Download Y11 Western Classical Music - Baroque worksheet ANSWERS

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AOS1: Western Classical Tradition 1650 - 1910
THE BAROQUE ERA (1600-1750)
“Suggest a suitable composer”: Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, Purcell
Recognisable sound
Key features to listen out for:
Harpsichord – recognisable sound & very fashionable in Baroque era
( – harpsichord demo)
• Repetitive, motivic melodies
• Simple harmonies – narrow range of chords used – mostly I and V
• ***~~~LOADS of ornaments!!!~~~***
• Counterpoint: 2 or more melodies at the same time (contrapuntal/ polyphonic texture)
• Terraced dynamics: sudden dynamic changes (no diminuendo or crescendo)
• Tonality = major or minor & used modulation to move to different keys
Instruments used for solos: popular: violin, cello, flute, recorder, trumpet, organ, harpsichord
Orchestra: fairly small, chamber groups were popular
What was ‘Basso continuo’? Literally ‘continuous bass’, built on chords, usually played by
harpsichord or organ, but could feature cello, double bass or even bassoon
( – basso continuo example)
Baroque structures – will look at in more detail later
Concerto grosso: concertino (group of soloists) & ripieno (orchestra)
Solo concerti
Binary form (AB)
Ternary form (ABA)
Some works had an introductory piece (prelude)
Theme and Variation (see the ways in which themes were varied in the ‘Baroque
melodies’ section)
Ground Bass Form
Ms A Botham
Baroque melodies
Lots of variation, achieved via:
Inversion (turning the melody upside down)
Retrograde (playing the melody backwards)
Sequence (repeating the melodic pattern but varying the pitch)
Imitation (repeat the melody but with slight changes)
Ostinato also very common (repeated very short motif, often highly rhythmic)
Examples of 2 famous rhythmic ostinati (plural of ostinato rather than ostinatos):
For more ideas on variations and a reminder on the Theme and Variations form as well as
hearing a sample
of Ground Bass form, have a look at this excellent video:
*I will go over these next lesson, with examples*
Ms A Botham