指示器的專用道路及普通道路均可使用。採用CNG(壓縮天然氣)引擎。通 過專用道路中央的磁指示器自動控制方向盤和行駛路線;通過車間通信及地上信號裝置,可進行包括按照運行時刻 表在站點上停車及發車等的自動速度控制和制動。而且通過電子連接,可進行3輛車輛的列隊行駛。在專用道路上 可進行無人自動駕駛及列隊行駛,在普通道路上則與一般的公共汽車一樣,通過人工控制單獨行駛。(記者:櫛谷 沙江子) pag e 12 3 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 41 Introduction to Power Electronics 電動列車 & 磁浮列車 Tem* i qssf Tor que & Flux Reg ula tor λ*s Induction Motor iqss* * Curre nt i dssf * e j θ̂ rf Tem Reg ula ted idss* ωr , θ r Am plifi er qs qe r is iqss λ̂sqds Rotor axis de ωe θˆ sf An ti-Alias Filter s Stator Fl ux Ma g nitud e & An gle C alcul ator λsqs Stator Flux λsds Sensing e ds i iqse θ sl θr θe ds idss pag e 12 4 變頻器、馬達驅動器、伺服驅動器 ias 3-Phase Power Supply S1 S3 a A S5 α s vas a s' o S4 vcs C ibs (t ) vbs S cs B i as ( t ) bs ' cs S6 S ics S2 NN Vdc b s' n ibs stator ics ( t ) rotor as ' bs t ar c 's c r' S N S br b r' CW N cr cs 當電流在t=t 1時刻,在定子形成的磁力線 t=t 1 ' ar bs a s' pag e 12 5 System Integration of Motor, Power, Motion Control, and MMI Digital Controller Control Trajectory DSP Inside Power Converter Converter Trajectory volts Motor Motor Trajectory RBSOA/FBSOA speed x1 II Load Motion Prof ile Y I X amperes Close d -L oo p Spee d/Posi ti on Co ntr ol torque III x2 Fo ur-Quadra n t Volta ge/A m pere Co ntr ol IV Fo ur-Quadra n t Tor que/S pee d Co ntr ol Co ordi nated Moti o n Pro file Co ntr ol New Solutions of M otion Control Problems Using Advanced Technology! ) DSP-Base d Software Contr ol Tec hniques pag e 12 6 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 42 Introduction to Power Electronics Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Power Supply for LCD Display 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 12 7 Power Supply for a 42-inch Plasma Display Panel (PDP) Mai ns rectifier DC- DC HF Gener ator Power Supply for PDP Power Supply Configuration pag e 12 8 Mains rectif ier PDP Power Supply Main PFC Rectifier DC-DC Conv erter a, T =1/f D IL L IL T Uo HF Generator L Uin C R Ud off T 11 D 1 I1 L1 Uo C D Uout U0 2 T 12 D2 c s >>c p Uout =Ui n a aT 0 0 Cp T2 T4 on 1 Io=Uout/R D aT I2 L 2 recovery operation (normalised) T IL T T1 T3 Up Ip R Ud Uin HF generator Io T Ui DC-DC T 0.5 0.5 11(t) -12(t) 0 UP(t) -0.5 -1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 pag e 12 9 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 43 Introduction to Power Electronics Power Electronics Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Power Electronics for Power Generation 電力電子晶片設計與DSP控制實驗室 Power Electronics IC & DSP Control Lab. 國 立交 通大學 • 電機 與控 制工程 研究所 pag e 13 0 Future Power Generation Micr oelectr onics Power Ele ctronics Future? M oore’s Law: “Every 1.5 years the cost of a ‘bit’ drops 50%.” Power electronic s is the Electric Power Between 1920 - 1970, every 1.5 years the cost of kWh dropped 5%. Since then it is constant. enabling technology driving to the future! pag e 13 1 智慧型分散式再生能源電力網路 電力網路 併網型 燃料電池 變頻器 柴油發電機 併網型 太陽光 變頻器 微型渦輪 發電機 電池儲能 發電機 變頻器 併網型 風力發電 變頻器 pag e 13 2 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 44 Introduction to Power Electronics 通訊與電力網路的整合 電力 供應 網路 電力傳輸網路 網路伺服器 電力傳輸網路 配電站 用戶 雙向 供電 網路 資訊 網路 用戶 配電站 住宅發電 風力發電 電力用戶 網路用戶 住宅發電 電力用戶 網路用戶 現 在 未 來 pag e 13 3 The Power Electronics Revolution Source: EPRI (Electric Pow er Research Institute, USA) pag e 13 4 Homework Assignment 撰寫一篇針對特定主題的『研究專題報導』。 繳交時間:兩週後的上課時繳交。 格式:A4紙張,單欄雙行,文體參照本校碩士論文格式,頁數不限,圖形可 取用已發表的文章但需註明來源,參考相關文獻內容可自行編寫修改,但不 得抄襲,且參考資料必須註明來源。直接釘書機裝訂即可,封面不需另外用 塑膠套。 評分標準:主題(10%)、格式(20%)、內容(40%)、文獻蒐集與評論(20%) 、 研究心得(10%)。 建議題目如下頁所列,不得重複,亦可自行選定研究主題。 pag e 13 5 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 45 Introduction to Power Electronics 研究專題主題 (1) 1. 2. 微處理器的電源需求與穩壓電源模組(VRM)設計 應用於可攜式資訊設備的『電源管理IC』之發展現況 3. 4. 手機(mobile phone)中的電源轉換器 可攜式資訊設備電池充電IC的發展現況與充電器設計 5. 應用於DC-DC轉換器高頻低電壓Power MOSFET的發展現況 6. 7. 功率晶體IGBT的特性與發展現況 應用於PC主機板分散式電源架構的發展 8. 新型PWM控制IC的發展現況 9. 同步整流器(synchronous rectifier) 10. 多相DC-DC轉換器(multiphase dc-dc converter) 11. 電源諧波干擾的測試標準與功率因數控制技術的發展 12. 功率因數控制IC的發展現況 13. 新型PFC控制IC的設計應用 14. 單階單開關(single-stage single-switch)PFC轉換器電路架構的發展 15. 含有單相PFC前級的交換式電源供應器之EMI濾波器之設計 16. 三相PFC轉換器電路架構的發展 pag e 13 6 研究專題主題 (2) 17. 光碟機的馬達與電源驅動IC 18. 微小馬達的應用與驅動IC的發展 19. 無感測永磁馬達驅動技術的發展現況 20. 數位式空間向量脈寬調變(Space Vector PWM)技術 21. 多階(multi-level)換流器(inverter)的設計 22. LCD驅動IC的設計與發展現況 23. 高亮度投影機的驅動電路 24. 高亮度LED的應用與驅動電路設計 25. 不斷電系統(UPS)的發展現況 26. 鉛酸電池快速充電器的設計 27. 鋰離子電池充電器的設計 28. 可並聯式模組化UPS控制技術的發展 29. 燃料電池技術的發展現況與應用 30. 燃料電池電動車的發展現況 31. 太陽光電池技術的發展現況 32. 太陽光變頻器(PV inverter) pag e 13 7 研究專題主題 (3) 33. Class-D Amplifier 34. Class-E Amplifier 35. 電力電子模擬軟體簡介 36. EMI電磁干擾模擬軟體簡介 37. 超級電容(double-layer capacitor)的的發展現況與應用 38. 平面磁性元件的發展現況與應用 39. 台灣類比與電源IC產業的發展現況 40. 分散式發電系統(distributed power generation system) 41. 智慧型電錶 42. 電力網通訊技術與在電力電子系統的應用 43. 電動車的發展現況 44. 電池技術的發展現況 45. 綠色能源(Green Energy) 46. 美國能源部(Department of Energy)的能源發展策略與方向 47. 美國電力電子中心(Center of Power Electronics, CPES)簡介 48. 美國電力研究院(Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI)簡介 pag e 13 8 NCTU 2004 Power Electronics Course Notes 46 Introduction to Power Electronics References (1) [1] N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 3rd Edition, 2003. [2] R. W. Erickson and D. 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