Download understand how to manage a team and lead and manage a team

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Diploma in leadership in health and
social care and children and young
people’s settings level 5
Unit LM1a – understand how to
manage a team
Unit LM1c: Lead and Manage a
Aims of the session
By the end of the session learners will;
Define the key features of effective team performance.
Know how to support team development.
Know how to promote shared purpose within a team
Analyse how different leadership/management styles
may influence team performance
• Identify the components of a positive team culture
• Identify challenges experienced by both developing and
established teams
• Identify theories of motivation relating to behaviour at
Tuckman’s Stages of Team
Characteristics of effective
team performance
• An effective team works towards the same
goals and will co-operate with decisions
• When managed well teamwork improves
processes and produces results quickly.
• Discuss what you consider to be the
essential characteristics of effective team
Creating a positive team culture
• Set expectations that create high quality
• Define and model collaborative behaviour
• Engage the positive diversity of
personalities on the team.
• Provide accountability through feedback
Supporting a shared vision
• A clear shared vision is very important and, as
managers, you need to ensure that your team members
are with you and not against you.
• Motivation is the key and therefore, you need to be
aware of how to motivate your team.
• Think about the members of your team and identify what
you think motivates them. Are they all motivated by the
same things or do they have different drivers?
Belbin’s team roles
Belbin Team Roles are used to identify people's
behavioural strengths and weaknesses in the
‘A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a
congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which
is understood by other members. Members of a team seek
out certain roles and they perform most effectively in the
ones that are most natural to them.’
Dr. R. M. Belbin
Challenges to effective team
Consider the following points when addressing any
challenges to team performance;
• Have you considered what it feels like to be in the shoes
of a team worker with a particular problem?
• Have you sought clarification regarding their position and
• Are you taking things personally?
• Are you prepared to support your case?
• Can you keep to the point and not become sidetracked?
• Can you offer a compromise?
McGregor’s X and Y Theories
Douglas McGregor believed that managerial
decisions and actions were based on the
assumptions they made about human behaviour.
He suggested that managerial strategy was greatly
influenced by a view of human nature which made
several assumptions.
Theory X
• People inherently dislike work and will
avoid it if they can.
• Because they dislike work they have to be
offered rewards to work and threatened
with punishment if they don’t
• They prefer to be controlled and directed,
want to avoid responsibility, have little
ambition and desire security more than
anything else.
Theory Y
• People do not dislike work and, under the right
conditions, they can enjoy it.
• If they are committed to the objectives of the group, they
will direct and control themselves, rather than having to
be controlled from above.
• People will be committed to objectives if they are getting
enough personal satisfaction from the job.
• The average human being learns to accept and seek
responsibility, if the conditions are right.
• Ingenuity and creativity are widely distributed and
generally under-utilised
Herzberg: the two-factor theory
Frederick Herzberg, an American professor of psychology,
conducted an investigation into whether the things that
motivate people at work are the exact opposite to the
things that demotivate them.
He asked 200 engineers and accountants to describe times
when they felt exceptionally good about their jobs and
times when they felt exceptionally bad about them.
His analysis showed that what caused good feelings were
not the opposite to what caused bad feelings – they were
completely different factors.
The motivating factors
• Achievement - personal satisfaction of completing a
• Recognition – the acknowledgement of a job well
• Work itself - the positive effects of a job upon a
• Responsibility – the degree of control a person has
over the work
• Advancement - the opportunity to gain promotion
within the organisation
The maintenance factors
The factors which Herzberg found to have the
effect of causing dissatisfaction, but which do not
affect motivation in any positive way are called the
maintenance factors.
These can reduce the level of performance but not
increase it. The analogy is that the lack of
maintenance may cause equipment to deteriorate
but regular maintenance will not improve its
What are the maintenance
• Working conditions
• Company policy and administration - the
overall operation of the organisation
• Supervision – the accessibility and social and
technical competence of the manager
• Interpersonal relations - the quality of the
relationships between team members
• Salary - the income of individuals
• Job security - freedom from concern about keeping
a job
• Motivators can all be said to be one’s feelings
about the job itself.
• Maintenance factors can all be said are to do
with the working environment.
This can be summarised as:
The causes of satisfaction at work lie in the
context of the job; the causes of dissatisfaction
lie in the working environment.
Do you agree?
Assessment task
Your assessment task for this unit is to write an account
covering all of the criteria for unit LM1a as this is a
knowledge unit and cannot be observed.
 Use the sheet to help you (use each one as a paragraph
heading if this will help you to stay on track).
 Remember to reference any books, websites or journals
that you use.
 Make sure that you do as the criteria asks i.e. analyse,
evaluate, compare, describe etc.
Team development quiz
Before the next session complete the
following quiz;
Make a note of your findings to discuss with
your class mates.
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