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EMIN Vietnam Joint Stock Company
Office in Ha Noi City:
Add : No 8A, Hoang Cau Street, Dong Da Distric, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Tel : (024) 35.381.269 - ( 024) 35.381.271
Fax : (024) 35 190 360 ; Email: [email protected]
Office in Ho Chi Minh City:
Add : No 218 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel : (028) 3811 96 36 - (028) 3811 93 59
Fax : (028) 3811 95 45 ; Email: [email protected]
Offices in Da Nang City:
Address: No 112A Le Dinh Ly Street, Vinh Trung Ward, Thanh Khe
District, Da Nang City, Vietnam
Tel: (84-236) 374 77 11 - (84-236) 374 77 22
Fax: (84-236) 374 77 44 ; Email: [email protected]
RF Signal Generators
Thank you very much for your requirement and we would like to offer you the price as under:
Model: TGR6000
Manufacturer: TTI
Warranty: 12 months
signal generator - CW with
sweep (10MHz ~ 6000MHz)
Frequency Setting
Frequency Range: 10MHz to 6000MHz
Setting Resolution: 10Hz
Accuracy/Stability: See Reference Frequency
Phase Noise
500MHz Carrier: <-110dBc/Hz (typ) @ 20kHz
<-120dBc/Hz (typ) @ 100kHz offset
3GHz Carrier: <-95dBc/Hz (typ) @ 20kHz offset
<-110dBc/Hz (typ) @ 100kHz offset
6GHz Carrier: <-89dBc/Hz (typ) @ 20kHz offset
<-104dBc/Hz (typ) @ 100kHz offset
Residual FM
Residual FM: 12 Hz @ 500MHz
Equivalent peak deviation in a 300Hz to 3.4kHz
Switching Speed
Settling Time: <8ms to settle within 100Hz or
0.1ppm of final frequency, if greater.
Internal Reference
Reference Accuracy: <± 1ppm, 15ºC to 30ºC
<± 2ppm, 5ºC to 40ºC
Reference Stability: <1ppm/year
10MHz Reference In/Out
Rear panel BNC that can be disabled when not
required for input or output.
Ext. Reference In: 10MHz, 50W input impedance, 2
to 5Vpp
Automatic detection and selection when external
reference signal is
present and Reference IN is selected from front
Front panel indicator shows when External
Reference is active.
Int. Reference Out: 10MHz, 50W output impedance,
>2Vpp into 50W
Signal present when Reference OUT is selected
from front panel.
Level Setting
Level Range: –110dBm to +7dBm
Setting Parameters: dBm, dBµV or µV/mV
Setting Resolution: 0.1dB, 0.01uV to 1mV
Setting Accuracy: ± 2dBm
Signal Purity
Harmonically Related: <-25dBc @ +7dBm, <30dBc@levels <=0dBm 30 to 6000MHz
<-25dBc@levels <=0dBm 10 to 30MHz
Sub-harmonic: <3000MHz : None. >3000MHz :<–
40dBc (typ) @ +7dBm
Non-harmonic Spurii: <–50dBc >10kHz offset 10 to
3000MHz (Note 1)
<-44dBc >10kHz offset 3000MHz to 6000MHz
(Note 2)
Note 1 - <-45dBc >10kHz offset 1900–2150MHz
Note 2 - <-39dBc >10kHz offset 3800–4300MHz.
Output Connection
Output Impedance: 50W
Output Connector: Type N
Reverse Protection: 50V DC
Output Switch: RF OUT On/Off switch with
indication of ON status
Step Sweep
Step frequency and/or amplitude according to a
formula over a specified number of points.
Max Points: 1000
Formula Specifies: Frequency start/stop. Amplitude
Dwell time at each step – programmable 0.01 to
Sweep Run: Continuous or single. Sweep up or
Step Spacing: Linear or logarithmic
Sweep Triggering: Manual, Ext. signal, timed (0.1 –
999.9sec) or via remote interface.
Sync Signal: (Output Stable) available during dwell
Programmable to be high or low
List Sweep
As for Step Sweep except that a user defined table
of frequency, amplitude and dwell time values
defines the steps. The table can be created within the
instrument or downloaded via the remote
Max Points: 1000
List Storage: Up to 16 Sweep Lists can be stored
permanently within the instrument
Point Trigger
Each point in a sweep (step or list) can be subject to
a trigger event rather than a dwell time.
Point Triggering: Manual, Ext. signal or via remote
Full digital remote control facilities are available
through the RS232, USB, LAN and GPIB interfaces.
9-pin D connector. Variable Baud rate can be set
between 1200 and 115200 Baud maximum.
USB 2.0 connection (backwards compatible with
USB 1.x). Operates as a virtual COM port.
The interface conforms with IEEE-488.1 and IEEE488.2.
Ethernet (LAN)
Standard 10/100 base-T hardware connection. ICMP
and TCP/IP Protocol for connection to Local
Area Network or direct connection to a single PC.
Model: TGR2050
Manufacturer: TTI
Warranty: 12 months
Frequency Range: 150kHz to 2000MHz
TTI TGR2050 synthesised
Setting Resolution: 10Hz by direct keyboard entry,
RF signal generators (150kHz or in user-set increments
~ 2000MHz)
of 10Hz to 999·99999MHz.
Display Resolution: 10Hz.
Frequency Accuracy: See Frequency Reference
Phase Noise: -116dBc/Hz at 25kHz offset, 500MHz
Residual FM:
(FM Off)
Equivalent peak deviation in a 300Hz to 3·4kHz
12Hz at 500MHz carrier.
Options: Internal or External (via rear panel BNC).
Internal Accuracy: < ± 1 ppm over temperature
range 15°C to 30°C
(< ± 2 ppm over temperature range 5°C to 40°C).
Internal Stability: < ± 1 ppm per year.
Internal Ref. Out: 10MHz from 50, amplitude 2V
pk-pk into 50.
External Ref In: 10MHz into 50, amplitude 2V pkpk to 5V pk-pk.
Modulation Source
Type: Internal from built-in sine wave generator, or
from front panel BNC.
Internal: 400Hz or 1kHz sine, signal also available
as an output.
External: Calibrated for 1V rms sine, input
impedance 600.
Frequency Modulation
Max Peak Deviation: See Table.
Setting Resolution: 0.5 kHz.
Deviation Accuracy: <±10% ±0.5kHz for 1kHz
or 1kHz / 1Vrms External Modulation.
External Modulation: 100Hz - 300kHz (±2dB
relative to 1kHz).
Distortion: < 2% @ 1kHz modulation, max.
(300-3.4kHz bandwidth).
Phase Modulation
Max Peak Deviation: See Table.
Setting Resolution: 0.05 rads for <10.0rads
0.1 rads for >10.0rads deviation.
Deviation Accuracy: <±10% ±0.05rads for 1kHz
or 1kHz / 1Vrms External Modulation.
External Modulation: 100Hz - 10kHz (±2dB relative
to 1kHz).
Distortion: < 2% @ 1kHz modulation,
Size: 130mm (3U) H; 212mm (half-rack) W;
330mm D.
Weight: 4·6 kg. (10 lb)
Power Requirements
100V or 110V - 120V or 220V - 240V, all ±10%
adjustable internally; 30VA max. Installation
Category II.
Temperature & Environmental
Operating Range: +5°C to 40°C, 20-80% RH.
Storage Range: –20°C to + 60°C.
Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m,
Pollution Degree 2.
Safety & EMC
Safety: Complies with EN61010-1.
EMC: Complies with EN61326.
Model: TGR1040
Manufacturer: TTI
Warranty: 12 months
Frequency Range: 10MHz to 1000MHz
TTI TGR1040 synthesised
Setting Resolution: 1kHz by direct keyboard entry,
RF signal generators (10MHz or in user-set increments
~ 1000MHz)
of 1kHz to 999·999MHz.
Display Resolution: 1kHz
Accuracy: < ± 1 ppm over temperature range 15°C
to 30°C
< ± 2 ppm over temperature range 5°C to 40°C.
Stability: < ± 1ppm/year ageing.
Phase Noise: -110dBc/Hz at 25kHz offset, 500MHz
Residual FM:
(FM Off)
Equivalent peak deviation in a 300Hz to 3·4kHz
bandwidth: 17Hz at 500MHz carrier.
Output Level Range: –127dBm to +7dBm (0·1µV to
500mV into 50).
Setting Resolution: 0·1dB (or 0·01µV to 1mV) by
direct keyboard entry,
or in user-set increments of 0·1dB to 100dB (or
0·01µV to 100mV).
Accuracy: Better than ± 2dBm, except for output
<-70dBm at 500 -1000 MHz, ± 3dBm.
Harmonics: Typically <-25dBc, maximum –20dBc,
any carrier frequency,
output level <0dBm.
Non-Harmonic Spurii: <–60dBc at >8kHz offset.
Carrier Leakage: <0.5uV generated into a 50 load by
a 2 turn 25mm
loop, at a distance of 25mm from the generator with
the output set to <-10dBm into a 50 sealed load.
Output Type: Output impedance 50, Type N
connector, Reverse
protection 50V DC.
Output Switch: RF OUT on-off switch with LED
showing ON status.
Display: 20 character x 4 row backlit alphanumeric
Data Entry: Keyboard selection of frequency,
amplitude, etc.;
value entry direct by numeric keys or by rotary
Stored Settings: Up to 9 complete instrument set-ups
may be stored
and recalled from battery-backed memory.
Size: 130mm (3U) H; 212mm (half-rack) W;
330mm D.
Weight: 4·6 kg. (10 lb)
Power Requirements
100V or 110V - 120V or 220V - 240V, all ±10%
adjustable internally; 30VA max. Installation
Category II.
Temperature & Environmental
Operating Range: +5°C to 40°C, 20-80% RH.
Storage Range: –20°C to + 60°C.
Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m,
Pollution Degree 2.
Safety & EMC
Safety: Complies with EN61010-1.
EMC: Complies with EN61326.
Model: DSG3060
Manufacturer: Rigol
Warranty: 12 months
Rigol DSG3060 6GHz RF
Signal Generator (9 kHz ~ 6
Frequency range 9 kHz to 6 GHz
Frequency resolution 0.01 Hz
Setting time[1] < 10 ms (typ.)
Frequency Band[2]
Band Frequency N
1 f ≤ 23.4375MHz 1
2 23.4375MHz < f ≤46.875MHz 0.03125
3 46.875MHz < f ≤ 93.75MHz 0.0625
4 93.75MHz < f ≤ 187.5MHz 0.125
5 187.5MHz < f ≤ 375MHz 0.25
6 375MHz < f ≤ 750MHz 0.5
7 750MHz < f ≤ 1500MHz 1
8 1500MHz < f ≤ 3000MHz 2
9 3000MHz < f ≤ 6000MHz 4
Internal Reference Frequency
Reference frequency 10MHz
Temperature stability In temperature range 0℃ to
50℃ , reference to 25℃ < 0.5ppm
With OCXO-A08 option < 5ppb
Aging rate < 1ppm/year
With OCXO-A08 option < 30ppb/year
Output for internal reference
Frequency 10MHz
Level +8dBm (typ.)
250.976.000 VND
Output impedance 50Ω (nom.)
Input for external reference frequency
Frequency 10MHz
Level 0dBm to +10dBm
Maximum deviation ±5ppm
Input impedance 50Ω (nom.)
Internal Modulation Generator (LF)
Waveform Sine, square, triangle, ramp, sine sweep
Frequency range
Sine, sine sweep 0.1Hz to 1MHz
Square 0.1Hz to 20kHz
Triangle, ramp 0.1Hz to 100kHz
Resolution 0.01Hz
Frequency error Same as RF reference source
Output voltage[1] Setting range
Resolution 1mV
Output impedance 50Ω (nom.)
Sine sweep
Sweep mode Single, continuous
Sweep range Frequency range of LF output
Sweep time 1ms to 1000s
Sweep shape Triangle, ramp
Triggering Auto, trigger key, external, bus (GPIB,
Power Supply
Input voltage range, AC 100 V to 240 V (nom.)
AC frequency range 45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power consumption With all the options 50 W
(typ.), max. 60 W
(W × H × D) 364 mm × 112 mm × 420 mm
Weight 6.4 Kg
Model: DSG3030
Manufacturer: Rigol
Warranty: 12 months
Rigol DSG3030 3GHz RF
Signal Generator (9 kHz ~ 3
Frequency range 9 kHz to 3 GHz
Frequency resolution 0.01 Hz
Setting time[1] < 10 ms (typ.)
Frequency Band[2]
Band Frequency N
1 f ≤ 23.4375MHz 1
2 23.4375MHz < f ≤46.875MHz 0.03125
3 46.875MHz < f ≤ 93.75MHz 0.0625
4 93.75MHz < f ≤ 187.5MHz 0.125
5 187.5MHz < f ≤ 375MHz 0.25
6 375MHz < f ≤ 750MHz 0.5
7 750MHz < f ≤ 1500MHz 1
8 1500MHz < f ≤ 3000MHz 2
9 3000MHz < f ≤ 6000MHz 4
Internal Reference Frequency
Reference frequency 10MHz
Temperature stability In temperature range 0℃ to
1.834.602.000 VND
50℃ , reference to 25℃ < 0.5ppm
With OCXO-A08 option < 5ppb
Aging rate < 1ppm/year
With OCXO-A08 option < 30ppb/year
Output for internal reference
Frequency 10MHz
Level +8dBm (typ.)
Output impedance 50Ω (nom.)
Input for external reference frequency
Frequency 10MHz
Level 0dBm to +10dBm
Maximum deviation ±5ppm
Input impedance 50Ω (nom.)
Internal Modulation Generator (LF)
Waveform Sine, square, triangle, ramp, sine sweep
Frequency range
Sine, sine sweep 0.1Hz to 1MHz
Square 0.1Hz to 20kHz
Triangle, ramp 0.1Hz to 100kHz
Resolution 0.01Hz
Frequency error Same as RF reference source
Output voltage[1] Setting range
Resolution 1mV
Output impedance 50Ω (nom.)
Sine sweep
Sweep mode Single, continuous
Sweep range Frequency range of LF output
Sweep time 1ms to 1000s
Sweep shape Triangle, ramp
Triggering Auto, trigger key, external, bus (GPIB,
Power Supply
Input voltage range, AC 100 V to 240 V (nom.)
AC frequency range 45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power consumption With all the options 50 W
(typ.), max. 60 W
(W × H × D) 364 mm × 112 mm × 420 mm
Weight 6.4 Kg
Model: DSG830
Manufacturer: Rigol
Warranty: 12 months
Rigol DSG830 3GHz RF
Signal Generator (9 kHz ~ 3
Frequency range 9 kHz to 3 GHz
Frequency resolution 0.01 Hz
Setting time[1] < 10 ms (typ.)
Frequency Band
Band Frequency range N[2]
1 f < 227.5 MHz 0.25
2 227.5 MHz ≤ f < 455 MHz 0.125
3 455 MHz ≤ f < 910 MHz 0.25
91.454.000 VND
4 910 MHz ≤ f < 1820 MHz 0.5
5 1820 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3000 MHz 1
Internal Reference Frequency
Reference frequency 10 MHz
Temperature stability In temperature range 0℃ to
50℃ , reference to 25℃ < 2 ppm
With option OCXO-B08 < 5 ppb
Aging rate < 1 ppm/year
With option OCXO-B08 < 30 ppb/year
Internal reference frequency output Frequency 10
Level +5 dBm to +10 dBm
External reference frequency input
Frequency 10 MHz
Level 0 dBm to +10 dBm
Maximum deviation ±5 ppm
Internal Modulation Generator (LF)
Waveform Sine, square
Frequency range
Sine DC to 200 kHz
Square DC to 20 kHz
Resolution 0.01 Hz
Frequency error The same with that of the RF
reference source
Voltage range
AC 0 to 3 Vp
DC -3 V to 3 V
Voltage resolution 2 mV
Power Supply
Input voltage range, AC 100 V to 240 V (nom.)
AC frequency range 45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power consumption With all the options 50 W
(typ.), max. 60 W
(W × H × D) 261.5 mm × 112 mm × 318.4 mm
(10.30 inch × 4.41 inch × 12.54 inch)
Weight 4.2 kg (9.3 Ib)
Model: DSG815
Manufacturer: Rigol
Warranty: 12 months
Rigol DSG815 1.5GHz RF
Signal Generator (9 kHz ~ 1.5
Frequency range 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz
Frequency resolution 0.01 Hz
Setting time[1] < 10 ms (typ.)
Frequency Band
Band Frequency range N[2]
1 f < 227.5 MHz 0.25
2 227.5 MHz ≤ f < 455 MHz 0.125
3 455 MHz ≤ f < 910 MHz 0.25
4 910 MHz ≤ f < 1820 MHz 0.5
5 1820 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3000 MHz 1
Internal Reference Frequency
50.798.000 VND
Reference frequency 10 MHz
Temperature stability In temperature range 0℃ to
50℃ , reference to 25℃ < 2 ppm
With option OCXO-B08 < 5 ppb
Aging rate < 1 ppm/year
With option OCXO-B08 < 30 ppb/year
Internal reference frequency output Frequency 10
Level +5 dBm to +10 dBm
External reference frequency input
Frequency 10 MHz
Level 0 dBm to +10 dBm
Maximum deviation ±5 ppm
Internal Modulation Generator (LF)
Waveform Sine, square
Frequency range
Sine DC to 200 kHz
Square DC to 20 kHz
Resolution 0.01 Hz
Frequency error The same with that of the RF
reference source
Voltage range
AC 0 to 3 Vp
DC -3 V to 3 V
Voltage resolution 2 mV
Power Supply
Input voltage range, AC 100 V to 240 V (nom.)
AC frequency range 45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power consumption With all the options 50 W
(typ.), max. 60 W
(W × H × D) 261.5 mm × 112 mm × 318.4 mm
(10.30 inch × 4.41 inch × 12.54 inch)
4.2 kg (9.3 Ib)
Model: TG5011G
Manufacturer: TTI
Warranty: 12 months
programmable DDS function
generator (50Mhz,
Note that purity specifications above 25MHz apply
only to the TG5011.
Frequency Range: 1µHz to 50MHz (TG2511 - 1µHz
to 25MHz)
Frequency Resolution: 1µHz, 14 digits
Output Level: 10mVp-p to 10Vp-p into 50 W
Amplitude Flatness
Relative to 1kHz: <100kHz 0.1dB, <5MHz 0.15dB,
<25MHz 0.3dB, <50MHz 0.5dB
Harmonic Distortion: <1 Vp-p > 1Vp-p
DC to 20kHz -65dBc -65dBc
20kHz to 100kHz -60dBc -60dBc
100kHz to 1MHz -45dBc -45dBc
1MHz to 25MHz -40dBc -35dBc
25MHz to 50MHz -40dBc -28dBc
Non-Harmonic Spurii: <–60dBc to 1MHz, <–60dBc
+ 6dB/octave 1MHz to 50MHz
Phase Noise: -115dBc/Hz, typical (10kHz offset)
Frequency Range: 1µHz to 50MHz (TG2511 - 1µHz
to 25MHz)
Resolution: 1µHz, 14 digits
Output Level: 10mVp-p to 10Vp-p into 50 W
Rise and Fall Times: <8ns (TG2511 - <13ns)
Overshoot: <5%
Variable Duty Cycle: 20% to 80% to 10MHz, 0.1%
40% to 60% to 25 MHz, 0.1% resolution, 50%
(fixed) above 25MHz
Asymmetry: 1% of period + 5ns (@ 50% duty)
Jitter (RMS): 0.5ns + 100 ppm of period
Frequency Range: 1µHz to 500kHz (TG2511 1µHz to 250kHz)
Resolution: 1µHz, 12 digits
Output Level: 10mVp-p to 10Vp-p into 50 W
Linearity Error: <0.1% to 30 kHz
Variable Symmetry: 0.0 % to 100.0 %, 0.1%
Single key operation of 50% (Triangle)
Note the triangle and sawtooth waveforms are also
available from the arbitrary waveform
menu enabling repetition rates of up to
10MHz/6MHz. Waveform quality will deteriorate at
higher frequencies however.
Frequency Range: 500 µHz to 12.5MHz (TG2511 500 µHz to 6.25MHz)
Resolution: 1µHz , 14 digits
Output Level: 10mVp-p to 10Vp-p into 50 W
Overshoot: <5%
Jitter: 300ps + 0.01% of period
Rise/Fall Times: Rise and Fall times can be
independently varied or can be varied
together simultaneously.
Edge Range: <8ns to 40µs (TG2511 - <13ns to
Edge Resolution: 0.1ns for rise/fall time ≤100ns; 1ns
for rise/fall >100ns and ≤2µs;
10ns for rise/fall >2µs and ≤40µs
Width Range: 20ns to 2000s (20ns minimum for
period ≤40s; 200 ns minimum for
period >40s and ≤400s; 2µs minimum for period
Width Resolution: 10ns for period ≤40s; 100ns for
period >40s and ≤400s;
1µs for period >400s
Delay Range: 0ns to 2000s
Delay Resolution: 10ns for period ≤40s; 100ns for
period >40s and ≤400s;
1µs for period >400s
In-built Arbitrary Waveforms
Sinc, Exponential Rise, Logarithmic Rise, DC,
Positive and Negative Ramps and Square
waveforms are built-in and always present.
Additional waveforms are supplied on disc (Cardiac,
Gaussian, Exponential Fall, Logarithmic
User defined Arbitrary Waveforms
Up to 4 additional or user defined waveforms may
be stored in non-volatile memory.
Waveforms can be defined by downloading of
waveform data via USB memory stick, remote
interfaces, or editing via the instrument’s front
Waveform Size: 2 points to 131072 points (128k).
Memory Size: Up to 4 waveforms of up to 64k
points, or 2 waveforms of up to 128k
points, (or 2 of 64k points plus 1 of 128k points).
External Storage: Up to 1,000 waveforms per USB
memory stick.
Vertical Resolution: 14 bits
Frequency Range: 1µHz to 10MHz (TG2511 - 1µHz
to 6MHz)
Resolution: 1µHz , 14 digits
Output Level: 10mVp-p to 10Vpp into 50 W
Sampling rate: 125MS/s
Output Filter: Selects between 50MHz Elliptic or
20MHz Bessel filter depending on
the waveform.
Arbitrary Waveform Creation and Editing
Waveform creation and editing is provided within
the generator including point insertion, line
drawing and interpolation.
Both generators are supplied with Waveform
Manager Plus. This Windows* based software
provides a sophisticated tool set for the creation,
editing and management of arbitrary
waveforms. The waveforms can be transferred to the
generator either using a USB memory
stick, or by the digital interfaces.
9.900.000 VND
Manufacturer: GW Intek
Model: USG-3044
GW Intek USG-3044 RF
Signal Generators
Manufacturer: GW Intek
Model: USG-0818
9.900.000 VND
Manufacturer: GW Intek
Model: USG-0818
9.900.000 VND
Manufacturer: GW Intek
Model: USG-0103
9.900.000 VND
Manufacturer: GW Intek
Model: USG-LF44
10.890.000 VND
Manucturer: Tektronix
331.650.000 VND
GW Intek USG-2030 RF
Signal Generators
GW Intek USG-0818 RF
Signal Generators
GW Intek USG-0103 RF
Signal Generators
GW Intek USG-LF44 RF
Signal Generators
Model: TSG4106A (M01)
Tektronix TSG4106A RF
Vector Signal Generators
Manucturer: Tektronix
226.710.000 VND
Model: TSG4104A (M01)
Tektronix TSG4104A RF
Vector Signal Generators
Manucturer: Tektronix
Model: TSG4102A ( M01)
Tektronix TSG4102A RF
174.240.000 VND
Vector Signal Generators
Manufaturer: BK Precision - USA
Model: 2005B
- Frequency Range:
+ 100 kHz to 150 MHz (up to 450 MHz on third
+ A) 100 kHz-300 kHz
BK Precision 2005B RF
Signal Generator (450MHz) + B) 300 kHz-1 MHz
+ C) 1 MHz-3.2 MHz
+ D) 3 MHz-10 MHz
+ E) 10 MHz-35 MHz
+ F) 32 MHz-150MHz
+ (96-450 MHz on harmonics)
- Dial Accuracy : ±3%
RF Output Level: Continuously variable. Step
attenuator provides approximately 20 dB of
Power: 120/220/240V VAC
Dimensions: 150 x 250 x 130 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
SUPPLIED: BNC to Insulated Clip Output Cable,
Detachable Power Cord, Instruction Manual
6.578.000 VND
- The above-mentioned price Excluded VAT invoice.
- The picture is not completely the same as real product
- Inside Hanoi downtown after 2 to 6 hours in working time for product available in stock, except for products need to be
- Products for provincial delivery depend on the delivery time from nearest wearhouse to delivery place.
Payment mode:
* In cash or bank remittance after receiving goods
Further information
EMIN Vietnam Joint Stock Company
Office in Ha Noi City:
Add : No 8A, Hoang Cau Street, Dong Da Distric, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Tel : (024) 35.381.269 - ( 024) 35.381.271
Fax : (024) 35 190 360 ; Email: [email protected]
Office in Ho Chi Minh City:
Add : No 218 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel : (028) 3811 96 36 - (028) 3811 93 59
Fax : (028) 3811 95 45 ; Email: [email protected]
Offices in Da Nang City:
Address: No 112A Le Dinh Ly Street, Vinh Trung Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City,
Tel: (84-236) 374 77 11 - (84-236) 374 77 22
Fax: (84-236) 374 77 44 ; Email: [email protected]
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