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10th IPDA Steering Committee Meeting
Yukio Yamamoto
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
On-going missions
– Hisaki (SPRINT-A)
• The first space telescope for remote observation of the atmospheric planets from the orbit around the Earth.
• Hisaki continuously observes the planets, and data archives must be discussed. Internally FITS format is used.
• Ancillary data such as orbit and attitude are archived in SPICE.
– Akatsuki
• The Akatsuki spacecraft is targeting to be injected into the Venus orbiter again in December 2015.
• Data are continuously generated by pipeline, and format is PDS3 (including FITS) as well as Venus Express.
– Hayabusa2
• Hayabusa2 is a mission to return samples from asteroid, and it is currently flying around the Sun.
• In December 2015, Earth swing-by will be scheduled. Using this opportunity, several instruments are tested.
• Collaboration with OSIRIS-REx is started including data archives such as PDS4 and SPICE.
Future mission
– BepiColombo MMO
• It is the first mission to Mercury both in ESA and JAXA. It will be launched in January 2017.
• The data archiving of BepiColombo MMO is under discussion with ESA. The academic field especially for MMO
uses CDF format, therefore, the collaboration between CDF and PDS4 is important.
BepiColombo MMO
Data Archives
• Viking Seismic data (NASA)
– As a result of successful recovering Viking EDR2 tapes (MIT archive), DARTS
provides Viking Seismic data. Further verification is proceeded to enable the
upcoming seismic mission on Mars to utilize these old but unique dataset.
– The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) also opens their
archiving data.
• Kaguya(SELENE) data
Some new products are continuously added.
New delivery system (instead of L2DB) will open soon.
Directory-index based publish will start in 2016 as well as other PDS3 datasets.
PDAP support for Kaguya will start in 2016.
Proposals for IPDA projects
• SPICE IDs recommendation for none-DSN missions
– The NAIF code for Hisaki is not assigned by JPL because Hisaki does
not use DSN which is based on the NAIF code. JAXA assigned temporal
IDs for Hisaki in consultation with NAIF team. Considering the
expansion of SPICE usage, the code assignment must be managed by
the third party, which means the assignment policy will be required.
Can IPDA make recommendation to assign NAIF codes for non-DSN
• Determination of PDAP specification for Geometry search
– Considering the design of this support, it is preferable to determine
the specification of ‘PDAP geometry search’ removing its ambiguity for
• PDAP for PDS4
– In Hayabusa2 mission, PDS4 will be used in its archives. Search system
is still under discussion. PDAP itself is designed on PDS3, therefore,
PDS4 support is required.
Thank you all very much for your attention.