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To: Anyone interested.
The following is an announcement on
behalf of Mrs. Tatiana Kaduchkin of the
"Overcome" movement.
Subject: The "Overcoming" movement
("transparent" disabled)
About a decade ago, I H.M. founded the
"Overcome" movement, for the
"transparent" disabled. Disabled people
with high percentages of disability and no
work ability, but who are not restricted in
My movement numbers and represents
about 1300 people from all over the
country, who have a disability ranging
from 75% to 100%, who are unfit for work
and who do not have a mobility disability
or who need an increase in their disability
The movement allows those people to find
all their rights vis-à-vis the state and also
provides some financial support to the
Our movement fights for affordable public
housing and adequate living conditions for
the above population group.
Many disabled people who are not fit to
work, and who have 75% -100% disability,
but are not restricted in movement, live in
deplorable conditions.
They do not receive the same benefits
that retirees who also receive income
supplement enjoy.
In other words, they do not have discounts
for the purchase of medicines, discounts
on electricity bills, and property taxes,
discounts for traveling in public transport
and rent assistance similar to pensioners,
they are not entitled to "heating / cooling"
grants and more.
In other words, they are not entitled to
almost any benefits, despite their difficult
Moreover, they are also not eligible for
public housing despite the harsh
conditions in which they live daily.
There is a fundamental difference
between the various disabled, and we
believe that this should not be the case!
A disabled person with a mobility
impairment is entitled to public housing
and receives rent assistance ranging from
NIS 3,000 to NIS 3,900 per month.
In addition, disabled people with reduced
mobility receive larger benefits from the
disabled, which the movement represents,
thanks to additions to the basic benefit,
which includes, among other things,
special services, a mobility allowance and
a companion, and more.
In such a situation, the size of these
benefits amounts to NIS 15,000-17,000
per month.
On the other hand, the disabled
represented by the movement, who do not
have a mobility disability, have a 75% 100% disability and are not fit to work,
receive only NIS 3,211 a month only!
It follows that this group is the poorest and
most vulnerable population in the State of
During my years of activity, I have met
with many officials from various parties in
the Knesset and in various government
But unfortunately, the movement has not
been successful for a decade, promoting
the proposal that will allow disabled
people who are not disabled, 75% -100%
disabled and unfit to work, get public
housing, or at least increase the amount
of rent assistance and improve even
slightly the Their living conditions.
In light of the above, I, Tatiana Kaduchkin,
chairwoman of the " Overcoming "
movement (transparent disabled),
Seeks to meet with you, p. To promote
this project and help these people live a
more dignified and proper life.
Sincerely and with great hope, Tatiana
Kaduchkin, chairwoman of the "
Overcoming " movement (transparent
Phone 1: 972-52-3708001.
Phone 2: 972-3-5346644.
post Scriptum. Tatiana Kaduchkin is the
director of this social movement, which I
joined on July 10, 2018. In addition to
Hebrew, she also speaks Russian at a
very high level of mother tongue. I do not
know the level of her knowledge of other
Following the message, I left to MK Musi
Raz-Asher for a meeting with him in the
Knesset, I arrived on Tuesday, April 20,
21 at 1:30 p.m.
Hello Knesset member Musi Raz:
Subject: Housing problem for the
Here are some issues related to the
disabled and mentally handicapped
population (a population that I am also
included in) that I would like to bring to
your attention.
I would be interested to know to what
extent you are able to advance these
issues and/Or make urgent legislative
amendments to improve our situation, the
conditions of our care and our chances of
surviving and integrating into society.
I will note that from past experience I have
learned that in meetings of this kind I will
be told before I arrive that I will be given
permission to speak in order to raise the
issues I want to talk about. Automatically
for a very serious "disorder" and therefore
the security guards will attack me and
expel me very aggressively - even when it
is not necessary and when it is completely
completely clear that I do not pose any
"danger" to anyone.
And knowing this reality, I give you this
letter - in case this time too will be the
conduct towards me. Apparently, the very
fact that I dare to raise adversity of the
disabled public is interpreted as a very
serious threat — even though it is not clear
to me at all who or what it is exactly
threatening. I'll leave this letter to you and
the staff of your office - I will not take it back
to my house.
And now for the details of the topics
1) Financing problem/Payment of
rent - Many years ago it was
determined (and it is not clear by
whom - but apparently this is one
or another government official)
that disabled people living in the
community are entitled to
assistance in the amount of NIS
770 per month for the purpose of
paying rent. As is well known, in
recent years there has been a
very significant increase in
housing prices in the State of
Israel - and as a result, of course,
there has also been a significant
increase in the level of rent. But
the amount of aid in the amount
of NIS 770, which was
determined many years ago in a
completely arbitrary manner, and
without any explanation or logic,
is not updated. Unfortunately
even after very many
correspondences (and there are
at least a few thousand or even
tens of thousands of letters, and
unfortunately the writer of these
things these numbers are not
exaggerated at all), and sent to
every possible source: the
Ministry of Construction and
Housing on its various branches,
other government ministries like
the Ministry of Finance And the
Prime Minister's Office, many
journalists most of whom wrote
this document spoke in person,
many lawyers and even to the
investigative offices and
embassies of foreign countriesnothing helps-consequently the
amount of aid is not updated
many disabled people are thrown
out into the street hungry, thirsty
or Source in winter or heat stroke
or dehydration in summer. It
should be noted that
organizations for exercising rights
such as the "Yedid" association
(which was reportedly closed
several months ago) or legal aid
clinics at universities and colleges
with which the writer is also in
contact can never help, and the
reason for this is simple: the
amount of NIS 770 is given by
law , And rights-exercising
organizations can only assist
under existing law, and the only
address in cases where
legislative changes are needed
is, as is well known, the Knesset.
But here the situation only
continues to get complicated: as
is well known, for a very long
period of more than two years,
there has been no functioning
government and Knesset and the
State of Israel is in a situation of,
in fact, an ongoing transitional
government. The direct and
destructive result of this situation
is the inability to make vital
amendments to the law that are
urgently needed — some of
which I list here. It should be
noted that even when the
Knesset and the government
acted on the inquiries of the
author of these lines, as well as
inquiries from disabled
organizations and many other
parties regarding the amount of
assistance to Knesset members,
they were automatically referred
to rights organizations, even
though the Knesset members
themselves know very well.
Rights cannot be the address but
only themselves.
2) Communication with landlords There are many cases where
disabled people have difficulty
negotiating with a landlord/A. The
apartment due to reasons related
to their illness or disability. In
these situations, the social
workers are required to act as
mediators — and a very large
proportion of the social workers
cannot really take on this role in
each and every case. Moreover,
the extensive cuts in recent years
in standards for social workers'
jobs, coupled with the harsh
working conditions, low wages,
inadequate treatment by families
of patients who are often seen as
unjust, and unjustly responsible
for the poor care their relatives
receive - and all this Combined
with the impossible workload that
sometimes forces them, with no
choice but to neglect even urgent
or dangerous situations — all of
these make it even more difficult
for the person with a disability to
find a suitable apartment and for
the social worker to help.
3) Means of payment of patients there are situations in which a
person moves to live in the
community after a long period of
stay in hospitals, and without life
habits that are considered
normative such as going to work,
bearing responsibility for
managing his life, etc. Very often
requirements set as a condition
for signing a lease such as
signing a deposit check cannot
be achieved for people at this
stage of their lives. frames and
rehabilitation care in many pasts
have been (one of which helped
write this paper about 26 years
ago when exiting hospitalization
in a hospital residential facility)
have been closed or significantly
reduced the volume Their activity
in recent years — something that
may prevent rehabilitation from
people who at this stage of their
lives will not be able to progress
without these essential
therapeutic and rehabilitative
4) The problem of the series - there
is currently a complete imbalance
regarding the debts and rights of
the apartment owners on the one
hand and the tenants of the
apartments on the other. There
are many laws that protect
homeowners from this or that
abuse of rental periods that may
be on the part of tenants. On the
other hand, there are no laws
aimed at protecting people living
in apartments from exploitation by
landlords — and as a result many
leases can be found outrageous,
draconian and sometimes even
illegal — and there are no laws
aimed at protecting those tenants
who are forced to sign these
contracts. In many cases, tenants
do not have a legal right to object
to offensive clauses that are
signed as a condition of renting
the property - and they will be
completely exposed to the whims
of the apartment owners, and
sometimes even during the
tenancy itself.
Of course, this problem is of the entire
population -however it should be borne in
mind that dealing with apartment owners
in these situations is naturally more
difficult for underprivileged populations
like the disabled or sick.
5) Difficulty in information - There
are considerable difficulties
regarding raising the difficulties
mentioned and exposing them in
the public arena for the purpose
of making the necessary
corrections. The current priorities
of the various media outlets that
are almost uninterested in the
issue, splitting between disabled
organizations, reluctance of many
factors in the society in which we
live to take an active part in
attempts to correct and improve
the situation - all these make it
difficult and difficult to raise these
issues. The Knesset members to
make the necessary legislative
amendments instead of
continuing to ignore and do
nothing. Another difficulty exists
when it comes to raising an
advertising campaign: Disabled
people living on disability benefits
cannot pay the copy amounts
requested by the advertising
companies to run a campaign to
promote treatment of the issue and many attempts by the author
of the document to bypass this or
another student project. The
publication did not help - and this
is because even the latter did not
show interest in it and did not see
it as an issue that is really
important to address.
6) Waiting time for treatment - there
are many cases where people up
to a certain stage in their lives did
not need the help of mental
health services at all - but as a
result of difficult life
circumstances or a traumatic or
difficult event need the help of a
mental health professional - and
of course in many cases This is
temporary or spot assistance and
not chronic. Today the waiting
periods for treatment or
psychological assistance are very
long — and as a result of the lack
of help provided while people’s
condition may deteriorate
unnecessarily. Investing
additional resources in the public
mental health system can
certainly bring about a change in
the situation. It should be
remembered that both
economically and budgetarily
there is no logic in such conduct:
when people's situation worsens
during a long waiting period for
treatment their situation continues
to get complicated - and what
could have been spot assistance
that does cost the country money
becomes even more severe.
Infinitely. For these reasons,
consideration should be given to
adding and improving standards
for the public mental health
system - it should be
remembered that the vast
majority of the population in the
State of Israel cannot afford these
treatments privately - which cost
several hundred shekels per
individual session.
7) Dental care - As is well known, in
the State of Israel, a person who
needs dental care will almost
always go to private doctors since the public health system
does not currently provide a
solution in this area. It should be
noted that in the case of the
mentally handicapped, as well as
the disabled in general, whose
financial distress is very severe
on a day-to-day level, regardless
of dental care, it is even more
difficult to receive these
treatments, if and when
necessary. The combination of
severe mental health problems
and severe financial distress
causes these people to face a
broken trough and a complete
impasse when needed, and
sometimes urgent in dental care.
It should be borne in mind that
today there is no, in fact, a
systemic solution to an issue that
is not addressed at all — and
appropriate legislation must be
considered and reasonable
responses created with regard to
dental care for these populations.
8) Hospitalization areas - A person
who currently needs massive
psychiatric treatment in a hospital
or public clinic can only receive
them in a clinic or hospital that is
close to his area of residence.
There are cases where patients
prefer, for one reason or another,
to be treated in another clinic —
not necessarily the one very
close to their area of residence.
Patients should be allowed
freedom of choice — and given a
patient who is dissatisfied with
treatment at a particular clinic or
hospital the option of moving to a
clinic or hospital elsewhere. This
option is now given in all other
fields of medicine — and there is
no reason to deny freedom of
choice as to the place of
treatment in the field of
psychiatric treatment alone.
Moreover, such freedom of
choice, if granted, could certainly
cause mental health hospitals
and clinics to compete with each
other for patients — something
that could certainly lead to better
care and service.
9) Population Awareness -The
general population sometimes
finds very significant opposition
when it comes to psychiatric
treatments given in the area of
people's residence -that is due to
lack of awareness and lack of
awareness of the field-and
without any practical or logical
justification. Reducing the
resistance and reluctance of the
population through an appropriate
systemic advocacy system may
well facilitate the lives of patients
and patients whose lives are very
difficult in any case due to the
disease and disability
themselves. Lack of awareness in
the society in which we live
causes cases of residents'
objections to the opening of
hostels or treatment facilities near
their place of residence - which
leads to considerable delays in
opening these facilities, and
sometimes even to preventing
their opening due to lawsuits filed
by residents. Moreover, there are
quite a few cases in which there
is a deliberate harassment of the
population towards these
treatment frameworks when they
are in their area of residence and it is very possible that raising
public awareness could lead to a
significant reduction in the
number of these cases.
Assaf Binyamini,
115 Costa Rica Street,
Entrance A-Apartment 4,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9662592.
Phone numbers: At-972-2-6427757.
Mobile-972-58-6784040. Fax-972-772700076.
post Scriptum
1) My ID number: 029547403.
2) Address Hai.miil mine:
029547403 or:
[email protected]
or: [email protected] or:
[email protected] or:
[email protected] or:
[email protected]
or: [email protected]
3) the therapeutic session where I
was until the day 03/16/2021
(due to continued cutbacks and
the lowering of the budgets for
health and welfare and lack of
care in these matters there is no
government or Knesset function I
remained patient chronic disease
and very difficult problems
without any frame suitable
treatment. All Nsionotii find a
framework for handling relevant
increase I can rely on pottery
leaves — and there is no
knowing how long this
catastrophic situation will last):
Reut Association - Avivit Hostel,
6Avivit Street,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9650816.
Phone numbers at the hostel offices:
972-2-6432551. Or: 972-2-6428351.
Address Hai.miil of the hostel:
[email protected]
The social worker from the hostel staff,
with whom I was in contact: Oshrat-97250-5857185.
4) My family doctor I am under
Dr. Brandon Stewart,
"Clalit Health Services" - Promenade
6 Daniel Janowski Street,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9338601.
Phone number at the clinic's offices:
Fax number at clinic offices: 972-26738551.
5) A list of the regular medications I
1. Psychiatric drugs:
A. Seroquel -
2pills of 300 mg each evening.
B. Tegretol CR -
400 mg-every morning. 400 mg-every
third. Effexor -
150 mg-every morning. 150 mg-every
2. S ymvastatin-
10 mg every day in the evening.
6) The following is a list of the
medical problems I suffer from:
1. Mental illness - obsessivecompulsive disorder OCD And a
disease defined asschyzo-affective
2. Psoriatic arthritis.
3. . A neurological problem whose
definition is unclear. Its main
symptoms: objects that fall out of
the hands without me noticing,
dizziness, loss of sensation in some
areas of the palms and a certain
problem with balance and posture.
4. Chronic disc herniation in the back
in 4-5 vertebrae - which also
radiates to the legs and makes it
difficult to walk.
5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
6. Beginning of signs of a cardiological
problem from the last month (I am
writing these words on Thursday,
March 22, 2018). At the time of
writing, the nature of the problem is
still unclear, which is manifested in
chest pain for most of the day,
difficulty breathing and also
7. Significant weakening of vision,
which began about six months ago
(I am writing these words on
Monday, April 19, 2121).
7) Additional personal details: Age:
48. Marital status: Single. Date of
birth: 11.11.1972.
8) Below is the message I tried to
send to Mr. Yuli Edelstein,
Minister of Health of the State of
Israel on May 20, 1990 (I will
note that Facebook blocked the
possibility of sending this
message only - while the
Facebook account itself
continues to operate properly. I
cannot understand this strange
behavior, and why Facebook
does not allow me to send only
this message):
Mr. July Edelstein Shalom Rav :
Subject: General Perfect-Service Denial.
On Wednesday, 19.5.2021 at 18:56 in the
evening, I called HaMoked * 2700 - in
order to postpone the queue, I have for
photography CT Set for 25.5.2021 for
another date.
To my great astonishment, the caller
demanded that I tell her what my father's
name was — and asserted that without
this information she could not allow me
this basic action.
All my attempts to explain to her that my
father had nothing to do with the matter,
and that it was all a simple act of
postponing an appointment I had made at
the clinic had encountered an opaque wall
of abuse and wickedness.
I got a little tired of these silly and
unnecessary arguments - what the hell is
the problem with postponing an
appointment I set for another date? And
what do my parents have to do with it at
I will note that I am a 48-year-old person
and for many years I have not been in the
custody of my parents.
so, what are we doing? What is the
solution? I am
Just can't figure it out, and what was so
complicated about making a new
appointment in this canceled place.
Clalit Perfect Conditions From now on the
service is provided in that in every
conversation with them I must tell them
the names of my parents.
I believe that this is an abuse of her name
- there is no connection between my
parents' names and Clalit Mushalem's
so, what are we doing? Is there a
solution? Or henceforth I just will not be
able to make appointments and will have
to stay without any treatment or
therapeutic follow-up?
Is Clalit HMO really allowed to condition
the provision of the service on Lamb and
Tahia in that in every conversation with
them the insured will have to say what the
names of his parents are? Is it even legal?
After all, sometimes people with sensitive
and shares one kind or another-and may
a person would be willing to tell the
representatives of the Service (and any
personal reason which) they obviously
strangers for whom the name of his
parents every single conversation-so why
not find a minimum of humanity and to
consider this? Why behave in such a
predatory and opaque way?
Assaf Binyamini,
115 Costa Rica Street,
Entrance A-Apartment 4,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9662592.
Phone numbers: At-972-2-6427757.
Fax: 792-77-2700076
post Scriptum
1) My ID number: 029547403.
2) My Email Addresses
:[email protected]
and-: [email protected]
and-: [email protected]
and-: [email protected]
and-: [email protected]
and-: [email protected]
and-: [email protected]
3. The therapeutic framework in which
I was until March 16, 2121:
Reut Association - Avivit Hostel,
115 Costa Rica Street,
Entrance A-Apartment 4,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9650816.
Phone numbers at the hostel offices: 9722-6432551
Or: 972-2-6428351.
The social worker from the hostel staff,
with whom I was monitored until
9) Here are links to my profiles on
the various social networks in
which I am active:
100066013470424 / s7hrg3
10) I will note that I am a Hebrewspeaking person, and my level of
knowledge of other languages is
very low. Except for medium to
low level English and very low
level French I have no further
knowledge in this area. I enlisted
the help of a professional
translation company to write this
11) The following is the
correspondence I conducted on
21.5.2021 on the social network
Yelena Perman
sent by Yelena: Today at 12:34
Hi Assaf,
The group of doctors and caregivers is
designed to look for recommendations on
doctors or caregivers, thinking your post is
a little less relevant and not sure there will
be anyone who will answer you. In any
case do not recommend revealing all your
personal details in groups on Facebook,
inside the letter you have attached your
details and it is not safe for you. If you
would like to seek a recommendation from
a doctor or therapist, I will confirm the
post. Successfully
Sent by you: Today at 1:43 p.m.
I am indeed looking for a recommendation
for an attending physician and a treatment
framework in which I can find a solution to
my difficult health condition. And as for the
disclosure of my personal details: I am
fully aware of the enormous risk I am
taking in doing so. At the same time,
nothing scares me, because I have
nothing left to lose in my life anyway. I do
this as a definite last resort — and this
after all attempts to find a solution in
"acceptable" ways of appealing to various
authorities have failed, and for many
years I have encountered unbearable
procrastination. Every government office
or authority to which I turn all these years
escapes responsibility and rolls it from it
onwards — and instead of taking care of
these do nothing but refer me back and
forth from one to another. Given this
reality I was left with, in fact, no other
option or choice. I will note that I will
continue to do so in the absence of any
reasonable solution for a disabled person
in my situation because of an authority,
organization or government office. I would
appreciate it if you could share these
words with me in a group - I really, really
do not need people "who will protect my
privacy" or "who will not reveal my
personal details" -so supposedly. In the
reality of my life, I look for the exact
opposite: exposing these details on as
many Internet platforms and social
networks as possible - when the reality it
imposes on the disabled, the State of
Israel can easily cause a disabled person
like me to escape and death within a few
hours (or even less) Health I will not be
able to survive on the street) -so in such a
situation the consideration of privacy or
non-disclosure of personal details simply
does not exist. The danger of death on the
street is much more tangible and
immediate — and again: I have no choice
or other option left — and I would
appreciate it if you could share these
words while fully detailing all your
personal details.
Assaf Binyamini.
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