Download 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Dynamic load

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Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications
December 11-14, 2017. Lodz, POLAND.
paper id: NUM201
Dynamic load - carrying capacity of ribbed plates
Sławomir Onopiuk, Adam Stolarski
Abstract: The paper contains the analysis of influence of the discrete stiffening on
dynamic load-carrying capacity of inelastic rectangular stiffened plates. The
computational analysis of vibration such plates, induced by pressure impulse, was
presented in the paper. The method of the structural dynamic analysis was developed
using the principles of the finite element method. Using proper kinematics
hypotheses for the plate and for the ribs three-dimensional deformation problem of
the stiffened plate was reduced to two-dimensional. The computational model of the
stiffened plate results from a division into two-dimensional rectangular plate
elements and into standard bar elements with 6 degrees of freedom in FEM nodes.
The cross-section of the stiffened plate was divided into layers along their thickness.
The elastic/visco-perfectly plastic model of the material, modified by the delayed yield
effect, was used for the description of the material properties. The modification of
Perzyna’s elastic-viscoplasticity constitutive equations is founded on their integrating
with initial condition as the dynamic yield limit, which is determinate on the base of
the Campbell`s dynamic yield criterion. The numerical results for the simply
supported and fully clamped, stiffened rectangular plates made of mild steel are
given. The results, which indicate the influence of the stiffening ribs on the
displacements and the character of dynamic deformation processes of the plates,
were studied and discussed in comparison with results for homogeneous plates.
Sławomir Onopiuk, Ph.D.: Military University od Technology, Department of Civil Engineering
and Geodesy, 2 Kaliskiego Street, 00-908 Warsaw-49, POLAND
([email protected]), the author presented this contribution at the conference.
Adam Stolarski, Professor: Military University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering
and Geodesy, 2 Kaliskiego Street, 00-908 Warszaw - 49, POLAND ([email protected]).
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