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Media release: The Institute of Cancer Research, London
For release:
Tricky gene mutations detected by free, fast, easy-to-use new
Scientists have developed an easy-to-use software tool that can detect important
genetic mutations that previously needed to be identified by a separate test.
The software, called DECoN, accurately and quickly detects changes in copy
number of blocks of DNA called exons, by analysing sequencing data already
generated to identify smaller gene changes.
It was developed by researchers at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and
the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford.
Most gene mutations are small DNA changes within an exon. These small changes
are readily detected by DNA sequencing tests.
But sometimes whole exons are deleted or duplicated. These are called exon copy
number variants (exon CNVs), and they are not easily picked up by standard DNA
sequencing tests.
It is vital to be able to find these variants because they are an important cause of
disease. For example, about 10 percent of the BRCA1 mutations that predispose
women to breast and ovarian cancer are exon CNVs. In clinical testing laboratories a
separate test has traditionally been used to detect exon CNVs, but this adds
considerable time and cost, and is not available for all genes.
Using DECoN (which stands for Detection of Exon Copy Number variants), the
researchers took advantage of the high density of sequencing data available in new
gene panels to accurately detect deletions or duplications of exons. DECoN does
this automatically, adding only 30 minutes to the data analysis of up to 96 samples,
and without costing any more.
The team performed extensive evaluations of DECoN including in more than 1,900
clinical BRCA tests where it successfully detected all the exon CNVs.
Study leader Professor Nazneen Rahman, Head of Cancer Genetics at The Institute
of Cancer Research, London, and The Royal Marsden Hospital Foundation Trust,
said “DECoN has transformed our gene testing pipeline, making it more efficient and
more effective, whilst also making it much faster and cheaper. Previously we had to
do an additional slow and expensive test to detect these tricky mutations. Now they
are automatically detected by DECoN during the data analysis process.”
Professor Gerton Lunter at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in
Oxford, who led the software development, said “This was an outstanding
collaboration for us. It is hugely rewarding to see our work having a real impact for
DECoN was developed through the Wellcome-funded Mainstreaming Cancer
Genetics programme ( and Transforming Genetic
Medicine Initiative ( A key element of these programmes is to
develop tools that can be easily and freely used around the world.
A paper detailing the development, evaluation and implementation of DECoN was
published today in Wellcome Open Research, a newly launched publishing platform
that promotes fast, open publication of any useful work by Wellcome researchers.
Professor Rahman added: “It’s very important to us that our work can be as impactful
as possible. We have made an easy-to-use version of DECoN freely available from and the source code is also available.”
“We took advantage of the new Wellcome Open Research publication platform to
publish our DECoN paper. The paper was freely available for anyone to read and
download within two weeks of submitting it. If we had chosen the traditional
publishing route it would have taken months. We plan to use Wellcome Open
Research for much of our work. We are excited about the faster, broader impact we
will have through using the platform.”
For more information please contact Sophia McCully on 020 8722 5380 on
[email protected]. For enquiries out of hours, please call 07595 963 613.
Notes to editors
About DECoN
DECoN was developed, validated and implemented by the Mainstreaming Cancer
Genetics Programme and the Transforming Genetic Medicine Initiative. Both are
funded by Wellcome. DECoN detects deletions and duplications of exons, which are
termed exon CNVs, through analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data.
DECoN was first evaluated through testing 96 samples with known exon CNV status
and achieved 100% sensitivity and 99% specificity. Extensive simulations were also
performed which showed that DECoN performance is excellent, giving >98%
sensitivity and specificity for all typical NGS run parameters. DECoN performance
was also validated in a real-world setting in a clinical testing laboratory, and is now
used routinely to detect exon CNVs in cancer predisposition gene testing in
theTGLclinical laboratory.
Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics programme:
Transforming Genetic Medicine Initiative:
About The Institute of Cancer Research, London
The Institute of Cancer Research, London, is one of the world’s most influential
cancer research institutes.
Scientists and clinicians at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) are working every
day to make a real impact on cancer patients’ lives. Through its unique partnership
with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and ‘bench-to-bedside’ approach,
the ICR is able to create and deliver results in a way that other institutions cannot.
Together the two organisations are rated in the top four cancer centres globally.
The ICR has an outstanding record of achievement dating back more than 100
years. It provided the first convincing evidence that DNA damage is the basic cause
of cancer, laying the foundation for the now universally accepted idea that cancer is
a genetic disease. Today it leads the world at isolating cancer-related genes and
discovering new targeted drugs for personalised cancer treatment.
As a college of the University of London, the ICR provides postgraduate higher
education of international distinction. It has charitable status and relies on support
from partner organisations, charities and the general public.
The ICR’s mission is to make the discoveries that defeat cancer
About The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics is one of the leading international
centres for the study of the genetic basis of common human diseases.
As well as hosting high-profile groups pursuing the genetic basis of diabetes,
cardiovascular, and infectious disease, and neuropsychiatric phenotypes (amongst
others), the WTCHG has led the efforts of the Wellcome Trust Case Control
Consortium and been responsible for advancing the application of large-scale
genetic analysis to the dissection of common human phenotypes. The Centre also
houses leading research groups in statistical genetics and structural biology in a
lively interdisciplinary environment. The Centre provides core facilities in genomics,
bioinformatics and statistical genetics, imaging, and chromosome dynamics.
Presently the WTCHG has around 470 scientists and support staff and had a £20.3M
grant turnover in 2010/11. For more information please visit:
About Wellcome
Wellcome exists to improve health for everyone by helping great ideas to thrive.
We’re a global charitable foundation, both politically and financially independent. We
support scientists and researchers, take on big problems, fuel imaginations and
spark debate.
About Wellcome Open Research
Wellcome Open Research provides all Wellcome researchers with a place to rapidly
publish any results they think are worth sharing. All articles benefit from immediate
publication, transparent refereeing and the inclusion of all source data.