* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name: ………………………. Form: ……. Philosophy and Ethics Religious Studies B (OCR) GCSE Relationships B603 Religion and Human Relationships You will need to have knowledge and understanding of the following topics: Roles of men and women within the family Roles of men and women within the Christian family Roles of men and women within the Church family Marriage and marriage ceremonies The marriage ceremony (wedding) – what happens The ways in which a marriage ceremony reflects and emphasises Christian teaching about marriage Christian responses to Civil Partnerships Divorce Christian beliefs about the ethics of divorce Christian beliefs about the ethics of re-marriage (getting married to another partner after a divorce) Sexual relationships and contraception Christian beliefs about sexual relationships Christian beliefs about contraception. Remember “Beliefs” - this is what Christians believe about their religions based on the teachings in the Bible and/or from the Church; for instance, ideas about God and Jesus; the events of the creation or crucifixion, etc. “Teachings” - refers to rules/quotes/sayings from the Bible (such as “do not murder” or “love thy neighbour”) or it could refer to what the different Churches teach. “Attitudes” - are the ways in which a believer interprets those beliefs and teachings. Note this is a trigger word for you to realise that some Christians believe one thing and other Christians believe another. For example, some Christians think that divorce is wrong because...... On the other hand, others believe that divorce is the lesser of two evils because … “Support” – this means you cannot just make a statement and leave it there. You need to explain why that statement is being used. “Christians think marriage is important to God” “because God is present at the ceremony and blesses the couple as he did to Adam and Eve”. “Respond” – this word is asking you to think about what Christians would do when faced with a particular situation. 2 The Exam Paper Each Module paper will be divided into three sections. Module B603 (Ethics 1) will contain questions on: Religion and human relations; Religion and Medical Ethics; and Religion, Poverty and Wealth. Religion and Human Relationships is the topic covered in this book. In the Exam you will have to choose TWO questions out of the three topics. You need to answer the Christianity questions. In each section on the exam paper, you will find that there are six questions – from six different religious viewpoints. Ignore the religions you have not studied. The Christianity question comes after the Buddhism question. Each question is in five parts. All the questions are in the following form: (a) 1 mark for knowledge (b) 2 marks for knowledge, (c) 3 marks for knowledge, (d) 6 marks for understanding, and (e) 12 marks for evaluation. Total: 24 marks. Remember! You have to do a complete question — this means you must attempt to answer all the parts (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) from the same question. Do not mix up the religions or the topics. The Part (a) Questions These are questions which are testing your knowledge, for example, ‘What is meant by the word divorce?’ Answer: “This is when a marriage is legally broken up”. The Part (b) Questions These questions are again testing your knowledge but your answer will need to contain more information than the part (a) questions. For example: “Give two examples why Christians believe marriage to be important”. Answer: “Christians believe marriage to be important because they see it as a sacrament – an outward sign of an inner grace and also because God created Adam and Eve to be one flesh”. The Part (c) Questions These may ask for three pieces of information or ask for a description. If you are asked to describe – do not just put a list of points but elaborate on them. For instant, if you were asked to answer the question: “Describe Christian beliefs about divorce” – you must not just say: “they believe it is bad; it is a sin; and it is doing wrong”. You would need to say: 3 “Christians believe that divorce is wrong because Jesus taught that noone should break up a marriage “let no man separate” and these words are used in the marriage ceremony. Some Christians believe that divorce can happen if it is a last resort if, for instance, there was abuse in the marriage. Catholics do not believe in a religious divorce because they see marriage is a sacrament”. So – since you will be asked what words mean make sure you have learnt all the words in the Dictionary. The Part (d) Questions These questions are asking you to show your understanding – you will need to show “how” and “why” things happen because of Christian beliefs or teachings. These questions will probably begin with the word “explain”. So, remember to use the word “because” in your answer. For example: (d) “Explain how a Christian wedding reflects their beliefs about marriage”. [6 marks] “Christians believe that marriage is a sacrament (a holy event) and therefore it is very important. The wedding shows this because the priest is God’s representative and he blesses the couple. Christians believe that marriage is for life because Jesus taught that divorce was wrong and because in the wedding the couple say vows to God and each other that they will be married “until death us do part”. The exchanging of rings also reflects the belief that marriage is for life because the ring is a circle and symbolises that there is no beginning or end of their love. The confetti which is thrown at the end of the ceremony reflects the belief that one of the purposes of marriage is to have children because this is what God commanded Adam and Eve to do.” The Part (e) Questions These questions are asking you to present an argument and to evaluate. You will need to show differing points of view and you must support them with examples. So if you say “Christians say the use of contraception is wrong” – you need to say why it is wrong and given an example. You MUST refer to a Christian point of view somewhere in your answer otherwise you will not achieve full marks and also you MUST give your own viewpoint otherwise again you will not achieve full marks. For instance: 4 (e) “Contraception should not be used”. Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. Evaluation formula: Some people might agree because … Other people might disagree because … However some Christians might say … because … Yet other Christians might argue … because … BUT I think … because So in conclusion … Some people might agree contraception should not be used because they feel that since the pill was introduced in the 1960’s it has made people more likely to have casual sex and casual sex is wrong because it leads to the transmitting of sexual diseases.. Other people might disagree that contraception is wrong because the world is worried about overpopulation and poverty and therefore every child needs to be planned. Often children who are unwanted get treated very badly; for instance in China they are supposed to only have one child and they all want boys. Sometimes when a girl is born it will be killed. However Catholics would agree with the statement because they believe that one of the purposes of marriage is to have children and fulfil God’s command to “go forth and multiply”. Also some Catholics believe that sex should only be used to have children so therefore it would be wrong to use contraception. Other Christians might argue that the use of contraception is a good thing if both partners agree because it allows children to be planned. They might be against abortion and therefore careful family planning will stop the necessity of abortion of unwanted babies. I think that contraception is wrong because although the Bible does not teach about contraception the Old Testament says that God killed Onan because he spilt his seed on the ground and did not use sex in order to ensure there was a baby. Marriage is all about family and having babies and therefore contraception should not be used. In conclusion it seems as though there are many differing attitudes to the use of contraception and obviously it should be up to the individual to have a free choice whether or not to use it. However, since contraception has become more freely available it has not prevented the rise in birth rate so maybe that is a point to consider. 5 Traditional roles in a Christian family Some Christians interpret Genesis as evidence that men are superior to women. In Genesis God fashions woman out of the rib of Adam to be his helper. Some Christians look to the Bible for evidence that the man is meant to be the head of the family. The Church of England still allows the option in the vows for the woman to ‘love, honour and obey’ her husband. Some Christians look to Mary, Jesus’ mother, as a role model for obedience. St Paul also gave his advice to the Early Church that women should obey their husbands. A Christian wedding ceremony Marriage is both a civil and a religious commitment for Christians. Each part of the marriage ceremony has meaning which is closely linked to Christian teaching about marriage. The Church of England ceremony is very simple: Modern interpretation of the family Most modern Christians do not believe that men are superior to women. They point to the creation story where it says: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 St Paul also says that: “There is neither...male or female ...for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 Most Christians believe in an equal relationship between men and women. Christianity and re-marriage Christians such as Roman Catholics, do not accept re-marriage after a civil divorce. They believe that marriage cannot be dissolved (see above c.f. annulment). Any re-marriage would be the same as adultery. The Church of England allows divorced couples to re-marry but leaves it to the discretion of the priest as some vicars do not believe it is right. Beginning of the service: welcoming of the congregation and a statement of what Christians marriage means by the priest. Declarations: the couple make their promises in front of God that they will love, comfort, honour and protect their partner as long as they both shall live. Vows: The couple make their vows to each other. Rings: The couple exchange rings. The ring is symbol of unending love. Christian marriage is meant to be for life. Proclamation: The priest tells the couple that they are now husband and wife. The priest says, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Prayers: Prayers are said for the couple. They may include a prayer for the gift of children. Readings and sermon: There will be readings from the Bible and a sermon. The sermon will often talk about the importance of love in marriage. Signing of the register: The bride and groom, along with two witnesses, sign the register, which is a legal requirement. They receive a legally binding marriage certificate. Catholic teaching about marriage The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is: A living sacrament – an outward sign of the love of God. Exclusive – it is just between a husband and wife. Permanent – the couple cannot be separated. Life giving – open to the possibility of children. Traditional roles within the church Many Christians think of the members of their religion as one big family. St Paul taught that women should be silent in church. Some Christians argue that because Jesus chose 12 men as disciples, only men should be leaders within the church. Roman Catholics argue that Jesus chose St Peter to be the head of the church. Peter became the first bishop of Rome. Catholics believe the pope (Benedict XVI) is the successor of St Peter. Orthodox and Roman Catholics do not permit women priests. The Church of England ordained its first women priests in 1994. Both Baptists and Methodists allow women to become ordained as ministers. 6 Divorce Divorce and the Roman Catholic Church The Catholic Church does not allow divorce. However, it permits a couple to separate and live apart. In exceptional cases the Church may grant an annulment i.e. proven the marriage was not valid in the first place. The marriage can be annulled if it can be proven that the couple were underaged, forced to marry, of diminished responsibility or not consummated. Divorce and the Church of England Sexual relationships Christians believe sex is a gift from God. They believe it is an expression of love between a husband and wife. They belief casual sexual encounters are wrong. One on the Ten Commandments forbids ‘adultery’. Jesus called his disciples to purity; ‘anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’ Matthew 5:28 Many Roman Catholics and Evangelical Protestants believe that a person should remain a virgin until they are married. Some Christians in America wear rings to show their commitment to abstain from sex before marriage. Quakers are non-judgemental about sex, which they see as a gift of God. Their attention is focused on the way in which it is used in human relationships. Christian couples enter marriage with the expectation that it will last “till death us do part”. Jesus taught that marriage is for life. There is, however, debate within Christianity about whether married couples should be allowed to divorce and marry again. Divorce is permitted in the Anglican Church because Jesus taught that the right course of action is the most loving thing to do. Some point out that Jesus did permit divorce on the grounds of unfaithfulness. The Orthodox Church grants religious divorce. Same-sex relationships There are many places in both the Old and New Testament which condemn homosexuality: "Homosexual acts are an abomination to God." Leviticus 18:22 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Romans 1:26-27 Many Christian churches condemn same-sex relationships. Some Christians like the Quakers are less judgemental about homosexuality and actually allow homosexual couples to get married in their meeting rooms. Own point of view and different points of views In order to get full marks on the last 12 mark question it is necessary to give another point of view, your own point of view as well as references to Christianity in your answer. Students should be aware of the wide spectrum of beliefs and practices within the Christian church especially on the role of women, homosexuality, divorce, pre-marital sex and contraception e.g. think of the differences found in the Catholic Church and the Quakers. References can be made to beliefs and practices found in other religious traditions e.g. the role of women in Islam. "The sins of the people of Lut (Sodom and Gomorrah)" is synonymous with homosexuality in the Qur'an. Some Muslim lawyers have argued that it is a crime which should be punished by death. Hinduism teaches that marriage is an important duty; choosing to stay single (celibate) is not encouraged. A marriage does not just join together a man and a woman, but two extended families. Because of this, arranged marriages have been common in Hinduism with parents introducing people to each other. 7 DICTIONARY The starred words here are found in the OCR specification and so can appear as part of an exam question. A few more have been added but it is important you learn most of them in order to impress the examiners This is when a married person has sex with someone they are not married to. Catholics are against divorce. But if one of the ANNULMENT couple did not enter the marriage for the right reasons, or were forced, then they can get special permission from the Pope to say the wedding did not take place. Someone is celibate when they do not have CELIBACY sexual relationship with the person they love. This word can either refer to the building in CHURCH* which Christians worship or it can refer to the people who worship in that building (the Church family) or it could refer to the leaders of the faith who help with moral problems and interpretations of the Bible. This is when a same-sex couple with have a CIVIL legal ceremony to ensure that they have equal PARTNERSHIP* rights in law. It is NOT a religious ceremony. CONTRACEPTION* This refers to the ways in which people try to stop having a baby when they have sex. For example: using condoms. This is when people take legal action to break up DIVORCE* the marriage. ADULTERY FORNICATION This word refers to the sexual act carried out by a couple who are not married to each other. HOMOSEXUALITY This is the term given to same-sex couples – people of the same sex who have a sexual attraction for each other. This is when a couple are joined together legally in a special service (and in the eyes of God) This is when a couple who has divorced will have another ceremony to marry another partner or sometimes they get married to the same partner again. MARRIAGE* RE-MARRIAGE* 8 ROLES* SACRAMENT SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS* MARRIAGE (WEDDING) CEREMONY* VOWS This word refers to the jobs or responsibilities which someone has to do. So, for instance, the roles of men in the family could be the “bread winner” (going out to work and bring in the money) and to be leader of the house. Catholics believe the marriage service to be a sacrament – this means it is an outward sign of an inner grace. God is present and is witness to the vows so they must not be broken. The term “sexual relationships” refers to the Christian belief that sex is a gift from God and should be used wisely and therefore sex should only really be done when a couple have married each other. This is the name of the service which joins the couple in marriage or holy matrimony. These are the special promises which a couple makes in the wedding service in front of God and witnesses. To love & to cherish; for richer or poorer; for better or worse; in sickness or health; till death us do part. 9 Religion and Human Relationships Roles of Men & Women in the family The Traditional view Men should be the ones who go to work to provide for family; while the wife stays at home to look after children. This is because men were considered be more important. Adam was created first and Eve was made as his helper. Also when the Bible was written women were considered as the “home makers”. St. Paul taught wives should obey their husbands. A more modern view: Men and women have different roles (it does not matter which one goes out to work) because they are equally important because they are both made in the image of God. Jesus treated women the same as men (the story of Martha & Mary shows that Jesus was prepared to “teach” women. Roles of Men & Women in the Church There are different attitudes within the different Churches/denominations: Catholics believe that women should not be Priests: the twelve Apostles of Jesus were men the priest at Mass takes on the role of Christ blessing the bread and wine and because Christ was a man a woman cannot take on this role Eve was the first to sin thus showing that women are weaker than men St. Paul said that women should be silent in church However although they do not accept that women should take a teaching or leadership role within the church, they still believe women can do other things in the church. Catholics also believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, played a very important role and often pray to her (Hail Mary, full of Grace) Protestants believe women should have the same role as men in the church: Jesus had women followers At his resurrection Jesus appeared first to women (Mary Magdalene) In his letters to the early Church, St. Paul praised Priscilla for her work in the church In his letter to the Galatians St. Paul said that everyone was equal in the eyes of God. Although the Church of England now allows the ordination (making of) women as priests/vicars, they are still divided on whether women should be Bishops. Some Church of England vicars have left the church because there are now women vicars. 10 Importance of Marriage Christians believe that marriage should be taken seriously and be a commitment for life. So: They believe marriage should be monogamous (monogamy = one partner) and that the partners should be faithful (no adultery). Marriage is important because: God blessed (married) Adam and Eve before he told them to go and have children Marriage is the uniting of a couple as ‘one flesh’; this is the reason why God created Eve for Adam as a companion and for them to be together as a new family unit Marriage symbolises the relationship between Christ and Church Jesus showed that marriage was important when he said that no-one should come between a husband and wife “let no man separate” Jesus showed weddings to be important when he turned the water into wine at the wedding in Cana (his first miracle) Purpose/Reasons of Marriage First – to have children and bring them up to love God – this stresses the importance of the family. Second – to stop people sleeping around/casual sex (being immoral). St. Paul taught that if you could not contain your lust you should get married. Third – so that people can love and look after each other (mutual comfort – ‘one flesh’). Eve was created because Adam was lonely. Also – for God to bless the couple Wedding Ceremony It is held in church (God’s house) so that God can witness the special promises/the vows which are: to be faithful, follow God’s wishes about marriage, & to love each other forever. These are seen as guidelines for the marriage. The Bride is “given away” by father to show she is starting a new family unit The vicar asks for the consent of the couple and also of the congregation (is there any lawful reason this couple should not be married) The ring is a symbol of eternal love – a circle has no beginning or end The bride wears a white dress to show she has not had sex before marriage Sometimes a Mass or Eucharist is held at the end of the service to show that this ceremony is a SACRAMENT (a ceremony where God has been present to make it holy) Confetti is thrown to symbolise fertility (have lots of children – God’s command to Adam and also one of the purposes of marriage. 11 Christian responses to Civil Partnerships A Civil partnership is the name given to the ceremony which allows same sex couples to be married “in the eyes of the law”. The ceremony has no religious significance. Catholics are against civil partnerships because They believe homosexual activity is wrong because it is condemned in the Bible: “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Leviticus 18:22) They believe that the act of homosexuality is about masturbation which is wrong (the sin of Onan – see notes on contraception). The Old Testament says that if people commit the sin of homosexuality they should be put to death. St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians said that a homosexual would not go to heaven. Catholics also believe that civil partnerships are making a mockery of marriage – God created Adam ad Eve to be “one flesh”. Some Christians might agree with civil partnerships because: God creates everyone (in his image) and therefore he must have created homosexuals – it is the way they are born (genes). Therefore Christians should not condemn them. Some believe that the couple can love each other but should be celibate (not carry out the sexual act of homosexuality). The Quakers will allow homosexual couples in their church 12 Christian beliefs on Sexual Relationships Christians believe that: There should be no sex before marriage because St. Paul taught the body is a Temple for the soul – the ‘breath of God’ (Genesis 2:6 )and by indulging in casual sex you are damaging your body (and your mind) They believe fornication (the sexual act between unmarried people) is very wrong. Although some Christians think it is all right just to live together if it is a permanent commitment They also believe that God ‘married’ Adam and Eve – he ‘blessed them’ before he told them to multiply so sex before marriage is wrong. Sex within marriage is for unitive (uniting the couple as one flesh) and also a healing process (making up after a row!) It is also for the purpose of creating children within a stable relationship. Some Catholics believe that God made sex for married love and it should only happen to make children. Adultery is wrong because it breaks the 7th Commandment “Do not commit adultery” Lust is one of the 7 deadly sins and people should restrain themselves. M So St. Paul said if you cannot restrain your lustful thoughts you should get married – this is one of the purposes of marriage. Contraception Catholics are against artificial contraception because: The Pope, the spiritual leader of the Catholics says it is a sin God told Adam and Eve to have children “Go forth and multiply” It is one of the purposes of marriage to have children & bring them up as Christians The Bible teaches about the sin of Onan – who was meant to have sex in order to have children but allowed his “seed to spill on the ground”. God was cross about this and so killed him. It is up to God whether you have a child or not so interfering with God’s plan would be wrong – a baby is a gift from God However Catholics will allow Natural contraception such as the Rhythm Method Other Christians say contraception can be used if both parties agree in order to stop poverty through too many people in the world – a child should be wanted. But although contraception can prevent STD’s they also believe the use of contraception can encourage casual sex and so is wrong. 13 THE ETHICS OF DIVORCE Christian beliefs why divorce is wrong The Old Testament says that “God hates divorce” Jesus taught that no-one should break up a marriage: “let no man separate” God blesses the marriage and the vows/promises were made in front of God and should be kept no matter what the circumstances: To love & to cherish; for richer or poorer; for better or worse; in sickness or health; till death us do part. St. Paul taught “a man must not divorce his wife” The Bible teaches that God intended people to be married “one flesh” and because he blessed/married Adam & Eve Catholics are against divorce because Marriage is a sacrament – it is a sacred act blessed by God and only God can undo it. If the couple want to they can live apart but if they start to have a sexual relationship with someone else they are breaking their marriage vows and some Catholic Priests will not allow them to take Mass. They do accept an annulment which is the religious ending of the marriage – saying that the marriage never happened. The Pope has to agree for this to happen and it can only happen if: one of the partners did not understand what was happening one of the partners cannot fulfil the duties of marriage if the marriage was not consummated (the couple has not had sex). This is because Catholics believe the marriage is not a proper marriage until sex has taken place – the couple has become “one flesh”. To get an annulment the couple have to have a civil divorce. Christian beliefs that allow divorce: The Old Testament teaches that a man can divorce his wife if she commits adultery Jesus said that because it says this in the Old Testament divorce was allowed for adultery. However he also you would be committing adultery if you married someone else whilst your partner was still alive. Some Churches allow it if marriage is completely broken down (abuse etc.) – they see divorce as a necessary evil and an act of agape (Christian love). However divorce should be a matter of a last resort – the couple should have gone to their vicar for help and to counselling (such as RELATE). Couples should also pray and remember their vows at the wedding. Couples could also renew their vows and ask for God’s help because he is there are the wedding. 14 Remarriage in a Church – blessed by God Reasons for remarriage in a Reasons against remarriage in a Church Church Everyone makes mistakes and Marriage is seen as a sacrament Jesus taught that Christians – a special holy union and so it should forgive; also God should be up to God to break forgives: the parable of the Lost up the marriage by death – not Son/Lost Sheep for the couple to change their mind and want to marry The couple will work harder at someone else. the marriage this time Jesus was against divorce “let Maybe the divorce was not the no man separate” so therefore fault of one of the partners – e.g. it shouldn’t happen abuse so the wronged partner is allowed happiness Jesus taught that if you marry someone else while your first partner is alive this is adultery (7th commandment) The promises were made in front of God and therefore it is an insult to break them and make them with someone else Christians should work at a marriage – they should remember their vows. Christian views on the family Importance of the family Christians believe the family to be important because God created Adam & Eve to be a family unit. They also see everyone in the world as a family because God created everyone. Jesus died for everyone on the cross. Vocation Sometimes Christians believe they should put God first and so don’t have a family life – they spend their time worshipping God. They can be: Monks or Nuns. Catholic Priests do not marry so that they can devote their lives to their parishioners 15 ACTIVITY: Roles of Men and Women in the family Explain the traditional views of what men should do and what women should do in the Christian family. This is an “Explain” exercise – so you must say why – you must use a ‘because’. Help is on the next page which shows various teachings: The more modern views are: 16 The Role of Men and Women in the family and in the Church – teachings God created man and woman in his image (Genesis 1: 28). Cod created eve to be a companion for Adam because he was lonely (Genesis 2). When Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden their punishment was for Adam to have to work hard and for Eve to suffer in child birth and to have to “obey” her husband. Catholics believe that only men can be priests because they represent Christ at the Mass and since Christ was a man only a man can do this work. St. Paul taught that women should be silent in church and should obey their husbands. He also taught that male and female were equal in the eyes of God and that men should love their wives. 17 ACTIVITY: Roles of Men and Women in the Church family. The Christian Churches are divided over whether women should be allowed to lead in church services (be vicars or priests). Using the pictures below state in the speech bubbles why women should or should not be priests. 18 ACTIVITY - Purposes of marriage Link the following purposes of marriage to a picture and also to the relevant Christian teachings Mutual Comfort To have children and bring them up as Christians to love God. To be blessed by God and fulfil his wishes To avoid casual sex Go forth and multiply God created Adam and Eve “For this reason … they will become one flesh” St. Paul taught that if you could not contain your lust you should get married. 19 Eve was created because Adam was lonely. ACTIVITY: The Wedding Ceremony Label the symbols in the picture below and explain what they mean. I promise to ….. The white dress = 20 ACTIVITY: How the marriage service (the wedding) reflects the importance of Christians views and beliefs on marriage. The Vicar starts by saying: ‘We have come together in the presence of God, to witness the marriage of …. and ….., to ask his blessing on them, and to share in their joy. Our Lord Jesus Christ was himself a guest at a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and through his Spirit he is with us now. The Bible teaches us that marriage is a gift of God in creation and a means of his grace, a holy mystery in which man and woman become one flesh. It is God’s purpose that, as husband and wife give themselves to each other in love throughout their lives, they shall be united in that love as Christ is united with his Church. Marriage is given, that husband and wife may comfort and help each other, living faithfully together in need and in plenty, in sorrow and in joy. It is given, that with delight and tenderness they may know each other in love, and, through the joy of their bodily union, may strengthen the union of their hearts and lives. It is given as the foundation of family life in which children may be born and nurtured in accordance with God’s will, to his praise and glory. In marriage husband and wife belong to one another, and they begin a new life together in the community. It is a way of life that all should honour; and it must not be undertaken carelessly, lightly, or selfishly, but reverently, responsibly, and after serious thought.’ Wedding service Highlight as many Christian teachings/beliefs as you can find in the above speech about why marriage is important and what a Christian couple should do within their marriage. 21 ACTIVITY: The importance of marriage continued…. Catholics believe marriage to be important because they see it as a sacrament – explain what this means: …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Jesus showed that he believed marriage to be important when he said: …………………………………………………………… And when he ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… God showed the importance of marriage when he created Adam and Eve to be: …………………………………………………………… The Vicar who is ……………………………………………………….. Shows that marriage is important when he …………………………………………………………………………… And says ………………………………………………… 22 ACTIVITY: The importance of the Vows In the bubbles below – explain the importance of the vows and try to link to Bible teachings. “To follow God’s wishes for marriage” – which are… “I promise to be faithful – forsaking all others” Christians think this is an important promise because committing adultery is breaking the 7th Commandment. “Till death us do part” l “For better or worse, in sickness and health …” The vows are important because (give 2 reasons) 23 ACTIVITY: Christian views on Civil Partnerships What is a Civil Partnership? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… What is the sin of Onan? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Why might some Christians agree with a Civil Partnership? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… What is celibacy and why should you know this about civil partnerships? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 24 ACTIVITY: The Ethics of Divorce What does the Bible teach about divorce? Give three teachings. ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… What do Catholics believe about divorce? Give as much detail as possible showing that you understand what annulment is. ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Why do some Christians allow divorce? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 25 ACTIVITY: Remarriage Catholics are against divorce so they will not allow people who have got a social (legal) divorce to marry someone else. Other Churches will allow people who are divorced to get married to someone else in a Church. Other Churches will only allow them a “blessing service”, which means that the couples gets married in a civil ceremony (in a Registry office) and then go to Church to be blessed by the Vicar. In the chart below give reasons which some Churches will allow couples to be married to someone else after a divorce and why some Churches believe it is wrong. Reasons why marrying someone else in Church after divorce is wrong. Reasons why marrying someone else in Church after divorce is considered to be all right. 26 ACTIVITY: Christian attitudes towards sex. Explain Christian views/beliefs on sexual relationships. Remember there are different points of view. Sex before marriage and fornication Sex within marriage Adultery 27 ACTIVITY: Contraception Explain Christian attitudes towards contraception? The keyword ‘attitudes’ means different views – so why would some Christians be for contraception (remember to use specific teachings) and why would some Christians be against? Below are some pictures to give you clues: For Against 28 Exam Practice (a) What is meant by divorce? [1 mark] …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… (b) Name two reasons why Christians would not allow a couple who had divorced to get re-married in a church. [2 marks] …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… (c) Describe the reasons why Christians get married. [3 marks] …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… (d) Explain Christian attitudes about Civil Partnerships. [6 marks] …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… 29 …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… (e) “Marriage is not important today because people do not need a piece of paper to show they love each other.” Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. [12 marks] …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… 30 Across 3. This symbolises the relationship between Christ and the Church 5. Christians get married here to have God's blessing 8. The bride will wear this colour to symbolise she has not had sex before marriage 10. The body is a ... for the Holy Spirit and so casual sex is wrong 11. These are a symbol for eternal love Down 1. Some Christians believe this is wrong because God told Adam and Eve to multiply 2. Christians should only let this break up the marriage 4. Catholics have this when the Pope says the marriage has not taken place 6. These are the special promises made 7. Christians believe this is wrong because it is against the 7th Commandment 9. Christians believe that one of the purposes of marriage is for mutual ... 31 Revision Quilt Do this with a friend and see how many links you can make. It does not matter which direction you go in but you chose a word, and then chose one of the words which links up to it and then you have to explain the link. If you are very clever you could link up more than two words! Marriage Contraception Temple Sin Adam and Eve Let no man separate Rings White dress One Flesh Annulment Vows Stole Children Go forth and multiply Faithful Adultery Confetti Priest/Vicar Mutual Comfort Casual Sex 32