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Hongsheng Cao
Title: Assistant Professor
Room: GB 004A
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 316-978-7204
Ph.D. (2001), Geochemistry, Department of Geological Sciences, Florida State
M.S. (1990), Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China
B.S. (1987), Geology, Chengdu University of Technology, Sichuan, China
Course (?) GEOL 102 and 302
Teaching Interests
Earth Science and the Environment; Earth and Space Sciences; Geographic Information
Systems (GIS); Geochemistry; Environmental Geochemistry; Aqueous Geochemistry;
Geochemical Cycles; Isotope Geochemistry; Hydrogeology
Research Interests
1. Aqueous Geochemistry; Environmental Geochemistry; Sedimentary Geochemistry;
Isotope Geochemistry; Rare Earth Elements (REE); Hydrogeology; Biogeochemistry
2. Stratigraphy; Paleontology; Sedimentary Geology; Sedimentary Basin Analysis
Assistant Professor, Geology, Wichita State University, August 2004-present
Director, Environmental Analytical Research Laboratory, University of North Dakota,
Postdoctoral Researcher, Geological Sciences, University of Idaho, 2002-2004
GIS Specialist, Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center, 2001-2002
Research Assistant, Geological Sciences, Florida State University, 1997-1999
Teaching Assistant, Geological Sciences, Florida State University, 1995-1997
Geologist, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, 1990-1995
1. "Geochemical and Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Chert in Mississippian
Oil Reservoirs in Kansas" (2005). Funded by the Office of Research Administration:
University Research/Creative Projects Award (URCA)
2. "The Interaction of Surface Water and Groundwater: Impacts on the Equus Aquifer
and Water Resources in Wichita Area, Kansas" (2005). Approved by the Office of
Research Administration: University Link Award (ULINK)
1. Hongsheng Cao and Scott A. Wood, 2005, The Effect of Organic Ligands on Solubility
of CeO2 in NaNO3 Medium: Application to Radioactive Waste Tanks. Applied
Geochemistry (in preparation).
2. Hongsheng Cao, J. B. Cowart, and J. K. Osmond, 2005, Geochemical and Isotopic
Characteristics of Groundwater in Floridan Aquifer Systems, Northwest Florida.
Groundwater (in preparation).
3. Hongsheng Cao and Scott A. Wood, 2005, The effect of organic ligands on the
solubility of CeO2 in NaNO3 Medium. Goldschmidt 2005 Geochemistry Conference
4. Hongsheng Cao and Scott A. Wood, 2003, The Solubility of CeO2 in NaNO3 Medium:
Application to Radioactive Waste Tanks. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Seattle (WA).
5. Hongsheng Cao, 2000, El Niño-La Niña Events and Water Resources of Lake
Okeechobee, Florida. In Tamim Younos (ed.) Proceedings of Advances in Land and
Water Monitoring Technologies and Research for Management of Water Resources.
Virginia Water Resources Research Center. CD-ROM.
6. Hongsheng Cao, 2000, El Niño-La Niña Events, Precipitation, Flood-Drought Events,
and Their Environmental Impacts in the Suwannee River Watershed, Florida.
Environmental Geosciences, v. 7, no. 2, p. 90-98.
7. Hongsheng Cao, 2000, "Leon Sinks Geological Area-Unique Mix of Sinkholes,
Submerged Caves, Natural Bridges and Rare Amphiod." Coast Line, v. 10, p. 10- 11.
8. Hongsheng Cao, J. B. Cowart, and J. K. Osmond, 1999, Uranium and strontium
isotopic geochemistry of Karst waters, Leon Sinks Geological Area, Leon County,
Florida. Cave and Karst Science, v. 26, no. 3, p. 101-106.
9. Hongsheng Cao, Jiduan Yang, and Daning Wang, 1999, Paleokarsts in late
Precambrian and Ordovician carbonates, Kalpin-Shaya uplift zone, Tarim Basin, China.
Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 14, no. 2, p. 200-208.
10. Hongsheng Cao, J. B. Cowart, and J. K. Osmond, 1999, The Water Sources of the
Wakulla Spring, Wakulla County, Florida: Uranium Isotopic Evidences. Southeastern
Geology, v. 39, no. 1, p. 51-60.
11. Hongsheng Cao, 1999, "The impact of wastes on the environment of Lake Lafayette,
Tallahassee, Florida." International Solid Waste Association Times, v. 2, p. 33-35.
12. Hongsheng Cao, 1999, Water Sources of the Springs and Sinkholes of Leon-Wakulla
Counties, Florida: Geochemical Evidences. Proceedings of the 19th Annual AGU
Hydrology Conference, Ft. Collins, Colorado, August 16-20, 1999, p. 67-76.
13. J. K. Osmond, J. B. Cowart, and Hongsheng Cao, 1998, Uranium and strontium
isotope character of waters in the Wakulla Karst Plain. In W. Schmidt, J.M. Lloyd, and
C. Collier (eds.), The Wakulla Springs Woodville Karst Plain Symposium, October 9,
1998, Special Publication No. 46, Tallahassee, Florida Geological Survey. p. 45-60.
14. Hongsheng Cao, 1998, "Earth Science and Environmental Education Programs
Designed for Students and Teachers." New Era in Education, v. 79, no. 3, p. 90-93.
15. Yang Zunyi, Yang Jiduan, Zhou Huiqin, and Hongsheng Cao, 1997, Stratigraphic
Lexicon of China: Triassic Stratigraphy. Geologic Publish House, Beijing, pp. 483.
16. Jiduan Yang, Daning Wang, and Hongsheng Cao, 1995, Mesozoic-Cenozoic
Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Geology, and Petroleum Geology, Tarim Basin, China.
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China. pp. 114. (in Chinese).
17. Hongsheng Cao, 1992, A Study of Stratigraphy and Flora of Upper Triassic in
Western Guizhou, China. Geology of Guizhou, v. 9, no. 1, p. 26-40. (in Chinese with
English summary).
18. Hongsheng Cao: "A Study of the Paleophytoecology of Late Triassic Flora in Western
Guizhou." China. Geology of Guizhou, v. 10, no. 3, p. 195-200. (in Chinese with English
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