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Unit 4: The Panama Canal
Essential Question: What was the role of the United States in the Panama Revolution and the building of the Panama
Background: Prior to the Panama Canal’s completion in 1914, the trip from New York City to San Francisco was a 13,000
mile trip around the tip of South America. In 1903, under the leadership of President Teddy Roosevelt, the US acquired
the land on which to build a canal- a shortcut through Central America. A canal through Central America was viewed as
vital to maintain US power and improve both commercial and military shipping.
Why Build It?
1. What has happened as a result of the
The Panama Canal, with its unique location at the narrowest point
construction of the Panama Canal?
between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, has had a far-reaching effect on
(Discuss 3 effects)
world economic and commercial developments throughout most of the
20th century. By providing a short, relatively inexpensive passageway
between these two great bodies of water, the Canal has influenced world
trade patterns, spurred growth in developed countries, and has been a
primary impetus [force] for economic expansion in many remote areas of
the world. For example, a vessel laden with coal sailing from the east
coast of the United States to Japan via the Panama Canal saves about
3,000 miles versus the shortest alternative all-water route, and for a
vessel laden with bananas sailing from Ecuador to Europe the distance
saved is about 5,000 miles. By far, most of the traffic through the Canal
moves between the east coast of the United States and the Far East, while
movements between Europe and the west coast of the United States and
Canada comprise the second major trade route at the waterway. Other
regions and countries, however, such as the neighboring countries of Central and South America, are proportionately more
dependent on this vital artery to promote their economic development and expand trade. . . -Maritime Industry from the
Panama Canal Authority
Where is it?
2. Using the sources above, describe the location of the Canal Zone. In what part of the world (continent, country) is it
Was the acquisition of the Canal Zone the only interest the U.S. had in this area? Explain.
Who had an interest in the Canal?
1850 - Great Britain and US signed a treaty agreeing not to build
a canal without the other’s participation
1901 – U.S. and Great Britain signed the Hay Pauncefote Treaty
which stated that a canal in Central America “shall be open to
all vessels … of all nations … on terms of entire equality.”
3. According to the events in the timeline, how
would you describe the United States’ actions
in the acquisition of the canal zone- persistent
or aggressive? Why?
March 1903 - the US approved the Hay-Herran Treaty which
would give the US a 100 year lease on land in Panama in which
to build the canal. However, Panama was controlled by the
country of Columbia and they rejected this idea
October 1903 - the US sent warships to Panama to support
their efforts to secede from Columbian control.
November 1903 - Panama was recognized by the US as its own
nation. Panama then signed a treaty with the US granting them
a canal zone.
What exactly did Panama give the United States?
“The Republic of Panama grants to the United States in perpetuity, the use, occupation and control of a zone of land and
land under water for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation and protection of said Canal of the width of
ten miles extending to the distance of five miles on each side of the center line of the route of the Canal to be
constructed; the said zone beginning in the Caribbean Sea three marine miles from mean low water mark and extending
to and across the Isthmus of Panama into the Pacific Ocean to a distance of three marine miles from mean low water
mark with the provison that the cities of Panama and Colon and the harbors adjacent to said cities, which are included
within the boundaries of the zone above described, shall not be included within this grant. . . . The Republic of Panama
further grants in like manner to the United States in perpetuity, all islands within the limits of the zone above described
and in addition thereto, the group of small islands, in the Bay of Panama, named Perico, Naos, Culebra and Flamenco. . .
.The Republic of Panama grants to the United States all the rights, power and authority within the zone mentioned and
described in Article II of this agreement, and within the limits of all auxiliary lands and waters mentioned and described
in said Article II which the United States would possess and exercise, if it were the sovereign of the territory within which
said lands and waters are located to the entire exclusion of the exercise by the Republic of Panama of any such
sovereign rights, power or authority.”
- Theodore Roosevelt, Convention Between U.S. and Panama
4. According to the source above, the US was given what type of powers over the canal zone for perpetuity? What
does perpetuity mean?
Why do you think Panama was willing to give the US this power over the canal zone? How did it benefit Panama?
How was the Canal Built?
From Gatun the train goes through territory which is to be the lake. For
twenty-three miles the ships will cross this artificial lake to Culebra Cut.
Never before has man dreamed of taking such liberties with nature, of
making such sweeping changes in the geographical formation of a
country. Here are we Americans… gouging out a canyon 10 miles long,
300 feet wide, and in some places over 250 feet deep. Think about that
a minute and then be proud that you are an American. . . .“Look!” my
friend cried suddenly. “See that machine—it looks like a steam crane—
it is a track-shifter.
Invented by one of our
engineers… It just takes
hold of a section of
track, rails and ties and
all, hoists it up out of its ballast, and swings it over to where we want it.
Does in an hour what a gang of twenty men could not do in a week. It is
between Gorgona and Empire that you get your first look into Culebra
Cut. It is as busy a place as an anthill. It seems to be alive with
machinery; there are, of course, men in the cut too, but they are
insignificant, lost among the mechanical monsters… which eat a
thousand cubic yards a day out of the side of the hills. But it is not until
you get beyond the cut and, looking back, see the profile of the ditch
against the sunset that you get the real impression— the memory which
is to last. The scars on the side of the cut are red, like the rocks of our
great Western deserts…
Source: Panama: the Canal, Country, People by Arthur Bullard 1911
5. According to the sources, what obstacles did the U.S. face in building the canal? How were the engineers able to
overcome these obstacles?
How does the Canal work?
6. What is the functions of a “lock”?
7. Why were locks necessary in the building of the Panama Canal?
8. How is the water level in each lock maintained?
Final Assessment: Explain the role that the United States played in acquiring and building the Panama Canal. How is the
Panama Canal an example of Imperialism? Use evidence from the documents to support your answer. Your response
should be at least TWO paragraphs (5-7 sentences each).