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International practical scientific conference on informational
infrastructures of higher educational establishments TEMPUS TACIS
CP № 20069-98
Informational infrastructure of higher education
International scientific conference
project Tempus Tacis CP # 20069-98
Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Kherson State Pedagogical University
Universidad de Granada
Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics
St.Petersbourgh State University of Technology and Design
Institute of Cybernetics of NAS Ukraine
Information infrastructure
The information infrastructure (II) is an organization of interaction of information streams (thus
unessential what is medium), in particular at handle of high school. The creation of II, using a
computer process engineering implies a complex of measures which includes
organizational measures (definition of a structure of documents and paths of their driving,
definition of the responsibility for sorts of spent measures, definition of rules of organization of
development of programs and structure of the database, ways of financing and other)
technical measures (gain, installation and hardware of maintenance of an equipment, creation
of the cable system LAN)
definition of the system software which will be used in organization and creation of LAN as a
program - technical complex (installation of the system software, organization of routing between
sub-nets, administration of the network and operation with the net-workers)
learning of the employees of high school
using at operation with documents of the standard software, organization of a mail service,
organization of access to Internet.
designing both development of software products and creation of the informational - analytical
system (IAS)
safety of the information
operation of a maintenance service and implantationfilling of the database
By supporting of II creation, using the computer process engineering should be occupied the following
services (departments or laboratories):
a technical service. Functions - operation on mounting LAN, assembling of equipment, repair
and substitution of equipment.
a maintenance and implantation service. Functions - operation with the Customer of IAS
applications on setting the task, installation of IAS applications, preparation of the tasks for the
group of software engineering, learning of staff.
group of software engineering.
to start of page
IAS is a part of program support of an information infrastructure of organization ensuring the special
task of handle.
At development of any software products there is a problem of obsolescence of the program on a
moment it of creation and as a corollary it necessity of modification it at once after a termination of
development. Therefore are important two requirements to developed now software products and IAS
in particular. First - the system should be open, instead of be “a thing in itself ”, the changes in which
can be introduced only by the people, who developed it. Second - process engineering, which are used
during development should be at least modern, and even better take into account the tendencies of
development of the software. This item to concern as to mechanisms, which will be realized by the
developers of a software product, and to those tools, which are used during development.
Secondly, popularity software products which now use or bear in itself tools of modification of
programs, or are so simples and universal, that their finishing is not required. The development of the
environments with own tools and languages of modification of data is a little bit complicated and
unprofitable at use as doubtfully, that the own language will be so better already existing, that it was
meaningful to study and to use standard on the given firm. Besides the problem of “delay” of
development, obviously, is in this case increased.
Thirdly, at IAS development the modular principle of organization of applications and data should be
observed as additions and changes with smaller expenditures in this case can be produced and the
absence of changes in parts, which are not affected at modification of other parts, is guaranteed.
IAS is open, modular system using architecture client-server with implementation of rules
business of logic as COM of objects of the server of transactions.
Improvement of properties of objects, by which IAS operates can be produced by the user at a
descriptive level. For this purpose the components of the systems using Wizard process engineering
can be written.
The units realizing new objects and functions of the system should be created in main at a
level of services and objects of the server.
The working places of the experts (AWPs) should be composed as containers containing units
(screen forms and procedures of processing of the reports) operation with separate IAS objects and,
probably, to be created on level of the descriptions that includes given AWP.
The ready software products supporting operations with databases should be used. For
example, report generator Crystal Report or MS Excel.
There are IAS components, which have a similar structure and use identical methods of data
processing for all firms and establishments (“a structural invariant of IAS”), for example, accounts
department (AWP of the chief accountant), which, because of the principles of support of book keeping
are uniform for any organizations (principle of double wires and book-order system of the reporting).
For example, organizational structure of establishment or staff of organization. Other type of the tasks
(“by a functional invariant of IAS”) are IAS components, which execute identical functions, but
proceeding from various reasons and using be can, various input data. To functional invariant it is
possible to refer the task of calculation of wages. The functional invariant should be realized as the
library of COM objects. Important in this case is that the interfaces of COM objects of such library can
be defined once and hereinafter not vary.
Obviously, that for the description of specificity of activity of firm and the improvements of a content
of components - invariants are required supplementary data and functions of their processing. To
updating components it is possible to refer, for example, scientific degrees of the employees of
institute. As a rule, the updating data are connected with the main as many to one. The support of
connectivity of data is produced at a level of objects of base (link and trigger). Deleting or carry
master data to archive is produced together with all updating records. Thus the operation with records
of one updating table will be realized at a level of stored procedures SQL server, and COM object of
the server of transactions ensures sequential call of stored procedures for each object. Addition,
change and the deleting of updating components can not reduce, thus, in change of a IAS structure as
a whole but only change a content of some reports.
Except for set forth above there are units realizing quotients of the task of high school and systems,
interacting to invariants, and additional units. If consider the registration of material assets and
projects of organization, the tasks of processing of the requests and obtaining of materials being by
additional service links these invariants. Additional units are the units ensuring functions of statistical
and other information processing stored in one database and export already treated in other base. An
example of such task will be “payment for learning”, which links payment of each student and cash
department of institute, as a part AWPs of the chief accountant. Other example is the export of data
about the graduates of high school to the base of graduates of all educational institutions of Ukraine.
Obviously, that the additional units can not contain any data. In this case their implementation can
consist of programming of COM objects of the server of transactions and addition of its call in the
program of the client. If operations of the additional unit need storage of any information, the tables
can be created in other database.
As any IAS contains a great many of diverse data, and one from main principles of relational
databases is that in the system there should not be a duplication of data, problem of links between
components is one of main. Some links are attributes of a structure of data of separate components.
For example reference to the employee in the table of leaves. Others are the separate tables realizing
ratios many to many. For example table of assignments on a post, which contains two references: on
a person and on a post. The tables of links in this case can contain supplementary data, which update
the characteristics of concrete link between copies of two and more objects (in case the people - posts
by such characteristic there can be a size of the rate, i.e. 0.5, 1, 1.25). Such tables are a basis for
definition of rules business of IAS logic. Some links between data of the system can be temporary and
contain only two references. Let's name such sort of links as association. Obviously, it is possible to
automate the process of creation of the tables of links, installation of links between records and
deleting of links, because the information, necessary for it, are only names of the tables, which are
necessary for connecting, and fields of these tables, which will be keys of link and in which the
inclusive information (characteristic of records) will be. For definition of concrete link is enough to
have two lists in the customer application containing characteristic of linked records, and purely the
mechanism of installation and deleting of link.
Thus in the informational - analytical system (IAS) of firm or the establishments should be
components of a various degree of uniqueness (is present in view of possibility of their use without
changes or with small changes by other high school). The various parts of IAS have various “weight”.
One should be necessarily in any system; other can be, and can not to be; third, the circumscribing
temporary links, arise in the system and disappear from it during its maintenance. Besides some
objects can be created only as a part of other objects. The given aspect is essential in case of
distribution of the system in other high schools of Ukraine.