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Federalism is a term used to define the division of
power between the
Antifederalist objections to the ratification of the
Constitution led to the
(1) president and the vice president
(1) addition of a Bill of Rights
(2) seven-year delay in the ratification of the
(3) rewriting of major parts of the Constitution
(4) elimination of states' rights
(2) Senate and the House of Representatives
(3) national and state levels of government
(4) three branches of the federal overnment
is best defined
government that
as a principle
(1) divides power between the central government
and state governments
(2) includes a system of checks and balances
(3) allows the states to nullify national laws
(4) places the most power in the hands of the
Ie islative branch
Which statement is an example of the system of
(1) Cabinet members are appointed by the
(2) Revenue bills must begin in the House of
(3) The national government coins money, but
states cannot.
(4) The president can negotiate treaties, but the
Senate has the power to ratifY them
--------The major reason Antifederalists
ratification of the Constitution was because they
amending the Constitution was too easy
too much power was given to the states
a federal court system would be too weak
rights were not adequatel
In 1788 and 1789, a major controversy between
the Federalists and the Antifederalists focused on
A major reason the Antifederalists opposed the
ratification of the United States Constitution was
because the Constitution
(1) created a national bank
(2) lacked a provision for a federal court system
(3) failed to provide for the direct election of
members of the House of Representatives
(4) changed the balance of power between the
state and national overnments
To address the concerns of many Antifederalists
during the debate over ratification of the
Constitution, the Federalists agreed that
(1) political parties would be formed
would retain control of interstate
(3) slavery would be eliminated by an amendment
(4) a bill of ri hts would be added
(2) states
The Federalist Papers were a series of newspaper
articles published in 1787 and 1788 to win support for the
(1) right of the colonies to rebel against Great
(2) right of a state to secede from the Union
(3) ratification of the United States Constitution
4) construction of an interstate canal s stem
The primary purpose of the Federalist Papers was to
(1) expansion of slavery into the territories
(2) the wisdom of creating
a two-house
(3) division of power among different levels of
(4) the issue of allowing women the right to vote
(1) justify the American Revolution to the
(2) promote the continuation of British rule
(3) encourage ratification of the United States
(4) support the election of George Washington as
During the debate over the ratification of the
Constitution, Antifederalists argued that
Which statement describes a characteristic of
democracy that is provided for in the United
States Constitution?
(1) the new Constitution left too much political
power to state governments
(2) a strong national government would gain
respect from European nations
(3) checks and balances were unnecessary in a
federal government
(4) the new Constitution would threaten the
ri hts of individual citizens
(1) Political power in Congress is held by the
ranking political palty.
(2) All bills passed by Congress are reviewed by
the Supreme Court.
(3) Citizens choose their oongressional representatives.
(4) The president can require Congress to sub__ mit legislation for the cabinet's a roval.
The adoption of the Bill of Rights (1791)
addressed Antifederalist criticism of the new
Constitution by
(1) providing for an indirect method of electing
the president
(2) protecting citizens from abuses of power by
the national government
(3) allowing the national government to coin
(4) establishing a process for impeaching federal
The Bill of Rights was added to the United States
Constitution to
(1) provide the president with the power
enforce the laws
(2) protect individuals' civil liberties
(3) establish a presidential cabinet
(4) guarantee voting privileges to all citizens
The basic purpose of the first ten amendments
the United States Constitution is to
Soon after the Constitution of the United States
was ratified, the first ten amendments
added because many citizens felt the need for
(1) strengthening the power of the federal courts
(2) ensuring the division of powers between the
state and federal governments
(3) estabhshing a national bank
(4) protecting their liberties from abuses by the
federal government
of the Constitution
(1) states' rights
(2) property rights
(3) rights of the accused
(4) rights of self-expression
The first amendment guarantee of freedom of
speech was added to the United
Constitution primarily because its supporters
believed it vvas essential to
discourage criticism of govemment policies
ensure the functioning of democracy
limit political debate in Congress
encourage more candidates to run for office
Which protection in the Bill of Rights is most
directly related to the 1735 trial of J olm Peter
(1) freedom of the press
(2) right to bear arms
(3) ban on unreasonable searches
(4) freedom from double jeopardy
This section of the 4th Amendment to the United
States Constitution addresses the issue of
(1) states' rights
(2) separation of powers
(3) implied powers
(4) limits on governmental
The due process clause in the 5th Amendment and
the right to an attorney in the 6th Amendment
were designed to
(1) protect freedom of expression
(2) assure that laws are properly enacted
(3) ensure fair treatment for those accused ~
(4) provide for judicial review of laws
(1) describe the powers of the three branches of
(2) limit the powers of state governments
(3) guarantee the rights of individuals
(4) estabhsh a system of checks and balances
The first amendment
primarily with
"... no warrants shall issue, but upon probable
cause, ... and particularly describing the place to
be searched, and the persons or things to be
"The enumeration [listing] in the Constitution, of
to deny or disparage [weaken]
others retained by the people."
9th Amendment to the United States Constitution
The most likely reason this amendment
included in the Bill of Rights was to
(1) increase federal power over the people
(2) expand state control over individual citizens
(3) protect rights beyond those listed in the
(4) prevent Congress from granting additional
rights to individuals
'The powers not delegated to the United States
by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the
States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people."
United States Constitution, 10th amendment
This part of the Bill of Rights was intended to
(1) give the people the right to vote on important
(2) reduce the rights of citizens
,(3) limit the powers of the federal government
The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of
Rights are similar in that both
(1) support a federal system of government
(2) maintain the importance of a strong chief
(3) provide for a system of checks and balances
,(4) support hmitations on govemmental power
One similarity between the Declaration
Independence and the Bill of Rights is that both
(1) provide for a government with three separate
(2) discuss colonial grievances
against the
(3) stress the importance of indivtdual