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Both philosophy and logic as being seen by many as something of no value to human life. Down
the ages, men of great importance to humanity, includes both philosophers and logicians, like,
Thales, Anaximander, Aristotle and others. Particularly, logic has contributed greatly to human
Nearly every undertaking in life will ultimately require that you evaluate an argument, perhaps
several. You are confronted with a question: Should I buy this car or that car? Should I go to
this college or that college? Did that scientific experiment show what the scientist claims it did?
Should I vote for the candidate who promises to lower taxes, or for the one who says she might
raise them? And so on. Our lives are a long parade of choices. When we try to answer such
questions, in order to make the best choices, we often have only one tool: an argument. We listen
to the reasons for and against various options, and must choose between them. And so, the ability
to evaluate arguments is an ability that is very useful in everything that you will do—in your
work, your personal life, your deepest reflections.1 What then are the importance of logic in the
human life. In this research, the importance of logic in our day to day activities will be explained
in its explicit form.
Introduction (as seen above)
Clarification of the term “Logic”
Brief history of logic
Overview of the Importance of logic to human life
Craig Declancey, “A concise introduction to logic”
Every human being, regardless of his/her geographical location in the universe, is endowed with
thinking ability. What makes human being different from other animals, is the ability to think or
reason, that is logical.
Just like philosophy there is no particular definition for logic. There is a debate among
philosophers on whether logic should be a branch of philosophy or a tool of philosophy.
Philosophy, defined in the professional term, is a rigorous and systematic inquiry rooted in
abstraction and speculation into the ultimate causes, first principles and presuppositions of
everything in reality by using only the light of natural reason. 2 Philosophy in its own field is to
always seek knowledge, ask questions, conduct enquiries, make discoveries, knowing the
fundamental and ultimate beginning, end of all things, finding out about the physical reality in
the world the mysteries in the world and wonders of universe. All these demands logical
reasoning and logical mental processing. The question whether logic is a branch or tool of
philosophy therefore seems not to be necessary, since philosophy makes use of logical process to
arrive at its conclusion.3
Williams Olorunfemi Aso, Rudiments to philosophy for undergraduates (Lagos: Fropiel International Limited
Publishers, 2018), 8.
M.O Aderibigbe, “The Nature of Logic” in Philosophy,Logic and Issues in Science and Technology: An Introduction,
ed. Olusegun Oladipo and G.M.A Adedeji. (Oyo: Hope Publications, Ibadan, 2007), 59
What then is logic? Etymologically, the English word logic is a derivative of the classical Greek
word, logos that simply means what is spoken and consequent of this meaning later on developed
to imply human thought or human order of reasoning.4Logic can be defined as the science which
has the study of the principles for appraising arguments as correct or incorrect as its primary
aim.5 According to William a. Wallace, he define logic as an intellectual habit that strengthens
the mind to accomplish the art of reasoning inherent in his rationality.6Nyong defines logic as the
study of the fundamental principles, laws and methods that human mind needs to observe so as
to attain the truth and all-encompassing knowledge.7
It is obvious that there is no generally accepted definition of logic, it is generally characterized
with recognizing right (logical) or wrong (illogical) arguments. Ordinarily, the word argument
refers to a quarrel or disagreement, but an argument in the technical sense is one or more
propositions, called a premise or premises, which are offered as evidence for another proposition,
called a conclusion. Meanwhile, a proposition is a statement which can be evaluated as true or
Logic as an interdisciplinary field which studies truth and reasoning, is subdivided into informal
and formal logic. Informal logic seeks to characterize valid arguments informally, for instance by
listing varieties of fallacies. Formal logic represents statements and argument patterns
symbolically, using formal systems such as first order logic. Within formal logic, mathematical
logic studies the mathematical characteristics of logical systems, while philosophical
Williams Olorunfemi Aso, Rudiments to philosophy for undergraduates(Lagos: fropiel international limited
publishers, 2018), 123
M.O Aderibigbe, “The Nature of Logic” in Philosophy,Logic and Issues in Science and Technology: An Introduction,
ed. Olusegun Oladipo and G.M.A Adedeji. (Oyo: Hope Publications, Ibadan, 2007), 59
A. William Wallace, The elements of philosophy: a compendium for philosophers and theologians,(Mumbai: stpaul
David Nyong, Rudiments of philosophy and logic, (Lagos: Obaroh and Ogbinaka publishers ltd., 1996,) 60
Philosophy, logic
logic applies them to philosophical problems such as the nature of meaning, knowledge,
and existence.
including linguistics, cognitive science, and computer science. Logic is further classified into
various categories, which includes: scientific logic, mathematical logic, aristotelrian logic,
universal logic, symbolic logic and material logic.
There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher Parmenides (5th
century BCE) invented logic while living on a rock in Egypt. The story is pure legend, but it does
reflect the fact that Parmenides was the first philosopher to use an extended arguments for his
views rather than merely proposing a vision of reality. But using arguments is not the same as
studying them, and Parmenides never systematically formulated or studied principles of
argumentation in their own right. Indeed, there is no evidence that he was even aware of
the implicit rules of inference used in presenting his doctrine.
Perhaps Parmenides’ use of argument was inspired by the practice of early Greek mathematics
among the Pythagoreans. Thus, it is significant that Parmenides is reported to have had a
Pythagorean teacher. But the history of Pythagoreanism in this early period is shrouded in
mystery, and it is hard to separate fact from legend.
If Parmenides was not aware of general rules underlying his arguments, the same perhaps is not
true for his Zeno of Elea (5th century BCE). Zeno was the author of many arguments, known
collectively as “Zeno paradoxes”, purporting to infer impossible consequences from a nonParmenidean view of things and so to refute such a view and indirectly to establish Parmenides’
monist position.
The formal study of logic is believed to have begun with Aristotle in the 4th BC. Aristotle is
considered to have an important contribution to logic in terms of the theory of syllogisms. The
works of Aristotle to logic were admired and studied by a number of thinkers from medieval to
modern times.
In the 19th century AD, the Irish logician George Boole developed logic further in the area of
truth functions. Truth functionality is part of what became known as modern formal logic. Boole
also introduced a new interpretation of universal categorical propositions which solved a
problem that originally could not be solved by the Aristolian interpretation of the universal
categorical propositions.
In the 20th century AD, there were further developments in logic. The German mathematician
and philosopher Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) introduced the theory of qualification in logic. This
theory was a further development of the theory of syllogism which had hitherto been based
mainly on syllogistic terms, and truth functional logic that introduced the idea of truth-value of
compound propositions. Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), an American philosopher, also
made pioneering investigations into the logic of relations, and truth-functions, and independently
discovered the quantifiers slightly later than Frege. The Italian mathematician Giuseppe Peano
(1858-1932) also made some contribution in the area of set theory. Alfred North Whitehead
(1861-1947) and Bernard Arthur William Russell (1872-1970), both English mathematicians and
philosophers, systematized the new developments in logic. Apart from the systematization they
also tried to show that laws of pure mathematics are derivable from the laws of logic. Russell
also introduced some symbolic notations into logic.
Logic plays an important, significant and indispensable role in our day-to-day activities, in
reasoning, passing judgment, giving advice and doing many other things. The importance of
logic in its wider sense includes:
Improving our reasoning
Every humans reason in one way or the other, whether correct or incorrect. Logic as a
branch of philosophy studies reasoning with the main concern of differentiating the
correct from the incorrect reasoning. It is therefore, the study of principles of good
reasoning that help in distinguishing good from bad, or correct from incorrect reasoning,
and improves our reasoning capacity.9In improving our reasoning, itinfluences every
decision we make in our daily lives. Logic which deals in thinking and reasoning, helps
us to learn and make decisions that will affect our daily lifestyle. 10 With the help of
logic, we make decisions on how to choose among many alternatives, to check whether
is good or bad.
Helping us in our daily live to find the truth
Logic helps us in our daily life on how to differentiate between right and wrong statement. With
the study of fallacy in logic, statements that are unreasonable and contradicted to each other are
easily detected, and necessary questions are asked to have a better understanding and vital
mistakes are avoided.
For Cohen and Nagel (1996), logic, like other sciences aims at attaining the truth in its own
special field and is not primarily concerned with the values or uses to which these truths can be
Oriare Nbbyarwath, Traditional Logic: An Introduction,(Consolata institute of philosophy press, 2010.)
Importance of logic to human life, Htttps://
put.11 Logic helps us to find truth, and truth is its own end, it is worth knowing for its own sake.
Logic is like a safety line that allows us to move unerringly from one truth to another. With logic
we can make sure that the truths we claim are, indeed, truths and no mere illusion. And more
than that: it allows us to convince others of the truth. So it not only keeps us bound to the world
but also to each other.12
Fallacious thinking—in the form of propaganda, exaggeration, misdirection, and even outright
lies—abounds in our culture. Politicians, pundits, advertisers, and corporate spokespersons attack
straw men, appeal to the majority opinion, promote red herrings, or oppose a view simply
because they dislike the person who holds it. Familiarity with common fallacies of this sort helps
make you a more critical reader, listener, and thinker, and eventually leads an individual in their
daily lives to attain nothing but the truth.
For Cohen and Nagel (1996), logic, like other sciences aims at attaining the truth in its own
special field and is not primarily concerned with the values or uses to which these truths can be
Logic helps in the society
The role of logic in the society is to set rules that we must follow to achieve rational
communication.13 Laws of logic are the rules that we must obey so that we can have a better
society for the human life. Rational thinking also helps us in the society, by enhancing
communication between people and reinforces the idea that despite our differences, we live in
Sylvester Enomah, Simplified Logic for University Students. (Delta: Shelfa International Publishers ltd,2002),5
“Importance of Logic to Life.” November 12, 2021
Importance of logic to human life, Htttps://
the same world and it is possible to come to some agreement.14With the study of logic, individual
is able to think and reason about the development in the society and to evaluate our political
leaders in our society. As Thomas Jefferson said, “In a republican nation, whose citizens are to
be lead by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reason becomes of the first
importance.”[Copi& Cohen, Logic, 10th edition, Prentice-Hall, 1998.).
Helps us to avoid mistakes in our argument
With the study of what an argument is in logic, it will help us to differentiate between a valid and
non-valid arguments. Knowing what a non-valid argument contains, it will guide us not to make
mistakes in our arguments with others. Mistakes and errors occur in our arguments everyday due
to various reasons. They may occur to deceive, persuade, elicit sympathy and convince,
maneuver, manipulate may even be unintended. The recognition of these errors, which are
usually referred to as informal fallacies, will go a long wayto enhance the performance of our
roles as individuals in our arguments and avoid mistakes.15 Examples of such mistakes or errors
includes: Argumentum ad miscericordiam (appeal to pity), Argumentum ad baculum (appeal to
force or threat), argumentum ad hominem (abusive), fallacy of division and of composition, etc.
Helps us to make good judgment
Judgment is a form of thought in which something is affirmed or denied about the existence
of objects, the links between an object and its properties or the relations between.16 In our
daily lives, we come across many situations in which we are to make judgment, but errors
Olatunji A. oyeshile, “Logic and Life”, in Philosophy and Society: An Introduction to Beginners, ed. Ayo Fadahunsi,
(Hope publications ltd.,2015), 39.
Olatunji A. oyeshile, “Logic and Life”, in Philosophy and Society: An Introduction to Beginners, ed. Ayo Fadahunsi,
(Hope publications ltd.,2015), 43
Alexandra Getmanova, Logic( Progress publishers, Moscow, 1989), 84.
and mistakes can be made in our judgment in ways that does not correspond to reality. With
the study of logic, reasoning is improved, mistakes and errors are avoided in our arguments,
and truth is found, we can therefore arrive at a good and sound Judgment.
All the importance of logic seen above, are just few out of many. The Importance of Logic,
for me, is compared to a fuel in a vehicle, in which, without the fuel in a vehicle, it cannot
move. The vehicle is the human person, while the fuel is compared to the reason faculty
(logic) of the human person. Whether Formal or Informal, logic influences all our actions in
our day to day activities.
In evaluating its importance in the society, we see that, if logic is formally study by all and
sundry in the society, there will be more peace, development and orderliness in the society.
Though the study of logic cannot fully help us in solving all the problems in human life, I
believe, with the study of logic and philosophy, and other humanity related courses, the
problems in human life will be reduced to its mere minimum.
Finally, after discussing the meaning and definition of logic, its history and its importance, and
evaluating its importance, it’s worth saying that logic can also be fun, brings happiness, brings
wisdom, helps in reading, brings order, brings certainty, testing authority, attain wisdom, helps in
religious faith, brings order and wisdom, helps in reading and writing, construct proofs, uses in
persuasion, and many other importance in our daily lives.
Therefore, the work and importance of logic in our daily lives is indispensable.
Craig Declancey. “A concise introduction to logic”.
Williams Olorunfemi Aso. Rudiments to philosophy for undergraduates. Lagos: fropiel
international limited publishers, 2018.
Olusegun Oladipo. Philosophy, logic and issues in science and technology,
A. William Wallace. The elements of philosophy: A Compendium for Philosphers and
Theologians. Mumbai: St Paul press
David Nyong. Rudiments of Philosophy and Logic. Lagos: Obaroh and Ogbinaka publishers
Limited, 1996.
Oriaren Byarwath. Traditional Logic: An Introduction. Consolata institute of philosophy press,
“Importance of Logic to Human Life”. Htttps://
Sylvester Enomah. Simplified Logic for University Students. Delta: Shelfa International
Publishers Ltd,2002.
“Importance of Logic to Life.”
Ayo Fadahunsi. Philosophy and Society. Hope Publications ltd, 1999.
Alexandra Getmanova. Logic. Moscow: Progress publishers, 1989.
M.O Aderibigbe. “The Nature of Logic”. In Philosophy,Logic and Issues in Science and
Technology: An Introduction, edited by Olusegun Oladipo and G.M.A Adedeji. Oyo: Hope
Publications, Ibadan, 2007.