Download envs10001 workbook w7

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Name: ______________________________
Student ID:__________
Activity 1: Discussion on Week 7 Lecture
We will spend some time discussing the key ideas presented in this week’s lectures. Students
should use this time to ask questions and clarify any doubts. Use the following space to take
Some issues to discuss:
How does weather differ from climate?
What factors account for the climate experienced at any particular area of the globe?
What is the ITCZ?
What is the Coriolis effect?
What is continentality?
What factors influence decadal variations to climate in Australia?
Name: ______________________________
Student ID:__________
Activity 2: Soil horizons and profiles
In the following table, illustrate the master soil horizons (and for the A horizon possible numeric
subdivisions) according to the descriptions provided.
Horizon and description
it here
O horizon: dominated by dark colours from organic materials in varying
stages of decomposition that have accumulated on the mineral soil surface.
A horizon: surface or near-surface mineral horizon with some organic
accumulation, usually a darker colour than underlying horizons and/or
smaller clay content than underlying horizons
May be subdivided into:
A1 horizon: organic matter accumulation, gives a darker colour than
the underlying horizons.
A2 horizon: eluviation of clay particles, organic matter and oxides
of iron or aluminium gives a lighter colour than the A1 horizon above
and B horizon below
B horizon: a mineral horizon characterised by one or more of the
following: a concentration of clay, iron, aluminium (illuvation), organic
material or several of these; a structure and/or consistence unlike the
horizons above and below; stronger colours than the horizons above and
C horizon: consolidated or unconsolidated material, usually partly
weathered, little affected by pedogenic processes
Define the following processes:
Name: ______________________________
Student ID:__________
Soil profiles
With reference to any two soil profile images supplied to you in the following pages (Figure 1),
answer the following questions:
Profile 1
Profile 2
How many soil horizons can
be observed? Mark these on
the profile.
With reference to the
nomenclature above, how
might you describe the
process for their formation?
Name: ______________________________
Student ID:__________
a. Kurosol
b. Tenosol
Source: DEDJTR (2015a)
Source: ANRA (2012)
c. Chromosol
d. Vertosol
Source: DEDJTR (2015b)
Source: DEDJTR (2015c)
Figure 1. Soil profile images of (a) Kurosol, (b) Tenosol, (c) Chromosol, (d) Vertosol. (Sources
cited above)
Name: ______________________________
Student ID:__________
Activity 3: Soil testing and description
Soil described:
Parent material:
Position in landscape:
Soil horizon (A or B):
Soil Texture (by hand):
Soil Colour:
Soil pH and category:
Soil Aggregate Stability
(one of the following):
i. Dispersion
ii. Slaking
iii. Dispersion & Slaking
iv. None of the above
Additional comments:
Name: ______________________________
Student ID:__________
Soil described:
Parent material:
Position in landscape:
Soil horizon (A or B):
Soil Texture (by hand):
Soil Colour:
Soil pH and category:
Soil Aggregate Stability
(one of the following):
i. Dispersion
ii. Slaking
iii. Dispersion & Slaking
iv. None of the above
Additional comments:
Name: ______________________________
Student ID:__________
Activity 4: Group Discussion
Compare the characteristics of your soils and consider some of the following questions to
gauge the practical implications of the measurements you have made:
How would water (and dissolved solutes such as fertilizers or pesticides) move
through these two soils, and what would the effects be?
Are these soils fertile? What criteria did you use to make this assessment?
Might these soils be suitable for growing crops? Why?
During construction work, would these soils need to be stabilized? Why?
Which soils are most likely to be found at your semester task site? Why?
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