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Population growth
El planeta dels 7000 milions
Josep Mª Descarrega
Population growth
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Heu de llegir aquest text en anglès que tracta de l’evolució de la població mundial. Un
cop fet, has d’intentar ordenar les frases que trobaràs soltes tenint en compte l’ordre
en el que han aparegut en el text . Després fareu un gràfic que reflecteixi l’evolució de
la població mundial al llarg de la història, i per últim, ampliareu els vostres
coneixements veient dos vídeos i resumint-ne el contingut.
1. Read the text and place the sentences in the correct place on the chart.(Llegeix
el text i ordena les frases correctament segons s’han mencionat en el text)
1 about 260 million people on Earth
2 population explosion during 20th century
3 industrial revolution in Europe provided employment for many people
4 war, famine, plagues and lack of medicine prevented rapid population growth
5 the spread of agriculture and speeding up of population growth
6 improvement in medical knowledge an hygiene
7 new farming methods lead to increased food production
8 population doubled to 520 million
The history in population’s evolution has been nothing but quiet. In the past, until XIX
century, the world's population fluctuated up and down:
The main threats: Famine, plagues like the Black Death, and lack of medicine avoided
the rapid population growth. It is estimated that the population of the world in 9000 BC
was between five and ten million in the whole world. At this time people moved from
place to place in search of wild cereals, animals... A little bit later people in
Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) discovered that by using seeds from wild cereals and
scattering them in a fertile area they would grow, flourish and produce crops for food.
This eliminated their need to wander and so they became the first farmers in the
history. Agriculture had just begun.
This point was the key of population increased. Initially population growth was slow.
During the year 0, there were about 260-300 million people on Earth just like Indonesia
nowadays. Growth rates continued to fluctuate because of war, famine and other
natural disasters. It took the next 1700 years for the world's population to double to 520
million. However, from 1750-1800 the world's population grew faster than before:
New farming methods in Europe such as the development of better breeds of animals
and the use of new machines, led to a large increase in food production. The invention
of the steam engine provided engine provided employment for thousands of workers in
coalfield areas in Europe, especially in United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Holland...
At this time hygiene and medical knowledge also improved. Europeans were healthier,
lived longer and had more children than before. They conquered new lands far away in
the colonies.
World's population grew faster than ever and in the twentieth century the world's
population grew so fast that it was called a population explosion. As well as improved
medical knowledge, hygiene and food allowed people to live longer.”
2. Answer according what the text says:
a) Which were the main threats for growing population in the past?
b) What date did population double? Why?
c) How was called in the twentieth century the world’s population grew?
3. Amb les dades que et facilitem a continuació elabora una gràfica líneal amb excel
sobre l’evolució mundial de la població. Una vegada la tinguis feta enganxa-la en a
la pàgina següent, en el lloc corresponent d’aquesta fitxa. A sota les dades hi
trobaràs un tutorial sobre com fer gràfics amb excel, per si et fa falta, i també un
model dels intervals que has de posar pel nombre d’habitants i anys.
Paleolític inferior ( fa 1 milió d’anys ): 125.000 habitants.
Fa trescents mil anys: 1.000.000 d’habitants
Fa deu mil anys ( abans del Neolític ): 5.000.000 d’habitants
En temps de l’Imperi Romà: 150.000.000 d’habitants
1900 : 1.600.000.000 milions d’habitants
1960 : milions d’habitants
1999 : més de 6 mil milions d’habitants
2011 : s’arriba als 7 mil milions
MODEL sobre quins intervals has de posar pel nombre d’habitants i els anys :
Una vegada elaborada la gràfica comprova si està bé prement l’interrogant:
( Posa l’ordinador en silenci )
4. Gràcies a les millores en l’alimentació al llarg de la història, s’allunya el fantasma
de la fam al món. Però, com és, que tot i haver prou mitjans per alimentar tothom,
continua havent-hi fam en alguns llocs ?
*Llegeix l’article que trobaràs aquest enllaç, i respon aquesta pregunta amb