Download Meeting Minutes 20100210 Kris Rockwell DITA for Mobile

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DITA4web Minutes: 2/10/2010
Teleconference Number ............................................................................................................................... 2
Roll Call.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Join ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Agenda For Meeting, Wed. Feb 24, 10a.m. .................................................................................................. 4
Action Items .................................................................................................................................................. 4
New Minutes ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Questions and Answers about Kris’ Flow Product Brochure .................................................................... 4
Presentation .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Xforms: ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Help SC: ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
DITA Wiki:.................................................................................................................................................. 9
Questions .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Ideas for Papers/Projects ............................................................................................................................ 10
Upcoming Events ........................................................................................................................................ 10
TBD - Michael Beaver: IBM Content Assembler ................................................................................. 10
Past Events .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Don Day: Presents on his DITA Wiki project ........................................................................................... 10
Seth Park: Discusses DITA for Composite Environments DICE SC Goals ................................................. 10
Oct 21 – Neil Perlin: Lavacon presentation............................................................................................. 10
History ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 12
DITA For Mobile Devices ......................................................................................................................... 12
Presentation by Michael Beaver ......................................................................................................... 12
Reading List ......................................................................................................................................... 12
iUi Library ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Social Web............................................................................................................................................... 13
“Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation” .............................................. 13
DITA Wiki................................................................................................................................................. 13
Structured Wikis.................................................................................................................................. 13
“Using Structured Wikis in Software Engineering” ............................................................................. 13
DITA Wiki Presentation ....................................................................................................................... 13
DITA 2 Wiki Presentation .................................................................................................................... 14
Growing DITA across the enterprise ................................................................................................... 14
Wiki slice project ................................................................................................................................. 14
Cost Justification – ROI ........................................................................................................................... 14
Structures/Formats ................................................................................................................................. 15
Microformats ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Web Services ........................................................................................................................................... 15
IBM Custom Content Assembler Pilot .................................................................................................... 15
Usabilty ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Best Practices .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Liaisons ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Other DITA Subcommittees ........................................................................................................................ 16
DITA for Composite Environments (DICE) subcommittee ...................................................................... 16
DITA Help ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Teleconference Number
866-457-2759, participant code 304588
Roll Call
Mark Lewis [OASIS Member]
Lisa Dyer [OASIS Member]
Chris Goolsby [OASIS Member]
Seth Park [OASIS Member]
Steve Manning [OASIS Member]
John Hunt [OASIS Member]
Mike Hamilton
Stan Doherty
Don Day
Scott Hudson [OASIS Member]
JoAnn Hackos
John Chaves
Robert Anderson
Anne Gentle [OASIS Member]
Tom Voltz
Joan Lasalle
Tony Self
Neil Perlin
Mike Miller
Alan Houser [OASIS Member]
Pamela Kostur
To participate in the DITA for the Web subcommittee, you need to be a member of OASIS and a member
of the subcommittee.
Join the subcommittee.
Agenda For Meeting, Wed. Feb 24, 10a.m.
Michael Beaver and John Hunt demo their IBM Dynamic Content Assembler project.
Action Items
[Action Item - JohnH] JohnH ask W3C Xforms SME to talk to us.
New Minutes
Questions and Answers about Kris’ Flow Product Brochure
1. For Flow, is the source content format in DITA? Or is the source converted to DITA and then
The source content can be in DITA. The output is DITA.
2. Flow allows for three levels of information. Does that mean that the TOC that is published can be a
max of three levels deep?
For Flow, yes. We could expand that however.
3. I see a button that looks like is says "Add Objectives" in the screen shot for T-1A Maintenance
Procedures. Is this the DITA topic editing interface? Is this a client side app? Is it web-based?
This is not a DITA editing tool, per se. It is a web based tool that allows users to build simple task analysis
documents that are output in DITA format.
4. What operating systems does Flow work on?
It's web based and works in all major browsers.
5. What format are IETM manuals? How are the links from DITA source content made to the IETM
manuals? Is this what is meant by "IETM data" in the brochure.
The IETM's can be in a variety of formats. The demo was actually an HTML document.
6. Is the user navigating a static website that was published from DITA content or are is a page
dynamically rendered like an ASP page?
The user ends up viewing a "dynamic" DITA document. The document is interpreted by a reader on a
mobile device.
Kris Rockwell – CEO of Hybrid Learning Systems
Chair of Aviation Org and worked on CBT
Notes follow the slide which can be downloaded from the SC Documents page.
Slide 3
4.6 billion active mobile subscriptions out of 6.8 billion people?
At the moment it is estimated that the global population is about 6.7 billion.
There are 1.2 billion PCs of any kind in the world.
40 million iPhones sold in 2009
50 million iTouchs sold in 2009
It's not surprising that the iPod Touch is out-selling the iPhone. It has all of the capabilities (except the
phone part, and the GPS) and it doesn't require the monthly AT&T tax. In some of our government work
it makes a lot more sense for security as well (no cellular wireless). In fact, the Army has deployed a
number of iPod Touches (I want to say 5000, but I am not 100% certain on that number) for cultural and
language training and in field support.
It’s about 24X7 Connectivity and Access to Information.
Droid is the phone operating system by Google.
I have been creating disconnected learning or learning on demand.
My Aha moment was when I saw the iPhone app store.
2 billion applications downloaded in 3 years
Flight simulator Xplane for the iPhone
Full 3D flight simulator, tilt the phone and fly plane.
DEVpr of this app said Pilots he spoke tool was using the tool as a review for glass cockpit training.
Mostly consumption of content now, but creation is coming.
Slide 6
How are mobiles used?
WOP Wireless access protocol
1.3 Internet accessing.
Smart phones are only 0.6 Billion of that 4.6 Billion, so the percentage of smart phones is still relatively
low. Only 1% of India has smart phones, because smart phones are too expensive.
Slide 8
Kris plans to use the DITA learning and training specializations.
S1000D results in a DTD that is bigger than the content. So it's not a good answer.
iPhone not support Flash?
Flash on the iPhone...I'm not a huge Flash fan. We use it here at Hybrid, but for mobile content it seems
like overkill. The SWF format is open, but Flash itself is not. This means closed source tools for
The iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad all do not support Flash. There are a number of reasons for this and it is
unlikely to change. I wrote an entire blog post on this that I will refer you to:
It sums up my feeling fairly nicely.
Sun: mindset was to right one app that would run anywhere, but requires a runtime environment.
In terms of content, this is similar to Adobe Reader.
DITA to eBook
MarkL: Who did the following presentation?
Goodbye text books hello open source learning.
We should be able to build books on demand, select chapters.
The "Goodbye Textbook, Hello Open Source Learning" presentation I spoke about was given by Richard
Baraniuk at the TED Conference in 2006. Here is the link to the talk:
I think his idea is a rather interesting one and, while I am not sure of the economic feasibility, it is an
interesting launch point.
DOD asked Kris to participate in a think tank. Gave Kris a spec which Kris thought DITA would work well
DITA should be the end delivery platform.
AQP = Advanced
Uses task analysis to teach and train Pilots. Used by FAA.
Provided key areas that Pilot needed to know by heart. Real world knowledge. Other areas can be
reference on as needed basis.
Slide 12
Checklist. User can click on a checklist item for detail.
Used Task, Reference, Map.
Links to IETM technical manual. (IETM docs were created in DITA, HTML and other formats).
Slide 13
Challenge is the writing of the content.
Links to technical manual show content that is more tech manual writing than training / instructional
Company in Pittsburgh built technical manuals for Kris and Govt.
Published as DITA XML.
Kris’ solution is a both a Web based rendering engine tool and rendering engine for iPhone, BlackB and
Rendering engine is not a runtime environment.
Is the rendering engine a heavy foot print?
Renders in the phone browsers.
[Steve Manning]
Lightweight content. ?What does that mean?
[Kris Rockwell]
Minimalism of data required to describe the structure and semantics of the data. Why he thinks S1000D
is not the answer.
We are researching SMS content delivery. Want to be able to push content out in SMS format.
? Is there API for iPhone browser?
?XML Tools for delivering content on the iPhone?
[Kris Rockwell]
Let me explain the Platform that we used to deploy.
Some phone APIs are XML aware. Each phone has its own rendering engine.
Phone Gap framework.
Framework allowed us to build a phone app using Java script and HTML to
Allowed us to to create one app with one stylesheet.
Some browser detection is involved.
[Lisa Dyer]
?How do you see users interacting with each other in terms of sharing content.?
[Kris Rockwell]
Groups would have access to portions of the library. Select the components they want to build a new
[Kris R]
DITA seems to be the best for dealing with all the different languages needed for content delivery.
[Action Item - JohnH] JohnH ask W3C Xforms SME to talk to us.
Help SC:
DITA Wiki:
[Action Item - Mark]: Ask who wants to be a liaison to another group.
Who is our search engine / metadata expert?
HelpSC: AirHelp: Were any changes to DITA required to support this? It looks like the AirHelp OT Plugin
HelpSC: Context Sensitive Help: Were any changes to DITA required to support this? The ID is stored in
the topicref\resourceID attribute.
Ideas for Papers/Projects
DITA for Mobile Devices
DITA sourced Wikis
How DITA already facilitates content being more findable in a Google search. DITA Class attribute.
How to write web ready content. {This may need to be addressed with the Adoption TC}
Publishing DITA and HTML 5
Research on Microformats
Research on RESTful services and other web services
Upcoming Events
TBD - Michael Beaver: IBM Content Assembler
Demo of Content Assembler by Michael Beaver. John will schedule.
John will see if he can get permission to give a presentation on DITA and Microformats.
Past Events
Don Day: Presents on his DITA Wiki project
Seth Park: Discusses DITA for Composite Environments DICE SC Goals
Oct 21 – Neil Perlin: Lavacon presentation
Neil: Will give his Lavacon presentation at the DITA4Web meeting, Oct 21.
DITA For Mobile Devices
Presentation by Michael Beaver
Reading List
Links courtesy of Scott Hudson. Thanks Scott.
Following is some recommended reading for DITA for mobile devices:
This reading set is really intended to get us more information on mobile
web and mobile publishing to generate ideas for how we might address
using DITA for mobile devices.
Happy reading!
iUi Library
Developing a mobile interface for DITA content:
We can get a great jumpstart on this with the iUi library for the iPhone.
Social Web
“Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation”
By Anne Gentle
Does your book discuss the concept of warranted versus non-warranted content, corporate versus
community generated content?
[Anne] To answer your question, yes, my book includes a section on page 155 about differentiating
warranted content as a wiki best practice.
Structured Wikis
“Using Structured Wikis in Software Engineering”
By Anne Gentle, Lisa Dyer
[On Warranted Content] You can also download and read a paper that Lisa Dyer and Anne Gentle wrote
for WikiSym that describes Lombardi's "fencing" of content:
DITA Wiki Presentation
By Don Day
Don demonstrated their DITA Wiki project.
TODO: add link to recording
DITA 2 Wiki Presentation
By Lisa Dyer
Lisa Dyer to give DITA Wiki presentation. ~20-25 minutes. Links to workbook and full presentation
I want to share the following WebEx recording with you. Click the link below to play it:
Password = dita4web
Background materials:
Growing DITA across the enterprise
Don Day presentation on DITA sourced Wikis
Wiki slice project
“Building a DITA-wiki hybrid” article
By Anne Gentle, Lisa Dyer and Michael Priestley
Cost Justification – ROI
Papers at Center for Information-Development and Management
Influencing Change: Negotiating vs. Building a Vision
By Chona Shumate
Papers at the DITA Metrics group on the Content Wrangler Community:
Link to the DITA for Business Documents ROI paper when it becomes available.
Web Services
TODO: add link to RESTful
IBM Custom Content Assembler Pilot
The IBM Custom Content Assembler pilot, which uses RESTful APIs and services to support dynamic
assembly and delivery of DITA content.
The updated public pilot site just went live -
Have a look and see what you think.
Be sure to try out the Build Custom Document view, where you can search and select sub-sets of the
map content to publish to html or pdf.
And there's some information about the REST service behind this and APIs on the About pages.
Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works
By Ginny Redish
Best Practices
Links to Minimalism papers
Chris Goolsby: liaison to DITA Help subcommittee
Other DITA Subcommittees
DITA for Composite Environments (DICE) subcommittee
Chair - Seth Park
[email protected]
Correspondence with Seth Park
The early work of DITA in Composite Environments has led to two draft proposals for 1.3, so far.
We will continue to capture them in the wiki ( until it is
appropriate to begin discussing them.
The primary DiCE objective is to allow DITA content meaningful with other XML data sources, so...
Any web strategy for DITA that means using the XML source directly will have natural overlaps.
Any strategy that deals with web deliverables generated from DITA source will not overlap.
Any strategy that uses or generates RDFa (or other semantic web technology) will overlap
philosophically (yet not necessarily technically).
Chair - Tony Self
[email protected]