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California and the United Kingdom
Trade and Investment Highlights
California's economic relationship with the United Kingdom is already strong. The
United Kingdom is a major export market for California's goods and services, which
support over one hundred thousand U.S. jobs, and U.K.-based firms are among the
leading foreign investors in California.
California Goods Exports to the
UK, 2016
California Services Exports to the
UK, 2015
$4.9 billion
$12 billion
Jobs Supported by California
Exports to the UK, 2015
Estimated Number of UK
Subsidiaries in California
CA: Goods Exports to the UK ($ billion)
$4.0 $4.0 $4.1
$4.3 $4.5
CA: Services Exports to the UK ($ billion)
$11.3 $11.4
$12.2 $12.1
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Growth since 2009: 31%
Growth since 2009: 34%
The United Kingdom was California's 5th largest export
market in 2015.
California and the United Kingdom Trade and Investment Highlights
CA: Goods Exports to the UK
CA: Services Exports to the UK
1. Aerospace Products & Parts
$683 million
1. Film & Television Distribution
$2.6 billion
2. Computer Equipment
$426 million
2. Travel
$1.8 billion
3. Communications Equipment
$379 million
3. Mgmt. & Consulting Services
$1.5 billion
4. Beverages
$340 million
4. Mgmt. & Advisory Services
$1.1 billion
5. Navigational & Meas. Instruments
$292 million
5. Database & Information Services
$784 million
UK subsidiaries in California employed
98,200 workers in 2014.
UK-Affiliated Companies Located in California
Amec Foster Wheeler
Engineering services
ARM Inc.
Microprocessor designer
Doncasters GCE Industries
Engineered components manufacturer
Hill & Knowlton Strategies
Public relations services
Hogan Lovells
Legal services
Banking services
 Goods, Jobs, and Services estimates prepared by The Trade Partnership and derived from U.S. government and
private industry data.
 Estimate of number of UK subsidiaries derived from Uniworld BP, Directory of Foreign Investment in the United States.
 Estimate of employment by UK subsidiaries from Bureau of Economic Analysis, Foreign Direct Investment in the
United States database. ´
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