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Lymphatic system (models)
On the half head model - Tonsils – tubal, lingual,
palatine, pharyngeal
On the lymphatic board model – lymph node groups
(inguinal, mediastinal, cervical, mesenteric,
axillary), lymphatic vessels, thoracic duct, right and
left lymphatic ducts
Superior gluteal artery, inferior gluteal artery (giant
leg models)
Obturator (giant leg models)
Internal pudendal (giant leg models)
Femoral arteries and veins
Popliteal artery
Deep femoral artery
Lateral femoral circumflex artery – ascending and
descending branches
Medial femoral circumflex artery
Blood & Circulation
Ascending aorta
Aortic arch
Descending aorta – thoracic and abdominal portions
Brachiocephalic – divides into right subclavian and
right common carotid in the human
Common carotid
Internal and external carotid
Branches off the external carotid – superior thyroid,
lingual, facial, ascending pharyngeal (not on any
models but know it anyway), occipital, posterior
auricular, superficial temporal and maxillary (use
the transparent head)
Subclavians – arteries and veins
Axillarys– arteries and veins
Brachials– arteries and veins
Ulnar, and radial arteries (and veins)
Ulnar and radial collateral
Palmar arteries
Circumflex humeral
Celiac trunk – divides into the common hepatic, left
gastric and splenic
Superior Mesenteric – right colic, middle colic,
iliocolic, jejunal artery branches
Inferior Mesenteric - left colic, sigmoid arteries,
superior rectal
Gastroepiploics (left and right - stomach model)
Gastrics (left and right - stomach model)
Gonadal – ovarian or testicular
Common Iliacs – arteries and veins
External and internal iliacs– arteries and veins
Descending genicular artery of the leg
Genicular arteries of the knee
Anterior tibial artery
Posterior tibial artery
Fibular/peroneal artery
Dorsalis pedis
Superior vena cava & inferior vena cava
The veins that accompany the arteries listed above
e.g. brachiocephalic veins, femoral vein,
ulnar vein, radial vein, brachial vein,
axillary vein etc… (see artery list above)
PLUS – basilic and cephalic and median
cubital veins in the arm, great saphanous
vein of the leg
NOTE – there are NO carotid veins – they are
called jugulars!!!!
Atria (atrium) & Auricles
Interatrial septum
Interventricular septum
Tricuspid & bicuspid valves
Cordae tendinae
Papillary Muscles
Trabeculae carnae
Pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves
Superior vena cava & inferior vena cava
Pulmonary trunk & pulmonary arteries &
pulmonary veins
Aorta and the three human divisions
(brachiocephalic (right subclavian, right common
carotid), left common carotid & left subclavian)
Apex of the heart, base of the heart
Anterior and inferior surface of the heart
Right border and left border of the heart
Interventricular sulci – anterior and posterior
Coronary arteries – right and left coronary arteries,
anterior and posterior interventricular arteries, right
and left marginal arteries, circumflex artery
Coronary veins – great cardiac vein, coronary sinus,
middle cardiac vein
Respiratory system
Pharynx – three divisions (naso-, oro- and
Nasal conchae – superior, middle & inferior
External nares, internal nares
Vestibule of nasal cavity
Soft and hard palate
Tonsils – tubal, pharyngeal, palatine, lingual
Larynx – cartilages (thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid,
Vocal cords – false and true
Trachea & “C” cartilage
Primary bronchus, secondary bronchus, tertiary
Lungs – lobes and fissures, hilus, cardiac notch,
base, apex
Alveoli model– alveolus, terminal bronchioles,
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar duct
Excretory system
Renal capsule
Renal cortex, renal medulla
Renal papilla
Major calyx, minor calyx, renal pelvis
Hilus of kidney
Renal column, renal pyramid
Renal artery, renal vein
Urinary bladder
Nephron structure – glomerulus, proximal
convoluted tubule, loop of Henle (ascending &
descending), distal convoluted tubule, collecting
Efferent arteriole, afferent arteriole, peritubular
capillary network, vasa recta
Segmental arteries and veins
Interlobar arteries and veins
Arcuate arteries and veins
Interlobular arteries and veins
Digestive System
Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx,
Oral cavity, vestibule, hard palate, soft palate,
tongue, lingual frenulum
Teeth – crown, root, pulp, dentin, enamel, gingiva
Teeth – incisors, canines, molars
Salivary glands – parotid, sublingual,
Esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter (cardiac
Stomach – body, fundus, pyloric region, cardiac
region, lesser curvature, greater curvature, rugae
Omentum – greater & lesser
Mesentery of small intestine (Mesentery Proper)
Small intestine – duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Plica circularis
Pyloric sphincter
Ileocecal sphincter
Vermiform appendix
Large intestine – ceacum, ascending, transverse,
descending & sigmoid colons, anal canal, internal
& external anal sphincters, haustra, taeniae coli,
hepatic flexure, splenic flexure
Liver – right and left hepatic ducts, common hepatic
duct, falciform ligament
Know the 4 lobes
Gallbladder – fundus, body, neck, cystic duct
Common bile duct
Pancreas – head, body, pancreatic duct, accessory
duct (duct of Santorini), minor duodenal papilla
hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater) – or
you can also call it the major duodenal papilla
4 layers of the GI tract – mucosa (mucosal
epithelium, lamina propria, muscularis mucosae),
submucosa, muscularis (longitudinal & circular
layers & oblique), serosa
Intestinal villi, lacteals
Reproductive System
Vas deferens, epididymus
Scrotal sac with testis
Prostate gland
Seminal vesicles
Bulbourethral glands
Ejaculatory duct
Spermatic cord
Corpus spongiosum, corpus cavernosum
Glans penis, corona
External urethral orifice
Spongy urethra, membranous urethra, prostatic
Pampiniform plexus of veins
Testicular artery branches
Uterus – fundus, body, cervix, fornix, perimetrium,
myometrium, endometrium
Broad ligament
Fallopian tubes - infundibulum, fimbrae
Ovary - cortex, medulla, primary follicles,
secondary follicles,
follicles, corpus luteum, corpus albicans, corpus
hemorrhagicum, round ligament, ovarian ligament
Vaginal canal, vaginal orifice
External urethral orifice & urethra
Labia majora and labia minora
Mons pubis
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