Download Gravitational waveforms in the Lense

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Gravitational waves emitted by
inspiralling compact binaries
János Majár
HAS KFKI Research Institute for
Particle and Nuclear Physics
Budapest, Hungary
21 -26 May, 2006
Cascina, Italy
Projectors and polarization states
The projectors
and the polarization states using the N, p, q triad
Compact binaries and the postNewtonian (PN) approximation
Small velocity (neglect ultrarelativistic effects)
Small gravitational potential
(neglect extreme gravitational
Spin is treated as a PN perturbation
The transverse-traceless tenzor in the PN approximation
Newtonian or quadrupole term
Higher order PN corrections
Spin-Orbit corrections
Research plan
• Description of the motion and
the method in the LenseThirring picture
• Description of the motion and
the method in the finite mass
• Description of the motion and
the method in the general case
• Explicit time dependence –
numerical integration
• Polarization states in the LenseThirring picture, effects of
eccentricity and spin
• Polarization states in the finite
mass case, effects of eccentricity
and spin, extreme mass ratio
• Polarization states in the
general case, effects of
eccentricity and spins, extreme
mass ratio limit, one spin limit,
lowest order spin-spin
• Innermost Stable Circular
Orbit case
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