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Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to adapt by forming new connections as a result of
experience, learning, or following an injury.
 The brain is not fixed at birth or in childhood, but continues to adapt throughout one's
How does the brain actually change?
The brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons – each neuron is connected to
thousands of other neurons through its dendrites
Dendrites – tree like branches that carry signals from one neuron to the next
Whenever you learn something new, your neurons form new connections with other neurons,
and a new pathway in the brain is established. Dendritic branching is the process by which the
dendrites of one neuron branch out to establish connections with other neurons.
The total of all your brain's neurons, and the connections between them, can be thought of as
an enormous neural network. Every thought, memory, emotion, or behavior is linked to a certain
neural pathway in the brain. The more often you engage a certain neural pathway, the stronger
this pathway becomes, and the more likely this pathway will become activated in the future.
That's where habits come from. On the other hand, stop using a pathway, and the pathway will