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Overloaded: Ten Ways to Deal with Stress
1. Although stress is uncomfortable, it is a _________________ part of life,
happens to everyone, is ________________ and often _______________.
2. Definition of stress: Stress is a natural response to __________________,
_________________ or challenge.
3. A stressor is anything that causes stress. Name one stressor that YOU
deal with. ____________________________________________________.
4. Depending on how we deal with stress, its effect on our lives can be
either positive (E________________) or negative (D________________).
5. Physical activity is an effective and natural way to reduce stress. Name
one physical activity that YOU would consider doing. _______________
6. For better sleep hygiene, do the following:
 Stick to a ________________ sleep schedule. Going to bed and
waking up at the same time each day trains the body to know
when it is time to fall asleep at night.
 Unplug all electronics about an _____________ before bedtime.
Charge your electronics in another room to limit the amount of
exposure to blue light rays, which interfere with sleep, and avoid
temptation to check messages.
 Stay away from _______________ including sodas and chocolate,
from late afternoon on.
 Spend time ____________________. Exposure to natural light
helps to regulate the body's internal clock.
7. The foods you eat affects your mood and ability to manage life’s
stressors. Eating at least _______________________portions of fruit and
vegetables, along with some protein, everyday can help you cope better.
8. Avoid ____________________ and other __________________, which
can actually worsen symptoms of stress.
9. Relaxation Techniques, such as_______ _____________, ____________,
and ___________________, help you feel more alert, calm and relaxed.
10. The steps to problem-solving include:
 __________________ the Problem
 Brainstorm ___________________
 Select a ______________________
 Put Your Solution into Action
 _________________ on How You Did
11. When you say NO, you can be setting healthy______________________,
establishing ___________________ boundaries, recognizing you can’t do
________________, making room for things that __________________,
saying YES to the really important things, and avoiding ____________.
12. Name two ways YOU can stay connected to others during the
pandemic, while practicing social distancing.
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
13. Asking for help can be a responsible and healthy choice. To whom can
YOU go for help? ______________________________________________
14. Sometimes we need more help than a friend or classmate can provide.
Name two signs that stress is a problem.
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
15. Name two adults YOU could trust with a problem or concern.
 A trusted adult at home/community: ______________________
 A trusted adult at school: _______________________________
16. Making time for fun, rest, and relaxation is _______________for your
____________. Doing an activity YOU enjoy can relieve stress, promote
an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily ease pain.
17. One thing I learned about stress today is __________________________
18. Of the Ten Ways to Deal with Stress discussed today, I am most likely to
use this technique when I am stressed and overwhelmed:
19. It is important for teens to learn about stress because _______________
20. This lesson would be better if ___________________________________.
Answer Sheet
Overloaded: Ten Ways to Deal with Stress
1. Although stress is uncomfortable, it is a NORMAL part of life, happens
to everyone, is INEVITABLE and often UNAVOIDABLE.
2. Definition of stress: Stress is a natural response to PRESSURE,
THREAT or challenge.
3. A stressor is anything that causes stress. Name one stressor that YOU
deal with. ____________________________________________________.
4. Depending on how we deal with stress, its effect on our lives can be
either positive (EUSTRESS) or negative (DISTRESS).
5. Physical activity is an effective and natural way to reduce stress. Name
one physical activity that YOU would consider doing. _______________
6. For better sleep hygiene, do the following:
 Stick to a REGULAR sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up
at the same time each day trains the body to know when it is time
to fall asleep at night.
 Unplug all electronics about an HOUR before bedtime. Charge
your electronics in another room to limit the amount of exposure
to blue light rays, which interfere with sleep, and avoid
temptation to check messages.
 Stay away from CAFFEINE, including sodas and chocolate, from
late afternoon on.
 Spend time OUTDOORS. Exposure to natural light helps to
regulate the body's internal clock.
7. The foods you eat affects your mood and ability to manage life’s
stressors. Eating at least FIVE portions of fruit and vegetables, along
with some protein, everyday can help you cope better.
8. Avoid ALCOHOL and other DRUGS, which can actually worsen
symptoms of stress.
9. Relaxation Techniques, such as DEEP BREATHING, STRETCHING,
and YOGA, help you feel more alert, calm and relaxed.
10. The steps to problem-solving include:
 IDENTIFY the Problem
 Brainstorm IDEAS
 Select a SOLUTION
 Put Your Solution into Action
 REFLECT on How You Did
11.When you say NO, you can be setting healthy LIMITS, establishing
PERSONAL boundaries, recognizing you can’t do EVERYTHING,
making room for things that MATTER, saying YES to the really
important things, and avoiding RESENTMENT.
12. Name two ways YOU can stay connected to others during the
pandemic, while practicing social distancing.
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
13. Asking for help can be a responsible and healthy choice. To whom can
YOU go for help? ______________________________________________
14. Sometimes we need more help than a friend or classmate can provide.
Name two signs that stress is a problem.
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
15. Name two adults YOU could trust with a problem or concern.
 A trusted adult at home/community: ______________________
 A trusted adult at school: _______________________________
16. Making time for fun, rest, and relaxation is GOOD for your HEALTH.
Doing an activity YOU enjoy can relieve stress, promote an overall
sense of well-being and can even temporarily ease pain.
17. One thing I learned about stress today is __________________________
18. Of the Ten Ways to Deal with Stress discussed today, I am most likely to
use this technique when I am stressed and overwhelmed:
19. It is important for teens to learn about stress because _______________
20. This lesson would be better if ___________________________________.