* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
HSE111 AT2: Rubric 0 points 3 points (Not yet achieved) 6 points (Consolidating) 9 points (Developing) Client Summary Section is missing from plan Client data has been incorrectly interpreted and has not been compared to ABS data. Health Risks Section is missing from plan A health risk has been identified, but it is either not relevant to the client or not associated with physical activity. Physical Activity Correlates Section is missing from plan Identified barriers and facilitators are not correct. Client data has been compared to ABS data, but there is more than one mistake in the data comparison and interpretation. Client data has been summarised accurately, but there is one mistake in the comparison, interpretation or graph. A health risk has been identified and it is relevant to the client, however there is no interpretation of the literature to identify the amount of physical activity required to positively impact the health issue. Clear explanation of health risks relevant to the client. Some use of evidence to identify the amount of physical activity required to positively impact the health issue. Barriers and facilitators are mostly correct, but EITHER there is no comparison against the relevant literature OR the correlates have not been organised according to the socio-ecological model. Barriers and facilitators are relevant to the client and have been organised according to the socioecological model. There has also been a brief comparison to other Australians. Strategy 1 Section of report is missing Deakin College, T3 2019 The first PA strategy suggested is not evidence-based AND not appropriate for the client The first PA strategy is relevant to the client's correlates, but it is not supported by peerreviewed evidence. The first PA strategy suggested is evidence-based AND appropriate for the client. 12 points (Excelling) Client data has been summarised clearly and concisely. Client data interpretation and comparison to ABS data is correct and a graph has been used effectively. Thoughtful, clear explanation of a health risk relevant to the client. Use of appropriate, high quality evidence to identify the physical activity dosage required to positively impact the health issue. Thoughtful, clear explanations of barriers and facilitators according to the socio-ecological model. Use of appropriate, high quality evidence to compare correlates against other Australians. The evidence for the first PA strategy has been applied and adapted appropriately to suit the client's individual correlates. A theory of behaviour change has been discussed as part of the rationale for the strategies. Strategy 2 Section of report is missing The second PA strategy suggested is not evidencebased AND not appropriate for the client The second PA strategy is relevant to the client's correlates, but it is not supported by peer-reviewed evidence. No inclusion of peer-reviewed evidence Most information and advice provided to the client is based on evidence that has not been peer-reviewed. Peer-reviewed evidence has been used to support 2-3 sections of the report. Research 0 points Written Communication & Referencing Section of report is missing Appropriate evidence has been used to support all sections of this report. Unclear evaluation of the primary studies used in the report. Strengths/limitations of individual studies have not been identified. Some attempt has been made to evaluate the strengths/limitations of the study designs OR data collection methods, but there are some mistakes in this evaluation. Descriptions of the strengths/limitations of the study designs and data collection methods are mostly correct. 2 points (Not yet achieved) 4 points (Consolidating) 6 points (Developing) 8 points (Excelling) Logical structure, with appropriate headings and clear writing style. Between 3 and 5 spelling, grammar and referencing errors. Logical structure, with appropriate headings and clear writing style. Less than 3 spelling, grammar and referencing errors. Clear and detailed discussion of how the feedback from AT1 was used to enhance the AT2 report. Reflection demonstrates self-awareness of the learning process and/or links AT1/AT2 with HSE111 unit content knowledge. Writing is very unclear, with many spelling and grammar mistakes. No headings or structure. There is no reference list. Reflection Evidence has been used to support all sections of the report, but 1-2 articles may not be relevant. Complete and correct evaluation of the studies cited, including descriptions of the strengths/limitations of the study designs, data collection methods and explanation of how the participant characteristics were/weren't relevant to the client. Critique of Evidence Section of report is missing The second PA strategy suggested is evidence-based AND appropriate for the client. The evidence for the second PA strategy has been applied and adapted appropriately to suit the client's individual correlates. A theory of behaviour change has been discussed as part of the rationale for the strategies. Brief discussion of the feedback provided in AT1, however it is not clear how the feedback was used to help develop/enhance AT2. The plan has some structure, but there are many spelling and grammar mistakes. Reference list and in-text citations contain multiple errors. Brief discussion of the feedback provided in AT1, with some clarity as to how the feedback was used to help develop/enhance AT2. TOTAL *AT2 is worth 40% of your final unit score Deakin College, T3 2019 /100*