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Drowning victim, heat stroke,
heat exhaustion
By Justin Kugler
Nick camp
Richie wade
Drowning victim
to die under water or other liquid of suffocation.
According to the World Health Organization, "Drowning is the process of experiencing
respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid." The possible outcomes of
drowning are classified as death.
How to save a drowning victim is to throw a large object out to pull them in and if certified to
the perform cpr and call the cops/ambulance
Heat stroke
Heat exhaustion
A disturbance of the temperature-regulating
mechanisms of the body caused by
overexposure to excessive heat, resulting in
fever, hot and dry skin, and rapid pulse,
sometimes progressing to delirium and coma.
heat stroke is a true medical emergency that is
often fatal if not properly and promptly treated.
Heat stroke is also sometimes referred to as
heatstroke or sun stroke. Severe hyperthermia is
defined as a body temperature of 104 F (40 C) or
These people are mostly at risk for heat stroke
infants, the elderly athletes, and individuals who
work outside and physically exert themselves
under the sun.
a condition characterized by faintness, rapid pulse,
nausea, profuse sweating, cool skin, and collapse,
caused by prolonged exposure to heat
accompanied by loss of adequate fluid and salt
from the body.
Activity in a hot environment can overwhelm the
body's ability to cool itself, causing heat-related
Symptoms of heat exhaustion include profuse
sweating, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache,
lightheadedness, and muscle cramps.
Heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke when
the body's temperature regulation fails. The
affected individual develops a change in mental
status, becomes confused, lethargic and may have
a seizure, the skin stops sweating, and the body
temperature may exceed 106 F (41 C ). This is a
life-threatening condition and emergency medical
attention is needed immediately
Heat exhaustion happens after heat stroke