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Council Meeting Agenda
Contract No 2015/76 Occupational Health and Safety
Hazard and Incident Information Management System
This report seeks Council endorsement for the award of Contract No. 2015/76,
Occupational Health and Safety Hazard and Incident Information Management
System. This contract will provide for the implementation and ongoing support and
maintenance services for Incident/Hazard Management, Reporting and Analysis and
Audit software. The Agreement will remain in place for an initial term of two years.
The term of the Agreement will automatically extend beyond the initial term for
subsequent rolling one year periods, unless Council gives the supplier written notice
not less than three months prior to the end of the initial term or subsequent expiry
The estimated contract cost for the Occupational Health and Safety Hazard and
Incident Information Management System module in 2014-15 will be $58,000
excluding GST. Expenditure in future years will be met through the Information
Technology department’s software maintenance budget. Because of the value of the
contract it was publicly tendered in accordance with the requirements of section 186
of the Local Government Act.
Confidential information is contained in Attachment 1, as circulated in the
confidential section of the agenda attachments, in accordance with Section 89(2) of
the Local Government Act 1989, as the information relates to contractual matters and
premature disclosure of the information could be prejudicial to the interests of Council
or other persons. This item has been included in the public agenda to facilitate
transparency and accountability in Council’s decision making.
If discussion of the confidential information in the attachments to this report is
required in order for Council to make a decision, this item will be deferred to the
confidential section of the agenda.
Officers' recommendation
That Council resolve:
To award Contract No. 2015/76, Occupational Health and Safety Hazard and
Incident Information Management System, to PAN Software Pty Ltd (ACN 103
767 451) as Trustee for The Pan Group Trust (ABN 21 053 520 734), at their
tendered pricing for the implementation and ongoing licences for the
Occupational Health and Safety Hazard and Incident Information Management
System module Option 4 (Cloud) Off the Shelf Solution - Incident/Hazard
Management, Reporting and Analysis and Audit Modules. The estimated
contract cost for the first two years is $88,000 (including GST). The cost to
Council after the return of the GST Tax Input Credits is $80,000.
To authorise the Chief Executive Officer or such other person that the Chief
Executive Officer selects for the purpose of giving effect to this resolution to
execute the contract agreement with the above contractor.
To note that expenditure under this contract in 2014-15 is in accordance with
Council's adopted budget and expenditure in future years will be in accordance
with the approved budget allocations.
Document information
City of Boroondara
Contract - Occupational Health
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Council Meeting Agenda
Responsible acting director:
Greg Hall
Corporate Services
The purpose of this report is for Council to give consideration to the awarding
of Contract No. 2015/76, Occupational Health and Safety Hazard and Incident
Information Management System.
Policy implications and relevance to council plan
Entering into this contract will support Council’s ongoing commitment to the
Council Plan 2013-17, specifically Responsible Management - Strategy 18
People support and development. The Occupational Health and Safety
Hazard and Incident Information Management System will enable Council to
implement best practice technology to improve reporting of occupational
health and safety issues. This initiative will contribute significantly to the City
of Boroondara being seen as an employer of choice by utilising state of the art
This tender process has been carried out in accordance with the requirements
of Council's Contracts and Tendering Probity Policy and Council's
Procurement Policy.
Council requires a suitably qualified organisation to provide an Occupational
Health and Safety Hazard and Incident Information Management System, in
accordance with the requirements of the specification. The process involved
an Expression of Interest and subsequent tender process.
Invitation to tender
In accordance with Council’s tendering procedures and Section 186 of the
Local Government Act, Council invited Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from
suitably qualified and experienced organisations to register their interest for
the provision of an Occupational Health and Safety Hazard and Incident
Information Management System. An Invitation to express an interest was
advertised in the local government tenders section of The Age on Saturday, 6
September 2014 and on Council’s website. The closing date for submissions
was 4pm, Friday 26 September 2014.
Respondents were advised that Tenders for this project would be sought only
from Respondents successfully short listed.
In response to the advertisement, Council received 14 EOIs.
The EOI was the subject of an evaluation process from October to November
City of Boroondara
Contract - Occupational Health
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Council Meeting Agenda
Based on the EOI evaluation process, a total of five companies were selected
to be invited to tender for Contract No. 2015/76, Occupational Health and
Safety Hazard and Information Management System as follows:
Anstat Pty Ltd (an SAI Global company);
Det Norske Veritas Australia Pty Ltd;
Integrum Management Systems Pty Limited;
Netsight Pty Ltd; and
PAN Software Pty Ltd.
Tender documents were prepared and issued on 9 January 2015. Tenders
closed at 4pm on Monday 2 February 2015. All shortlisted companies
submitted tenders for this Contract
Outline of key issues/options
It is envisaged that there are no issues.
Consultation around the development of the specification for the Occupational
Health and Safety Hazard and Incident Information Management System was
conducted with all leaders and some staff through discovery workshops. At
these workshops leaders were asked to identify the key business needs that
could be met with better access to technology to support good people
management practice. The outcomes of the workshops were used to refine
the specification requirements of a system to suit the operational needs of all
council business areas and improve access to information and enhanced
performance management practice.
An implementation plan will be developed in consultation with all leaders to
ensure a smooth transition to the new system.
Financial and resource implications
Council’s 2014-15 budget for the OHS Incident Management module (Account
Number 72392) contains a total allocation of $61,500 for the implementation of
the Occupational Health and Safety Hazard and Incident Information
Management Module.
At the time of writing the report $443 of the budget amount had been spent or
committed to advertising. The balance of this budget allocation is to be used
for contract costs.
Ongoing support and maintenance fees from Year 2 will be met through the
Information Technology department’s software maintenance budget
Governance issues
The implications of this report have been assessed in accordance with the
requirements of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.
The officers responsible for this report have no direct or indirect interests
requiring disclosure.
City of Boroondara
Contract - Occupational Health
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Council Meeting Agenda
Social and environmental issues
The implementation of the OHS incident management system will ensure that
all hazards and incidents are reported and managed to create a safe
workplace and environment for our community that is safe and does not
present any risks to their health and well-being. The system will support a
greater focus on hazard management that will contribute to creating a safe
workplace and community environment.
Evaluation and review
As a result of the tender evaluation, the tender evaluation panel recommends
that Council award Contract No. 2015/76, Occupational Health and Safety
Hazard and Incident Information Management System, to PAN Software Pty
Ltd (ACN 103 767 451) as Trustee for The Pan Group Trust (ABN 21 053 520
734), at their tendered pricing for the implementation and ongoing licences for
the Occupational Health and Safety Hazard and Incident Information
Management System module (Option 4 (Cloud) Off the Shelf Solution Incident/Hazard Management, Reporting and Analysis and Audit Modules.
The estimated contract cost for the first two years is $88,000 (including GST).
The cost to Council after the return of the GST Tax Input Credits is $80,000.
Manager & report officer:
City of Boroondara
Lucia Giagnorio, People Culture and Development
Contract - Occupational Health
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