* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Nonce words in English and their correspondence plural words in Urdu It is exemplified in the following Urdu paradigms: Singular Plural Gha’ta Kha’na Badosh Behod’a Za’ra Bunyan Cham’cha Ton’d Kaya Samjha’ay Pagal Danger Kutta Kamla Ullo Harami Kambakht Behayaa Kanjar Khanzeer Laanti begairaat Gha’tay howay Kha’na Badosho Behod’a Za’raay Bunyan’ay Cham’chay Ton’do Kaya Samjha’ay Pagal’o Danger’o Kutto Kamlo Ullo Haramiyo Kambakhto Behayaauo Kanjaro Khanzeer Laantiyo begairaato 4. These alternations are not productive because nonce words of specific language doesn’t properly translate or work to other language as examples mentioned above. I get the result from different people like non-native speakers of English, so the result have influenced of their native or second language. If the work done again with different procedure then there’ll be somehow possibility of matching nonce words of Urdu with English but nonsense words of Urdu sometimes don’t have plurality, like “Behoda”. One more thing here is that Urdu have a quality of being transcript in English which is called (roman Urdu which means Urdu in a English Form). There is also specialty of Urdu that if you wrote roman Urdu then you’ll know that singular words can be pluralized in Urdu by adding “O” or Chotti “Ye” ی.