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Name: ___________________________
Notes – #25 Our Sun, the Nearest Star
1. The Sun is mostly __________________. The second most abundant element in the Sun
is ____________________.
2. By mass, the Sun is _______% hydrogen, ______% helium and only _______% of the Sun
is made up of elements heavier than helium.
3. The nuclear reactions occur in the ____________.
4. The two outer layers of the Sun’s interior are called the _________________ zone and
the __________________ zone.
5. Convection is where hot gasses __________ and cooler gasses __________.
6. The “surface” of the Sun is called the ______________________.
7. The particles from the Sun escaping into space make up the ______________________.
8. The Sun’s diameter is _________ times the Earth’s diameter.
10. How many Earth’s could fit inside the Sun? _______________________
11. The dark spots on the Sun are called ____________________.
12. The sunspots appear black or grey because they are ______________ in temperature.
They are about ________________ degrees cooler than the surrounding material.
13. Sunspots are regions of strong __________________ fields. The magnetic fields
inhibit energy from reaching the surface, so the sunspots are cooler.
14. The sunspot cycle lasts about ______ years.
15. The Sun’s equator rotates more ______________ than at the poles.
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