* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Challenge! Construct a pyramid of numbers AND a pyramid of biomass for each of these food chains on graph paper: 1. Plankton X 40 2. Grass X 30 3. Cycad X 3 4. Algae X100 Triceratops X 10 Shrimp X 50 Clown fish X 5 Dolphin X 1 Zebra X 8 Lion X 2 Velociraptor X 3 Cod X 30 Tyrannosaurus Rex X 1 Seal X 3 Polar bear X 1 Biomass Key Producers: 2kg 50kg 2kg 2kg Consumers: 20kg 50kg 25kg 3kg 10kg 50kg 6kg 5kg 35kg 4kg 20kg