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Title: DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Christine McCallum
Approved by
Robyn Westerman
Aged and Disability Program
Disability Equipment Program Procedure
Client Contribution
Target Audience
Areas applicable: Approved Prescribers and Aged and Disability Program Staff
To outline the client contribution process for the provision of Disability Equipment Program aids and
Personnel able to perform procedures
Approved Prescribers
DEP Work Unit staff
DEP Cost Centre Managers
This procedure is to be actioned in accordance with the DEP PO-5 Client Contribution Policy and other
relevant components of the DEP Policy and Procedure Manual.
1. Discussion
a. Approved Prescribers discuss the Client Contribution Policy with clients at the time of application.
Clients acknowledge that they may be required to contribute when signing the DEP A1
Application Form.
b. If the cost of the item/s prescribed is known and exceeds the applicable Maximum Subsidy
amount outlined in the DEP Approved Equipment List, the Approved Prescriber discusses the
required contribution amount with the client and includes these details on the DEP Prescription
i. Approved Prescribers may step through and complete the DEP A5 Client Contribution
Agreement with the client at the time of application if details are known.
ii. Approved Prescribers discuss and assist the client to coordinate Centrelink Centrepay
or other payment options to facilitate payment if required.
c. It is recognised that some clients may elect to contribute to the purchase of an item that would
generally be funded by DEP or may request Optional Accessories and/or Modifications for client
preference. In these instances, the Client Contribution Agreement is completed for formalise
contribution arrangements.
2. Agreement
a. The DEP Clinical Leader or DEP Cost Centre Manager confirms that a client contribution is
required at the time of approval and if applicable, the Maximum Subsidy applied and client
contribution amount. The DEP Prescription Form outlines the details of the client contribution
arrangements as discussed between the Approved Prescriber and the client.
b. Upon receipt of an approved prescription, the DEP Work Unit reconfirms the amount of
contribution outlined on the DEP P-B Prescription Form Part B.
DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
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Created: March 2013 | Review: March 2014
Department of Health is a Smoke Free Workplace
Title: DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Christine McCallum
Approved by
Robyn Westerman
Aged and Disability Program
i. When multiple items are prescribed, a client contribution is only required if the total cost
of the item/s exceeds the total applicable Maximum Subsidy amounts as outlined in the
DEP Approved Equipment List.
ii. Re-issue and standard stock items do not require a client contribution.
iii. Where a client contribution is confirmed to be different to that estimated by the
Approved Prescriber, the DEP Work Unit note this change on the DEP P-B Prescription
Form Part B. DEP Cost Centre Manager re-approval is required if DEP are required to
contribute in excess of the applicable Maximum Subsidy.
iv. For PERS: A client contribution letter is not required. DEP will fund installation only. All
ongoing monitoring and rental costs are between supplier and client.
The LTR-PERS1 DEP Request for Installation of PERS letter template is used and sent
to supplier.
The LTR-PERS2 Ongoing Cost of Monitored PERS or the LTR-PERS3 Ongoing Cost of
Non Monitored PERS letter template is used and sent to client to advice of client
responsibility for any ongoing costs
c. The DEP Work Unit inputs client information and contribution amounts into the Client
Contribution Agreement.
i. Co-payment arrangements between a third party and a client are acceptable however
the Client Contribution Agreement will be with the client. DEP does not enter into Client
Contribution Agreements with a third party. Refer to Step 6.
d. The DEP Work Unit prepares a quote outcome letter advising the supplier of client contribution
arrangements using the LTR-Q1A Quote Successful Contribution Required Letter template.
i. Where the Approved Prescriber has already had the Client Contribution Agreement
signed by the client, the LTR-Q1B Quote Successful Contribution Required with
Agreement Letter template is used and a copy of the Client Contribution
Agreement/letter sent to the third party contributor are provided to the supplier.
e. The DEP Work Unit prepares an outcome letter for the client using the LTR-P2 Prescription
Approved Pending Contribution Letter template. Two copies of the Client Contribution
Agreement and a copy of the letter sent to the supplier are attached to the outcome letter.
i. Where the Approved Prescriber has already had the Client Contribution Agreement
signed by the client, the LTR-P3 Prescription Approved Contribution Payable Letter
template is used and a copy of the agreement provided to the client.
A copy of ALL correspondence and the Client Contribution Agreement are sent to the Approved
Prescriber for action with the DEP ACT-1 Approved Prescriber Action Advice coversheet.
i. Outcome letters and Client Contribution Agreements are addressed to the client and
sent to the Approved Prescriber who determines the most appropriate way to relay the
outcome and discuss required contributions with their client. Where the client’s capacity
to accept responsibility for a contribution is not in doubt, Client Contribution Agreements
may be sent directly to the client to provide the maximum time for payment
3. Unsigned/Unreturned Agreements
a. In the event that a client does not sign and return the Client Contribution Agreement within the
two week period specified, the DEP Work Unit notifies the Approved Prescriber using the
Approved Prescriber Action Advice coversheet.
DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Page 2 of 5
Created: March 2013 | Review: March 2014
Department of Health is a Smoke Free Workplace
Title: DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Christine McCallum
Approved by
Robyn Westerman
Aged and Disability Program
b. The Approved Prescriber contacts the client to reiterate the Client Contribution Policy and DEP
terms and conditions previously acknowledged at the time of application.
i. All DEP processes are conducted with client or guardian consent. Refer to the Aged
and Disability Program (A&DP) Informed Client Consent Policy.
ii. Approved Prescriber must feel confident that the client has capacity to make an
informed decision where there is no legal guardian. This includes acceptance of
equipment responsibility and acknowledgement of DEP terms and conditions.
iii. Where there is concern about the client’s capacity to make an informed decision, the
Approved Prescriber must ensure that they seek appropriate confirmation of capacity
(eg. from a Doctor or Psychologist) or initiate Adult Guardianship processes to
determine if a guardian is required in accordance with the Adult Guardianship Act.
c. The Approved Prescriber supports the client with any further follow up required.
i. The client may state they are unable to make the agreed contribution.
 The Approved Provider discusses alternate funding sources and explores the
option of Special Consideration see DEP PO-2 Financial Eligibility Policy (if
ii. The client may require assistance to understand or sign the agreement.
 All application, assessment and prescription processes are conducted with
client or guardian consent. With consent, information may also be obtained
from other professionals and agencies (eg doctors, allied health professionals,
and psychologists). Refer to the Aged and Disability Program (A&DP)
Informed Client Consent Policy.
 The Approved Prescriber confirms guardianship arrangements for the client.
The Approved Prescriber discusses the agreement details and explains the
contribution required from the client with the client and/or guardian.
 Approved Prescribers must feel confident that the client has capacity to make
an informed decision where there is no legal guardian. This includes
acceptance of equipment responsibility and acknowledgement of the DEP
terms and conditions.
 Where there is concern about the client’s capacity to make an informed
decision, the Approved Prescriber must ensure that they seek appropriate
confirmation of capacity (eg. from a Doctor or Psychologist) or initiate Adult
Guardianship processes to determine if a guardian is required in accordance
with the Adult Guardianship Act.
iii. The client may refuse to sign the agreement or make contribution towards the
necessary item/s in accordance with the PO-5 Client Contribution Policy.
 The Approved Prescriber confirms guardianship arrangements for the client. If
no legal guardianship arrangement is in place and the Approved Prescriber is
confident of the client’s capacity, the client is afforded dignity of risk. In this
situation, the Approved Prescriber has a duty of care to follow up and seek the
client’s written consent to confirm that the available equipment options and
risks have been fully explained and understood. Refer to A&DP Informed
Client Consent Policy.
d. The DEP Work Unit will follow up with the Approved Prescriber two weekly until the agreement is
received or the Approved Prescriber advises the DEP Work Unit that the prescription is to be
cancelled. The Community Care Information System (CCIS) Diary function can be used to
schedule a reminder for this purpose.
DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Page 3 of 5
Created: March 2013 | Review: March 2014
Department of Health is a Smoke Free Workplace
Title: DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Christine McCallum
Approved by
Robyn Westerman
Aged and Disability Program
4. Processing and Payment
a. Upon receipt of the signed agreement, the DEP Work Unit record and order required items using
the DEP PR-6 Ordering and Payment Procedure.
5. Unpaid Client Contributions
a. Where a client contribution is unpaid or only partially paid, the DEP Work Unit will request
Approved Prescriber follow up as appropriate using the Approved Prescriber Action Advice.
b. In exceptional circumstances, DEP may contribute further funds towards an item however this is
considered on a case by case basis and is at the discretion of the DEP Cost Centre Manager.
c. In the event that an unpaid invoice addressed to the client is received by DEP, the DEP Work
Unit request Approved Prescriber for follow up as appropriate using the Approved Prescriber
Action Advice.
i. The Approved Prescriber follows up all possible avenues for payment including
escalation to the DEP Cost Centre Manager. In the event the invoice remains unpaid,
the DEP Cost Centre Manager contacts Legal Services to further escalate the matter
and seek legal advice.
6. Third Party Contributions
a. Approved Prescribers must investigate the availability of support from alternate funding sources
prior to submitting a prescription for their client.
b. When a third party contribution has been confirmed, the Approved Prescriber details
arrangements in on the prescription and attaches relevant documentation to the prescription.
c. If approved, the DEP Work Unit use the LTR-P3A Third Party Contribution Payable Letter
template to confirm and request the third party contribution.
i. For contributions in excess of 50 percent of the purchase price, ownership of the item is
considered and if required, transferred in accordance with the DEP PO-6 Ownership
and Portability Policy and DEP PR-8 Stock and Re-issue Procedure.
ii. Co-payment arrangements between a third party and a client are acceptable however
the Client Contribution Agreement will be with the client. DEP does not enter into Client
Contribution Agreements with a third party.
Additional Information
DEP Policy and Procedure Manual
Associated Documents
DEP A1 Application Form
DEP A5 Client Contribution Agreement
DEP Approved Equipment List
DEP Prescription Forms (1-12)
DEP P-B Prescription Form Part B
DEP PO-2 Financial Eligibility Policy
DEP PO-5 Client Contribution Policy
DEP PO-6 Ownership and Portability Policy
LTR-PERS1 DEP Request for Installation of PERS
DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Page 4 of 5
Created: March 2013 | Review: March 2014
Department of Health is a Smoke Free Workplace
Title: DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Christine McCallum
Approved by
Robyn Westerman
Aged and Disability Program
LTR-PERS2 Ongoing Cost of Monitored PERS
LTR-PERS3 Ongoing Cost of Non Monitored PERS
LTR-Q1A Quote Successful Contribution Required Letter
LTR-Q1B Quote Successful Contribution Required with Agreement Letter
LTR-P2 Prescription Approved Pending Contribution Letter
LTR-P3 Prescription Approved Contribution Payable Letter
LTR-P3A Third Party Contribution Payable Letter
DEP PR-6 Ordering and Payment Procedure
DEP PR-8 Stock and Re-issue Procedure
DEP ACT-1 Approved Prescriber Action Advice
DEP GL DEP Glossary
A&DP Informed Client Consent Policy
Key Legislation, Acts & Standards
NT Disability Services Act
NT Disability Service Standards
Adult Guardianship Act
Author / Contributors
Christine McCallum
Susan Esmonde
Valli Camara
DEP Steering Committee
DEP Operational Committee
Senior Policy Officer
TIMES/SEAT Review Project Officer
Senior Policy Officer
Governing Body
DEP Work Unit Managers and
Administration Officers
Aged and Disability Program
Aged and Disability Program
Aged and Disability Program
Aged and Disability Program
Aged and Disability Program
Alternative Search Words
Disclaimer for reformatting – format has been changed to accommodate technical requirements. Content has not been altered.
DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure
Page 5 of 5
Created: March 2013 | Review: March 2014
Department of Health is a Smoke Free Workplace