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Concept Notes/ Classes 7,8,9
Introducing Exponents
In what follows, the expression β€œany number” for base means natural number or zero or integer
or fraction or decimal or rational number or β€˜other’ numbers.
The First Definition of Exponents is as follows:
If a is any number and k is any natural number other than 1 then the product
a . a . a . a . ... k times is written as π’‚π’Œ and read as β€˜a power k’.
The Second Definition of Exponents is as follows:
If a is any number, π’‚πŸ is defined to be a.
The Third Definition of Exponents is as follows:
If a is any number other than zero, π’‚πŸŽ is defined to be 1.
The Fourth Definition of Exponents is as follows:
If a is any number other than zero and k is any natural number then π’‚βˆ’π’Œ is defined to
be the reciprocal of π’‚π’Œ .
The Fifth Definition of Exponents is as follows :
If a is any number and k is any natural number then π’‚π’Œ is the number which when
multiplied by itself k times gives a, provided such number exists.
The Multiplication Rule of Exponents is as follows :
If a is any positive number and x, y are any ______then product of 𝒂𝒙 & π’‚π’š is 𝒂𝒙+π’š .
The Power Rule of Exponents is as follows :
If a is any positive number and x, y are any ______________ then (𝒂𝒙 )π’š is π’‚π’™π’š .
The Distributive Rule of Exponents is as follows:
If a , b are any positive numbers and x is any ____________ then (𝒂𝒃)𝒙 = 𝒂𝒙 𝒃𝒙 .
The Rules can be deduced from the definitions. These five definitions and three rules are also
referred to as β€˜ the laws of exponents’.
Why these Definitions are made and how these Rules are formed is a very interesting discussion!
But it isadvisable to have this discussion after starting using these facts thoroughly.