* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
AGE f x fx 10-14 3 12 36 15-19 4 17 20-24 11 25-29 class <cf >cf 9.5-14.5 3 100 68 14.5-19.5 7 97 22 242 19.5-24.5 18 93 14 27 378 24.5-29.5 32 82 30-34 19 32 608 29.5-34.5 51 68 35-39 17 37 629 35.5-39.5 68 49 40-44 13 42 546 39.5-44.5 81 32 45-49 11 47 517 44.5-49.5 92 19 50-54 5 52 260 49.5-54.5 97 8 55-59 3 57 171 54.5-59.5 100 3 boundaries n = 100 In the 3rd Age Interval, determine the following: Class Interval: 20-24 Class Limit: Upper Class Limit (UCL): 24 Lower Class Limit (LCL): 20 Class Boundary: Upper Class Boundary (UCB) = UCL + 0.5 = 24.5 Lower Class Boundary (LCB) = LCL - 0.5 = 19.5 Class Mark = (UCL + LCL)/2 = 22 Class Size = UCL – LCL +1 = 5 With the given data above, determine the following values: 19 1. Frequency of the 5th Class Interval 24 2. Upper Class Limit of the 3rd Class Interval 5 3. Class Size of the Frequency Distribution Table 49.5 4. Lower Class Boundary of the 9th Class Interval 3 5. Lowest Frequency 68 6. Number of Ages Below 40 12 7. Lowest Class Mark 59.5 8. Highest Upper-Class Boundary 30-34 9. Class Interval with the Highest Frequency 10 10. Lowest Lower-Class Limit