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intro Saturday, September 11, 2021 2:37 PM • Insitu enrichment of Cu, Zn, Ag, Au by weathering. • It’s a product of Oxydation and Hydrolysis of sulphide minerals at upper part of weathering profile • Form blanket of 2ndary(supergene) above primary Cu deposit (Hypogene) Form low grade porphyry cu deposits Supergene Oxidation • Supergene deposit can occur in any environmenet ( unlike laterituzation requires particular condition) • GW leach Cu from sulphide material • Most of the porphyry cu env , dominant phase is Pyrite Its oxd. And hyd. Produce H+, reduce pH - make Acidic env in weathering zone. • Cu2+ dissole in ground water • Residual - Haematite or goethite + clay and skeletal out line of original sulphide ( called gossan) • Leaching solution looses a part of metallic content in zone of oxidation and form oxide ore • Some iron are transported as Fe2+ elsewhere,, while remaining form insitu limonite that occupies void left by sulphide. • Downward percolating Cu , encounters reducing env and secondary Cu mineral ppt secondary Cu mineral comp. depends on- - comp. of GW - Eh- pH condition Cu also replaces pre-existing sulfide minerals (i.e. pyrite and chalcopyrite- Fe- minerals) in more reduced form chalcocite (Cu2S), covellite (CuS), and bornite (Cu5FeS4) • The primary, hypogene ore is considered to be hosted in a granite and comprises pyrite + chalcopyrite that is weathered by a flux of slightly acidic rainfall • copper is reprecipitated as chalcocite and covellite by replacement of pyrite and chalcopyrite Changes in oxidation zone 1. Formation of sulphuric acid and and iron sulphate 2. ferrous to ferric sulphate (oxd) ferous oxide form limonite ppt insitu H2SO4 and ferric sulphate lowers pH , helps in leaching metals Metals form sulphate and goes into the soln Deposition in oxidation zone Sunday, December 12, 2021 7:40 PM Differential dissolution occurs Stable min. in gossann stage 1 and 2, - hematite/goethite, alunite, and quartz. Stage 3 - gibbsite, muscovite/sericite,clay Stage 4 - sericite and kaolinite • Chalcopyrite is completely leached before Pyrite (in stage 1) Only some pyrite remains in stage 2 till stage 3 When alunite and SO42- removed by s3,…pH increases from acidic to alkaline Stable mineral in supergene enrichment zone S1 and s2 - covellite , chalcocite from s2 , when cpy is consumed Cu flux reduces- Bornite starts ppt