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Press Release
Mimosa Donates Towards the Tokwe-Mukosi Relief Support
Driven by its essence of fostering mutually beneficial relationships with the community, Mimosa
Mining Company has donated foodstuffs including maize meal, cooking oil and sugar beans as
well as fuel to assist in relief efforts for the victims of the recent the Tokwe-Mukosi dam flooding
incident. The company also donated exercise books for children displaced by the flood.
Thousands of people have been left stranded after torrential rains caused the partial collapse of
the Tokwe-Mukosi dam, currently under construction to provide irrigation to the Masvingo area.
Accepting the relief support on behalf of Government, the Senior Minister in the Officer of the
President, Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo expressed gratitude to Mimosa for its act of
“It is most comforting to note that our own people have come forward to assist those affected by
such a tragedy in a forceful manner. Mimosa is demonstrating that if you do good to others,
particularly those who would have faced challenges like those in the Tokwe-Mukosi basin, you
are serving humanity,” Ambassador Moyo said.
He said it was pleasing that the private sector in general and the mining sector in particular had
partnered to overcome the Tokwe-Mukosi calamity, and urged other members of the corporate
world to support Government in assisting flood victims, including in areas such as Tsholotsho
and Muzarabani.
Also speaking at the same occasion, the Minister of Public Works and National Housing, Dr.
Ignatius Chombo said the donation by Mimosa showed that the nation was focused on
alleviating each other’s plight.
Said Dr Chombo, “It is always a pleasure when Zimbabweans respond to fellow Zimbabweans’
plight. It is heartening that where possible, Zimbabweans are lending a helping hand to each
The Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Hon. Walter Chidakwa, who also attended the
handover ceremony, applauded Mimosa for its gesture of goodwill.
Mimosa Executive Chairman, Mr. Winston Chitando said the Company was especially touched
by the plight of the flood victims, who are close to its operations in Zvishavane.
He pledged that Mimosa would continue to work with Government and play its part in ensuring
that the quality of lives of communities is improved.
“As Mimosa Mining Company, it is our unwavering belief that partnership between Government
and the private sector, especially the mining sector, can, should and will go a long way in
ensuring the success of our nation and reducing of poverty as espoused in ZIMASSET,” Mr.
Chitando said.
Mimosa has a profound history of partnership with Government and other stakeholders in
transforming the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans. Through its vibrant corporate social
responsibility policy, Mimosa has funded numerous national and local community projects in key
utilities such as health, education, water reticulation, environmental preservation and
infrastructural development.