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Durham Students’ Union Annual Awards
Student Groups
Who: Student groups of Durham Students’ Union
Best Student Group Event
- group
Evidence of success (high participation & satisfaction) - efforts taken to encourage
Creative and innovative ideas
Dedication of the organisation team
Inclusive - accessible to all (including financial and physical accessibility)
Outstanding Commitment to a Student Group
Have demonstrated dedication to the student group
Impact on the group
Organised and led quality activities
Best New Society
- group
Established from January 2015 onwards and is now a fully operating society
Built up a good-sized membership
Running a number of quality activities in line with the group’s objectives, with good
Dedication of the executive committee
Student Group of the Year
- individual or group of people (e.g.
- group
Fulfills the objectives of the group and of the Students’ Union
High participation in a wide variety of activities and satisfaction from members
Commitment to participation [Inclusive - both campuses and accessible to all (including
financial and physical accessibility)]
Dedication of the executive committee
Outstanding in all areas
Who: All students - groups and individuals within the University
Involvement in the Community
- individual or group
Impact on the local communities, including students and residents of County Durham
(Durham and Stockton-on-Tees), through leading projects, volunteering and/or
Dedication to the cause
Promoting student involvement in the wider community outside of the University
Student Campaign of the Year
- group
Impact on students and wider society - evidence of success
Creative and innovative campaign methods
Dedication of the campaign team
Contribution to Student Media
- individual or group [includes college student
Raised profile of student media at Durham University - impact on students
Relevant to students
Demonstrated high levels of journalistic skill and ability
Passion and commitment
Who: Individual Durham student representatives
Academic Representative of the Year
Course rep or Faculty rep
Dedication to effecting change to enhance and improve students’ academic experience
Effectively communicating with the students they represent and representing these
Commitment to Improving the Student Experience
Elected representative of Durham Students - including Union committee members,
Common Room exec & representational groups (Associations) [not academic reps]
Dedication to effecting change to enhance and improve the student experience
Effectively communicating with the students they represent and representing these
Who: Committees and individuals within the college communities
Contribution to a College Community
Impact on students within their college
Dedication to promoting the college community
Promoting diversity and inclusivity & accessibility
Best College Club or Society
- group
High participation that promotes the college community
Variety of activities on offer
Inclusive & accessible to all (including financial and physical accessibility)
Dedication of the executive committee
Best College Event
- individual or group
- group
Evidence of success (high participation and satisfaction)
Variety of activities and entertainment - creativity and innovation
Promotes college community spirit: inclusive & accessible, value for money, students
involved in organisation
Dedication of the organisation team
Who: Individual staff members
Outstanding Academic in Arts and Humanities
High quality lectures/seminars/lab supervision and resources provided to students
Inspires students and promotes a passion for the area of study
Commitment to supporting students in their studies and academic progression
Outstanding Academic in Science
High quality lectures/seminars/lab supervision and resources provided to students
Inspires students and promotes a passion for the area of study
Commitment to supporting students in their studies and academic progression
Outstanding Academic in Social Sciences
High quality lectures/seminars/lab supervision and resources provided to students
Inspires students and promotes a passion for the area of study
Commitment to supporting students in their studies and academic progression
Outstanding Student Support
- individual
Commitment to supporting students in any aspect of student life (academic, welfare etc.)
Care for students’ well-being and university experience
Enabling students to reach their full potential and look to the future
Inspiration sources: