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Review Sheet #3 - Chapters 5, 6, and 7
Sensation, Perception, and Learning
- Bottom-up vs. top-down processing
- Signal detection theory, Absolute threshold, difference threshold (jnd), Weber’s law
- Sensory adaptation
- transduction
- Vision
o Parts of the eye: pupil, lens, cornea, retina (rods and cones), fovea,
bi-polar cells,
ganglion cells, optic nerve
o Wavelength = hue (color); Amplitude = brightness
o Young and Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory (three types of cones-red, blue, green)
o Opponent Process Theory, afterimages
o Blind spot, Feature detectors (Hubel and Weisel), Accommodation (lens)
- Hearing
o Parts of the ear: pinna, eardrum, auditory canal, bones of the middle ear, cochlea, hair cells,
auditory nerve
o Wavelength = pitch; Amplitude = volume
o Place theory and Frequency theory
o Sensorineural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss
- Taste – Salty, Sour, Bitter, Sweet, Umami
- Smell – olfactory
- Touch – Gate control theory of pain, small and large nerve fibers, substance P
- Equilibrium/ Vestibular sense –semicircular canals
- Kinesthesis, proprioceptors
- Selective attention, Gestalt, Figure-ground, Perceptual set, Visual capture
- Phi phenomenon, stroboscopic effect
- Constancy (size, shape, color, brightness)
- Binocular cues (retinal disparity, convergence)
- Monocular cues (relative size, relative height, texture gradient, interposition, linear perspective)
- Perceptual grouping (similarity, closure, connectedness, proximity, continuity
- ESP (telepathy, clairvoyance, pre-cognition) all related to parapsychology
- Classical conditioning (Pavlov)
o Conditioned stimulus (CS), Unconditioned stimulus (UCS), Conditioned response (CR),
Unconditioned response (UCR)
- Acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, discrimination, generalization
- Experiments: Pavlov’s dogs and Watson’s “Little Albert” experiment
Operant Conditioning (Skinner)
Shaping, Primary reinforcers, Secondary reinforcers, latent learning, cognitive mapping,
Acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, discrimination, generalization
Partial schedules of reinforcement: fixed ratio, variable ratio, variable interval, fixed interval
Key experiment: The Skinner Box (“operant chamber”)
Observational Learning (Bandura)
Modeling, pro-social behavior, anti-social behavior
Experiment: “The Bobo Doll” experiment
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